Thread: Wizard of Oz
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Old 11-30-2006, 08:34 PM   #17
Foster's Legend
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"Well what can we do Bloo? Order take out?" Mac shot back, slightly irritated since he too was growing hungry. The corn fields had been left long behind, and he was now scolding himself for not thinking up of taking a few ears of it while they could. By now they were in more country, trees surrounding the yellow brick road and a few country like houses dotting the fields.

"These guys gotta eat something!" Bloo said, looking around for something. If only he hadn't eaten that lollipop, he could eat some now!

"Hey guys look!" the Scarecrow pointed with his long arm, "That looks like food, is it food?" he asked.

Mac and Bloo followed his pointed finger, and further down the way was a whole group of apple trees. Normally Bloo wouldn't be caught dead eating fruit, but what choice did he have? He and Mac both cheered, and ran up to the trees. Bloo automatically climbed onto Mac's shoulders in order to reach the apples hanging on the limbs of the tree. He almost reached one, when a branch came out of nowhere and pushed him right off Mac's shoulders, before shoving Mac over too. The two lay on the ground in stunned silence for a moment before sitting up.

"Hey! That's MY apple!" Bloo shouted angrily at the tree, shaking a fist in annoyance. "We're starving!"

"Oh boo hoo poor you!" the tree shot back, sounding miles beyond annoyed. "You were hungry, you poor little things! Well how'd you feel if someone waltzed up and plucked something off of YOU, huh? It wouldn't feel very good I can tell you THAT much!"

"Seesh, sorry, all I'm saying is-" Bloo stopped before realising what he was doing. He was having a conversation with a tree. A very angry, rude tree at that.

"I don't feel so good." Mac was feeling a tad dizzy at the idea of fruit trees talking.

By now the Scarecrow had joined them, he had fallen over a few times while catching up, and stood back to eye the apple tree. "Oh gee guys, I don't know. I don't think you want any of those apples." he said, after watching the tree for a moment or two.

"Oh really, and what's mister tall red and lanky got to say about it?" the tree asked, annoyed at another intruder.

"I'm sorry to say but Mac and Bloo don't like worms in their apples." he replied casually.

That got an answer Mac and Bloo hadn't suspected. The tree pulled it's apples off, dozens at a time with so many limbs, and began hurling them at the Scarecrow. He didn't even yell as they bounced off him, since he couldn't be hurt, and he began walking away, tripping over apples as he did. He called out "Sorry!" every time he was hit with an apple, so his voice soon filled the air. Mac and Bloo had leapt out of the line of fire, but only then did Mac realise what the Scarecrow had done. He had gotten them apples, and gotten them so that the tree now had no more ammunition to throw at them so they could eat them!

"You know, if you didn't have a brain, I'd say you're pretty smart." Mac said, as he picked up a few of the apples.

"Aw guys.." the Scarecrow waved a hand, if he could he'd blush. But he can't, so he can only sound like he's blushing.

Bloo had hunkered down by a tree (the non-talking kind to be safe) and was digging into the apples he had scored. Luckily they were without green worms, so he happily tucked into the apples. They were delicious! Mac too was surprised to see just how tasty they were, for having grown on a temperamental tree. He held one out to the Scarecrow, "Here try one!"

"I can't, remember? Sorry." the Scarecrow replied, smiling down at Mac.

"Oh.." Mac felt kind of bad for forgetting, but also for the Scarecrow being unable to eat.

"Oh no it's okay, really!" the Scarecrow semi collapsed on the floor, given he didn't know how to kneel yet, "I'm fine, really! You just eat, you need it more then I do."

"Well o-"


Bloo's scream filled the air, causing both Mac and the Scarecrow to jump about a foot in the air. Both spun around to see Bloo barrelling towards them and hide behind Mac. "Bloo what is it?!" Mac asked, heart racing in his chest.

"Something's tryin ta KILL me!" Bloo screamed in terror, pointing a shaky hand back to where he came from. "It was horrible Mac, HORRIBLE! It was all.. shiny and it had an AXE!"

Now, Mac was rare to believe a word Bloo ever said. He was a liar by trade, thinking up wild stories to excuse mistakes he made. But today, he could hear the real terror in Bloo's voice. And given they weren't in Foster's anymore, maybe there was something truely dangerous out there in the hidden undergrowth. The Scarecrow looked down at the two, then in the direction Bloo came from. Well, he wasn't going to allow something to scare his new friends now, was he? No sire! Clenching his lone fist he took two steps, fell over, then stood up again and vanished into the woods, much to the dismay of Mac. But it wasn't long until he returned, carrying something.

Last edited by CG; 11-30-2006 at 08:42 PM.
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