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Old 08-26-2014, 11:37 PM   #2333
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EA Games, Origin, and Sims 4

I hardly know where to begin with this.

I recently uninstalled Sims 3 from my computer. I didn't want to but I just couldn't take another inexplicable, gut-wrenching crash. EA should be ashamed of the game's instability. In any case I finally hit my breaking point, enough is enough, and it's out. To fill the void I reinstalled Sims 2, which I'd been getting nostalgic for these past few months. Installed, ran a test, worked fine. Ran a second test, worked fine. Went to do some actual playing, game crashed on launch with a message about incompatibility with DirectX 11. WTF??? I got little help from MTS, over than one person telling me that other people are playing it fine on Windows 7 with DX11. I may pursue asking for help there at some point but I doubt it'll do much good. That left me with the Sims Medieval game for my nightly Sims fix. It's very different than other Sims games but it fills the void, is very enjoyable, and doesn't crash.

A few weeks later the Sims 4 Create-A-Sim demo was released to the general public, mostly as part of EA's Sims 4 damage control. More on that later. The catch was that you couldn't simply download it and start experimenting with it, no; you could only download it through Origin, EA's download service, but all you have to do is download Origin and the demo is all yours. Sounds simple, right? It was, actually. I'd heard various horror stories about Origin since the day EA launched it but eh, I figured it was worth a shot. Both it and the demo installed without a hitch. I didn't want to try out the demo right then, however, so I did some other stuff online, logged out and went to Walgreens, had dinner, my usual routine. A few hours later I ran Sims Medieval, or should I say, I tried to run Sims Medieval, but the game wouldn't start. Seems that my shortcut was no longer pointing to the exe file. I investigated and discovered that the exe file no longer existed. A bunch of other files in the installation folder were gone, too. Somehow, Origin had managed to destroy the files, for reason I can only guess at. Needless to say, Origin was IMMEDIATELY uninstalled, and it will never be allowed on any computer I own ever gain. Of course, this meant that I couldn't play with the CAS4 demo, either, but that was no longer a relevant point. Fortunately my Sims Medieval save files were untouched, so after a full manual uninstall and reinstall the game was saved. I don't know why Origin did this but it's the last straw. EA cannot and should not be trusted by anyone, Sims player or not.

And, speaking of Sims, the Sims 4 game is being released this coming September 2nd. As much as I love the Sims games, I'm not buying Sims 4. Why, you ask? Because it's a gigantic step backwards from Sims 2 and 3. It started off being developed as an online-only game, with results that even the designers weren't too happy with, but Management was sure people would love it. And then came the disaster known as SimsCity 2013. The backlash was enormous. Virtually nobody liked the "must be online to play" idea, the game was - and still is - riddled with bugs, there were server crashes galore, etc. Realizing their error, Sims 4 was hastily retooled as a single-player, offline game, which it should have been to begin with. Of course, this is EA we're talking about, so rather than start from scratch and create what could have been an amazing game, they took what they had, retooled it, and vowed to stay on target for their launch date. This meant removing and tweaking a few things. Like what? Here's the list:

Real nice, EA, real nice. Congratulations on creating the lowest point in the history of the Sims series. What a sad, sad joke this game is. Sims 4 could have been something truly extraordinary, had EA listened to it's fans and not been blinded by their greed, thinking that the future must be online. Sims isn't an online type of game. Now we're stuck with a mere shell of a game, and a hope that EA takes a huge hit in their collective wallets, does some serious soul-searching, and does everything they can to make it up to us in the Sims 5... assuming Sims 4 doesn't kill the series entirely. Oh, and to add insult to injury, Sims 4 requires that you have Origin installed on your computer to activate it. Not going to happen.

Damn you, EA. Just... damn you.

A related petition; signing it probably won't accomplish much, but it is appreciated:

(This will be reprinted in my dA journal, so those of you who watch me can ignore it.)

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.

Last edited by Cassini90125; 09-05-2014 at 03:23 AM. Reason: Don't ask.
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