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Old 11-13-2006, 03:13 PM   #2
Mac's World in Bloo
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Originally Posted by LosDosEduardos View Post
Hey, my fanfiction miniseries is coming pretty soon, but you can get a sneek peek ahora mismo.

Spoiler Below
Edo no Rebasu (エド の リバース) takes place after "Good Wilt Hunting," well, a time between "Good Wilt Hunting" and "A Loom of One's Own," and centers mostly on Eduardo.
Eduardo gets missing from Foster's, and mostly nobody remembers him. Frankie does, and after the Powerpuff Girls drop their imaginary friend off, Frankie tells them about Ed privately. Just then, a strange visitor comes--it is JRuff, who has been possessed, saying, in reverse, that he can help them. Soon, they go in search of Eduardo with JRuff's and a Professor's help. And with their search complete, they heal him and temporarilly give him a family to live with.
Episode one-"Eduardo lives"
Episode two-"A family that plays together stays together"
Episode three-"Brothers reunited"
Note: Eduardo will learn to speak French, Japanese and Italian.

LDE: So, Eduardo, how does it feel to be the main character of my fanfiction miniseries?
Eduardo: Well, Sr. JRuff, it feels muy bueno, or like mí hermano mayor would say, "multo buono."
LDE: Sounds good, Eduardo. Also, what's it like being in another world created by your show's creator?
Eduardo: It's okay.

What do you think?

I saw some of this on YouTube (or at least I assume that was yours) and it's very creative but I have to admit kinda strange.
*Let your imagination run wild...*
That's MY Bloo, MINE!!

(Avatar piccy belongs to "sperg" of deviantart, sig piccy to "jameson".)
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