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Old 08-27-2006, 09:19 AM   #16
Mr. Marshmallow
Not-So-Hopeless Romantic
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To be honest and (feel free to bash the crap out of me for this) but I haven't been able to see ALL of Foster's episodes. I know I'm a lousy, lousy Foster's fan but I haven't had the chance to get to see all of them just yet, my bad.

But I have picked out my fav. episodes and worked them into your little listings so here we go:

All-Around Best Episode:

Squeeze the day and probably Store Wars. I think Bloo has some of his best lines in these episodes like his "Blah" thing with the dancing flowers, and just seeing him go insane from boredom in "Squeeze", that was just priceless.

Worst Episode:

Duchess of Wails. I didn't like how this episode turned out, it really depressed me how everyone at Foster's was fighting against Mac at the end and it just seemed really out of character to have Terrence help. This episode just...gave me a bad feeling inside.

Your Favorite Episode:

Frankie my Dear. I love Frankie and this episode really helped me realize what a sweet, and attractive character she is. Bloo's disguise was hilarious, and just watching Frankie kick him and having it do nothing was just great. Plus, props to Frankie for booting that jerk of a boyfriend for bashing her friends!

Least Favorite:

Challenge of the Superfriends. It started off nice, but it just became a little too stupid and annoying with the cheesy super hero/villain characters. I also don't like how Mac was talked to as this "girly" kind of guy by the whole flower thing. Plus, it's been played on TV WAY too many times.

Best Character Based Episode:

Setting a president. This isn't just because I love Frankie, this is because this episode really showed how important Frankie and Herriman's jobs are to each other. I think this really shows who they both are deep inside, and how much of their hearts are put into this job.

Worst Character Based Episode:

Where there's a Wilt there's a way/Everyone knows its Bendy. Wilt is a nice guy, but he has limits and it didn't really suit him well to take all this crap and not snap. Bendy was a neat idea but Bloo has NEVER been totally evil, and it really seemed off putting seeing everyone never even suspect Bendy at all.

Best Written Episode:

Squeeze the day, hands down without a doubt. Mac and Bloo's reactions were absolutely brilliant. They were stupid, yet funny, and completely plausible for 2 guys like them sitting at home being bored out of their mind. I especially loved when Mac read Coco's diary "COCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCO".

Worst Written Episode:

None that I can think of.

Best/Worst animated Episode:

Considering the animation style, I can't really pick a best or a worst.

Funniest Episode:

Bus the Two of us. There was so much going around, Mac's reaction to Bloo driving was great and I LOVED Eduardo's sub plot with the matress sale. This was pure comedy at it's best, Mac and Bloo prove why they are the stars of this show easily in this episode.

Least Funniest Episode:

Foster's home for Um...Make'em up Pals. The idea was nice, but this episode was just not funny, it was just a character bashing ep. Goofball's antics were more annoying then funny and the whole "shock" at the end wasn't really funny, plus the fact no one could suspect Goofball other then Frankie...hard to swallow.

Best Tearjerker Episode:

None so far.

Other Episodes I LOVED but didn't get to mention:

Infernal Slumber
Camp keep a good Mac down
House of Bloo's
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