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Old 12-21-2006, 06:06 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by montitech View Post
If you are comparing Fosters to Roger Rabbit, then the Humans would be more like the Humans in Roger Rabit. Humans in Roger Rabbit were able to Cartoonish THings when they were Loony enough. But for the most part Humans behaved mostly like humans.

(Sorry for clipping but people can look up to read the details)
I do need to rewatch GWH, but believe they did not show wilt in the hospital because HE DID NOT Go, I think the Stiches and amputation just Happened.
If wilt was brought to the hospital and there were parametics, then why would Wilts owner have lost him. I think the injuries just magically got patched up and Wilt hid from his creator, as opposed to him getting help and the arm being treated.

also IF are more simmilar to Cartoons, COCO reminds me of this in many episoded. Yes they have an infermary and yes they can catch diseases, but notice How COCO was able to Physically fake being ill a real Biological person cannot fake it as well as coco. She went as far as changing her physical appearance to look ill I have never seen anyone fake a cold that well without make-up. Other evidence of coco being more cartoony than biological are the EGGS, she lays eggs like crazy, the eggs act just like a Cartoon's Back Pocket. as defined in Greg Costikyan's "Toon" Roll playing Game. (the back pocket ability goes something like this, ANd I reach into my back pocket and pull out a bananna to pacify the Rabbid Gorrila" or I pull out a towel from my back pocket to save me from the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal. )

Yes that is true, however in a comedish Cartoony universe built for Children Bunnies DO just Magically appear. Anyone who has several outdoor cats, know that cats also multiply like crazy in a very short amount of time. and it is like Magic since most people never see them mating.

I've never gotten any sense of "magic" from this show, not in a supernatural sense of magic, anyway. Just because we did not SEE Wilt wind up at a hospital does not mean this never happened. It also does not mean that he went immediately after he was hurt. More than likely, several days would have passed between him running away from the scene, and winding up in some sort of medical facility. By that time, he likely would have been very sick from toxins that result from dying tissue, and it's not unlikely that some Good Samaritan found him and sought medical help at a time when Wilt would have been unable to resist or protest.

I've seen cats and rabbits mating LOTS of times, so there's nothing at all mysterious or "magic" about where baby bunnies or kittens come from, and anyone who spends much time around animals will say the same thing.

Yes, Coco WAS faking illness, BUT the fact that Foster's does have an infirmary and medication for its residents indicates that they can and do get sick, and since they can take the same medications that we do, this shows that they are biologically and internally much like humans.

One of the things that I(and some others here)expressed concern about prior to the showing of Good Wilt Hunting was that the writers would try to "cop out" by explaining Wilt's missing arm and eye as the result of "magic", but thankfully they did not go that route. Wilt's arm was shown being crushed; you can actually hear the sound of bones breaking and see that look of pain on his face. The loss of that arm later was nothing to do with "magic", and I get absolutely no impression that we're supposed to watch Foster's and just go, "Oh, they can't really be hurt; they're just cartoons! They will just get up and walk away from the explosion like Wile E. Coyote does after he falls over a 300-foot cliff, good as new". Quite the opposite-there are definate moments when we are MEANT to believe that a character's life is in serious danger, that they CAN be hurt or killed. In GWH, you can see that Wilt dreads having to defend the net against Larry's slam-dunk, because he remembers how Larry slammed his massive bulk against that brick wall 30 years prior, attempting to trap Wilt between himself and that wall, and Wilt KNOWS he's gonna do this again. We are most definately meant to believe that IF Larry succedes this time of trapping Wilt between himself and that wall, that Wilt will be crushed to death-not just momentarily-flattened-out-like-a-piece-of-paper-then-get-up-and-act-like-nothing-happened-crushed, but crushed as in really-nasty-broken-bones-major-internal-injuries-LETHAL-crushed, as in dead-as-doornail-somebody-fetch-a-body-bag crushed. That's why Jordan's arrival, and his grabbing Wilt by his arm when he did was of such crucial timing; we are MEANT to believe that had he not gotten there when he did, and done what he did, Wilt would have been killed, period. After all, if Wilt could just magically heal, WHY the heck didn't he magically just grow a new arm and eye, just like Daffy Duck magically grows a new beak after his is shot off by duck hunters? IF magic was a factor, that would be far more plausible than someone's arm just "magically" being amputated and sewn up! As I said, even though this is a fictional series, I have never, ever gotten any impression that the characters, whether human or Imaginary Friends, are in any way supernatural or just comical things that cannot be hurt, like the characters in many animated series. We are SUPPOSED to be able to suspend disbelief enough to feel concern for their safety, something we do not ever feel for characters that we have seen blown up, shot at, fall over cliffs, etc., yet always wind up uninjured. I honestly don't think that very many fans watched Good Wilt Hunting, and just thought, "Oh, he can't be hurt..he's a CARTOON", anymore than they would watch a live-action(yet just as fictional)character from a drama series get shot and think, "Oh, he can't be hurt, he's just an image on a piece of film!"

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