Thread: Wizard of Oz
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Old 11-30-2006, 08:33 PM   #16
Foster's Legend
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"Huh?" the Scarecrow asked, having never heard of a TV. "No, nothing like that." he waved his hand, which too had stitches. "When my boy, that is the boy who used to work on the farm that owns this land, made me, he only had straw to fill my head so I'm only made of straw. Come to think of it, I guess, it was a long time ago... hrm... how long have I been out here...?" the Scarecrow looked lost in thought, well, as much as a grinning person made of straw could look until his gaze turned back to Mac and Bloo. "Well hey there! I don't think I've met you guys before!"

The two exchanged glances. Man, this guy needed help something awful.

"I'm Mac... and this is Bloo." Mac introduced, having realised they really hadn't introduced themselves.

"Hi Mac, hi Bloo!" the Scarecrow greeted.

"Waaaiiiit a minute..." Bloo rubbed his chin, "You look familiar. Doesn't he look familiar, Mac?"

Mac looked to the Scarecrow, who looked from Bloo to Mac, and back again before going cross-eyed slightly. "I... guess." he had that feeling at the back of his head that he should know this guy's name. It was on the tip of his tongue, but he just couldn't capture it at all. "Anyway, so you have no brain?"

"Nope. No brain. Only straw." the Scarecrow replied, happy to have some civil conversation with someone who wasn't a black crow who'd poop on him like so many others had.

"Well that's too bad, c'mon Mac we got a Wizard to see." Bloo continued, making a left but Mac didn't move. Already the Scarecrow was waving Bloo off.

"Wait Bloo." he said, "We can't just leave him out here! It's not fair that he's stuck in this field, being able to talk and not having any brains. We gotta help him."

"We do?" Bloo asked, coming to a stop (yet the Scarecrow continued waving at him even if he wasn't walking anymore).

"Look Mr. Scarecrow," Mac walked towards him, "We're lost and the Good Witch of the North said we should go see the Wizard who can send us home. I figure, if he can get us out of here he should be able to give you some brains."

"Oh wow really?" the Scarecrow asked, having finally stopped waving to Bloo to look down at Mac. "Do you really think he'd do that? For me? I don't want to be a bother, no." he shook his head.

"Nah, no bother!" Mac replied, smiling. He climbed over the lower part of the fence that surrounded the cornfield, and looked up to the Scarecrow. "We just gotta get you down from there. Bloo, come over here 'n help me."

After much whining on Bloo's behalf, the two set to work at pulling the Scarecrow down from his pole. One grabbed each of his feet and pulled at first. When that didn't work, Mac shimmied up the pole and untied the knots holding him there. At once the Scarecrow fell free of his pole and collapsed in a heap of long limbs and straw at the bottom of the pole. And on top of Bloo. After more rummaging, detangling him from Bloo and the remains of the rope, the Scarecrow finally stood to his full height of ten feet (or more, Mac wasn't so good with heights).

"Oh... oh wow!" the Scarecrow seemed to grin even more, if that were possible with a painted on grin. "I've never been free bef-WOAH!" he had taken a step, unfortunately for him the foot in question was still behind his other leg so he ended up tumbling right over Bloo again, and the fence, then crash landing onto the yellow brick road.

"Are you okay?!" Mac hurried out under the fence again, to see the Scarecrow sat up and stuffing what straw had fallen out of his chest back in.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine! I said, don't you worry about me! I'm fine." his only problem was he had never walked before. And with legs this long, it was kind of difficult to mauver without tumbling all over yourself. But he managed to push himself to his feet again, and adjust his hat. "You don't have to worry about me, I don't sleep, I don't eat, heck I don't even breathe! I don't want to be a worry for anyone, is that okay?"

"Well at least we won't have to feed you or anything." Bloo said, eyeing the Scarecrow. He too still couldn't get over the feeling that this guy was being way too familiar. But alas, he too had no idea who this guy was reminding him of. It will have to be a feeling he has to deal with for the rest of the trip, apparently. "Now c'mon Mac! We got a Wizard who can magic us, and give old haystack here some brains, outta here! This place is weird, talking Scarecrows?"

"Bloo, you live in a house full of Imaginary Friends. Remember?" Mac asked.

"Well yeah but none of em are scarecrows!"

After a few more false starts on the Scarecrow's behalf, the trio finally set off down the right fork of the road. Now and then the Scarecrow would end up falling over either his own feet, a twig, Bloo, or just fall over for seemingly the reason of falling over. Mac and Bloo quickly learned to pick up any stray pieces of straw that would fall out of his person as they walked, to hand them back to him so he could stuff the pieces back inside his shirt. Or head, sometimes. It was frightfully disturbing at first to see his long fingers pull open a loose thread on his face to slip some straw back in before tightening it again. Even after five or six hours of this, they continued on, still freaked out by the Scarecrow's loose pieces.

"Mac? I'm huuuuuuuuuuuuuuungry!" Bloo whined.
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