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Old 08-22-2006, 04:41 PM   #10
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And it's Goo!  
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: East of Topeka.
Posts: 328

All-Around Worst: Imposter's Home. It leads up and you expect Goofball to be exposed for who he REALLY is, and it turns out he's not pretending! RAWR! It angered me.
All-Around Best: Go Goo Go. The one nominated for an Emmy, right? Besides, it introduced my favorite character. =D
Your Favorite Episode: Infernal Slumber. I just REALLY liked the randomness, suspense, and running gags in that episode.
Your Least Favorite Episode: Foster's Goes to Europe. I just... couldn't get into it. It had it's moments, yes, and personally I LOVED the ending, but the rest of it seemed rather redundant and stale. Everyone runs around trying to get ready for a plane trip to Europe, with everyone flying every where, and tickets trading hands and... ugh. Then, in the end, NO one goes to Europe except for Madame F and her friends (plus Eurotrish). Kinda stale.
Best Written Episode: Cuckoo for Coco Cards. This episode really brought out Coco's character, as well as Bloo's. I enjoyed it very much, especially the whole Baseball thing.
Worst Written Episode: Hmm... Although no episodes have terrible writing, I have to say FGTE for reasons above.
Best Tearjerker Episode: Either GGG or CCC... odd... but yeah. GGG always has me crying, and CCC is definately worthy of my precious (or not so) tears.
Overrated: Mac Daddy. I liked it and all, but PLEASE, SHUT UP! I DON'T CARE IF YOU LIKE CHOCOLATE MILK, YOU AREN'T CHEESE!
Underrated: CCC.
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