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Old 11-18-2010, 06:26 PM   #46
Agent: Deep Bloo

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Just listening to my I-Pod and came across some more of my favorite video game tracks both old and new.

Game: Shantae: Risky's Revenge (DSi)
Track: Scuttle Town

A very catchy tune that fits well with the exotic atmosphere of this Metroid styled platformer, the coolest thing about this song is about 28 seconds in the music sounds a bit like Dick Dale's classic tune "Misirlou"

Game: Tekken 3 (ps1)
Track: Opening Movie

Awesome synthesized theme that really gets the blood pumping, and one of the few opening movies that I rarely ever skip while playing this game.

Game: Spider Man (ps1)
Track: Opening Theme

A pretty cool rendition of one the most iconic cartoon themes of all time.

Game: Y's Seven (PSP)
Track: Boss Theme

Electric Guitars used in boss battle music tracks are always cool, but when you add violins to the mix the cool factor is increased by twelve thousand.

Game: Sakura Wars: So Long My Love (Wii and PS2)
Track: Go Go NYCR! (New York Combat Review)

And lastly here's one from my current video game obsession, a very up tempo number that is used as one of the game's battle themes. I like it not only for the swinging sound, but also just for the sheer absurdity of blowing up giant robots to such a jazzy tune.
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