Thread: Wizard of Oz
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Old 11-30-2006, 06:19 PM   #8
Foster's Legend
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The green witches eyes lit up at the very mention, and she did an about face. Who knows why since she managed to stay looking like a two dimensional being in a living environment and stalked off towards the house. At this moment the Good Witch bent down, whispering to them both. "You killed the Wicked Witch of the East, that one's the Wicked Witch of the West. Hate to say it, but she's loads worse."

"Thanks for the tip." Bloo muttered.

A scream of anger filled the air, and the Witch of the West had returned, anger flashing on her features more then ever. "My ruby slippers, my precious EXPENSIVE ruby slippers! What have you done with them? Tell me now before I turn you into a frog, which would be a VAST improvement!"

The insult seemed to bounce off the Good Witch, who snorted a laugh through her nose. Not very ladylike, really. "Pshaw, like I'd let you have them. I gave them to him." she pointed directly downwards and so did Mac and Bloo. Somehow, some way, the red shoes had jumped from the squashed Witch of the East to Mac's feet. And let's just say red ruby slippers did nothing for him.

"Ah!" he screamed at first.

"...ha ha! You're wearing GIRL shoes!" Bloo sang while pointing.

"You disgusting little creep, give them back to me!" the Wicked Witch lashed out, pointing directly at Mac and seemingly channelling all the fire of hell to match her glare at him.

"No don't, you keep them on. They must be way powerful if she wants them so bad." the Good Witch whispered.

"Shut your mouth, or I'll fix you too!" came the backlash from the other Witch. Once again, the Good Witch had to snort before flicking her red hair.

"Puh-LEASE. You know you've got no power here, so get lost before someone else drops a house on you too. Not like it'd make any difference." she shot back, folding her arms triumphantly.

For a split second a look of fear crossed the green skinned witches face and her eyes looked upwards. Luckily now, the forecast read no signs of incoming houses. She growled. "Fine! For now I shall retire, but know this you badly dressed child, this is NOT the last time our paths shall cross. Oh yes, see that as both a warning and a promise." she turned to leave, before spinning back and pointing as dramatically as a 2D woman could. "I'll get you my pretty, and your disgusting little blue blob too!"

Another sudden flash of lightning and growling winds filled the air, and just as she arrived she was gone. The very air seemed to have frozen in the aftermath of all the anger and hostility. After a few moments of frozen terror the Good Witch sighed. "Well this is great, c'mon guys." she waved her hands, "She's gone now, c'mon out."

Very slowly, even more cautiously from before the citizens of the small town emerged from hiding. What a day they were having.

"This isn't good..." she mused.

"You think?" Bloo asked, annoyed at being called a blue blob.

"So tell me," the Good Witch looked down at the two boys, smirking at young Mac's face as he was still staring at his new shoes. "I guess you guys wanna go home even more then before huh?"

"Yes." Bloo said quickly. "Ugly Witch kind of convinced me maybe this place ain't so crash hot. No offence guys." he added to a few citizens who were stood near by. Some of them shrugged, whilst one said, "It's a living."

"Well there's only one thing for you to do, there's only one person in Oz who can help you now." she drew herself as tall as she could and suddenly looked very important for a woman in a pink ball gown and a crown atop her head. "The Great Wizard of Oz himself."

All gathered, save Mac and Bloo, bowed their heads at the very mention of his name.

"Wizard of Oz? he a nut cake too?" Bloo asked.

"Tch, hardly." she replied, before beginning to lead the two along the road.

"So how do we find him?" Mack added, watching how some of the citizens of Beanieland were following after the trio.

"Well you know what they say, it's always best to start at the beginning. I mean duh, if you start at the end you totally ruin the whole story and that's a pretty stupid thing to do." she started, before pointing her wand. "He lives in the Emerald City in the very heart of Oz. It's quite a journey, you got a broom stick with you?"

"Uh... Forgot?" Mac asked, slowly coming to terms that he is indeed stuck here. At least for now.

"Shoot. You're going to have to walk then," she muttered, strumming her bottom lip with her fingers. "Oh well, beggars can't be choosers. Now, to get there it's fairly simple. Follow the yellow brick road."
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