Thread: Wilt's Stitches
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Old 11-24-2006, 03:31 PM   #26
Mac's World in Bloo
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Originally Posted by pitbulllady View Post
Yeah, that's still open for discussion, but even though I didn't notice it(I'm gonna watch it again soon, though), someone else said that he had the stitches on his face as he was leaving the city in which he'd been created, after he was hurt, even though he had no visable injuries on his face(other than the eye)or any reason to, since Larry was big and heavy but not sharp and pointy! There really would be no logical explanation for the stitches already being there, with no one to put them there(suturing requires TWO hands), and no reason for them to be there at that point. I would have assumed that at the time his arm was amputated, the surgeon had to take muscle from his cheeks to graft over the bone stump for padding, which is a typical procedure. Usually, the surgical team tries to get muscle from the limb that's being amputated, but due to the thinness of Wilt's arms, and the fact that massive infection had probably set in by the time Wilt got medical help, finding enough viable muscle in that arm without cutting into what remained of the still-healthy portion would have been impossible. Therefore, it would have been necessary to harvest muscle from the sides of his face, so as not to affect the use of his other limbs.

Man are YOU insightful! I never even thought of that one! (And I sit here and over-analyze everything to death! lol)
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