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Old 08-22-2006, 08:23 PM   #12
One Radical Dude
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Originally Posted by taranchula View Post
No, it was the regular crew that wrote that episode, Craig Lewis was the credited writer, (Correct me if I am wrong, but this was right before he left the show to pursue other projects.) in fact shortly after Imposter's aired, Lauren posted on about how more or less shocked she was, that this one episode garnered so much criticism from the show's fan base.
That was also the last episode Lewis did for the show.

All right time to create my list:

All-Around Worst: I'd have to say Bloooo. It was the only episode I gave below a 5 in the rating scale (out of 10). I didn't enjoy this one, because of pretty much what billy said. This wasn't an episode where Mac got a lot of screen time, thanks to he and Bloo being sick in this one. I liked a bit of the stuff Eduardo, Coco, and Wilt did in the episode, but that was pretty much it.

All-Around Best: Man, this was a tough one to choose. I'd have to say "Frankie My Dear." This was an all-around fun episode, and this is definitely my favorite episode that has a lot of Frankie time in there. Also, this was the birth of Orlando Bloo.

Favorite Episode: Again, this was tough. Duchess of Wails and Challenge of the Superfriends -- I nearly selected one of the two, however, I've selected "Squeeze the Day". This was an all-around fun episode, it was beyond adorable to watch, and you really don't see Mac and Bloo simply do all-around fun things together enough. They owned Foster's that day, and I thought it was great.

Least Favorite: "Bloooo" "The Trouble With Scribbles" wasn't that much better, either.

Best Character-Based Episode: I'm going to say "My So-Called Wife" This is by far Coco's best performing episode. Also gotta say "Duchess of Wails." Duchess doesn't get enough appearances, and this was a great episode with her having a significant role in this one.

Worst Character-Based Episode: "Everyone Knows It's Bendy." I didn't like the fact that Bendy got away with all the shenanigans he caused, and Bloo was blamed for everything.

Best Written Episode: Probably "A Lost Claus" This episode was received well by a lot of people, and I personally thought this was written very nicely.

Worst Written Episode: "Bloooo"

Best Animated Episode:
3-way tie - "Camp Keep a Good Mac Down," "The Big Picture," and "Squeeze the Day"

Worst Animated Episode:
I really can't think of one right now.

Funniest: "Frankie My Dear", thanks to Orlando Bloo.

Least Funniest: Probably "The Trouble With Scribbles."

Tearjerking Moments: No doubt that "Sweet Stench of Success" was very dramatic. Mac and Bloo were separated for a while, and Bloo was being treated terribly by Kip. "Go Goo Go" -- the scene with Mac and Goo near the end. Though not the most tearjerking moment, but in COTS -- Bloo weeps before becoming "Darth Uniscorn."

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