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Old 08-20-2006, 06:09 PM   #8
Mac's World in Bloo
"What are YOU lookin' at?"  
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Bloo is remarkable in the way he's affected me....I know I love a show when I love the star character, and the reason being because the creator of said show did such awesome character ideas.

I didn't like Bloo much in the beginning, really I didn't. He annoyed me, and mainly because he was a big jerk who acted totally selfish, careless, and even did things that were kind of mean to Mac.

But then...well then I started to see just WHY Bloo did these things. I watched the pilot a few extra times, looking for hints. And then it hit me, I realized why...and I couldn't dislike him anymore. For one thing, just seeing Bloo's sad face when he saw Mac going into his mother's room for a "talk"...he knew. He knew she was gonna blame everything on Bloo (not directly but you know she did) and tell Mac to get "rid" of him, like a toy that's outlived its purpose.
How would that affect you, to hear something like that? Of course, that's the whole plot to this show....and why Foster's was created, obviously. Madame Foster thinks like we fans do, she obviously knows that IFs are getting the "short end of the stick", and she wants to give them a loving home, and another shot at adoption with hopefully a better family then the one that abandoned them. (Or the kid who was forced to give up the Imaginary, ala Mac.)

I realize now that every bad thing Bloo does is for two, plain naivity (he just doesn't get it sometimes), and the other, emotional anger. He sometimes acts up REAL BAD....and I noticed he's usually at his worst when Mac is NOT around. Just watch the eps! (This isn't the case for ALL of them, but for most.)
Of course this only emphasizes the close bond the two have, and like Craig said, the two complete each other like one whole being.

So...yeah...getting a bit dramatic there ( I am Drama Queen, hear me roar.) but that's why I know adore Bloo. In fact, when I watch an episode and see things like him apologizing to Coco or inviting his friends to things (like Wilt), you know Bloo has a true gold heart deep inside...he just likes to build up barriers around it and try to act like he doesn't have a care in the world.

And to that Bloo goes...

*Let your imagination run wild...*
That's MY Bloo, MINE!!

(Avatar piccy belongs to "sperg" of deviantart, sig piccy to "jameson".)
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