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Old 08-20-2006, 12:10 AM   #4
Chaos Wielder
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Best: I would have to say that the pilot episode, "House of Bloos" is the best out of them all because compared to the other episodes it was very story-driven, felt very epic in spots and introduced us all to the characters that we all know and love today! XD

Worst: For me, the worst episode is probably "Beat With a Schtick" because of what happened to Bloo in the end and it really didn't seem to have much depth. It was pretty much just about Bloo hiding from a supposed 'bully' and not wanting to get his face pulverised. What was really awful was that no one (with the exception of Mac) even tried to help Bloo (come on, I know he can be really annoying at times but even HE doesn't deserve to have THAT happen to him.) I don't necessarily think that the episode's that terrible, but when comparing it to other episodes of the cartoon it's really not that great, either.

Favorite: My favorite episode is "Camp Keep a Good Mac Down" because I thought it had wonderful humor. Sure, the plot was almost nonexistant and was all over the place, but the humor was so random that it was funny at times. Plus, I liked that little song about Herriman that played during the credits. XP Overall, this was just a very fun, light-hearted episode. "Squeeze the Day" is in a close second fave, though and "Bus the Two of Us" would be third for me.

Least Favorite: My least favorite, again, is "Beat With a Schtick" for the same reasons mentioned earlier.

Best Character-Based: I'd say that the best character-based episode was "Eddie Monster" because of the changes that Ed went through as a character. Usually, he is afraid of everything that moves, but in the end he ended up having enough courage to look out for and protect his friends. I just thought that was great.

Worst Character-Based: I guess this would have to be "Everybody knows it's Bendy" because of the fact that he was a jerk AND got away with everything that he did AND the fact that Frankie and Mr. Herriman didn't believe Bloo and the gang when they told them they did nothing wrong. However, as much as I like Wilt, "Where there's a Wilt There's a Way" is in a close second because I don't think it really did much for his character. He also didn't really seem to learn much during his troubles in that episode because he still ended up telling Bloo that he'd get those chips for him at the end of it. XP

Best Written: "A Lost Claus" was the best written, in my opinion, mostly because of its message (some believe that Mac believing in Santa has to do with having faith in many different things and just believing in hope or even God) and the humor in it (Bloo imitating the three ghosts of Christmas) balanced it out nicely.

Worst Written: This one is probably "Imposter's Home For Um...Make 'Em Up Pals" because there really didn't seem to be much of a story with this one except Frankie having to deal with an annoying, bratty friend that looked human. Plus, some of the characters just seemed a bit off to me.

Tearjerker: For me, this would have to be "Sweet Stench of Success" because not only did Bloo forget about how much he cared about Mac in the beginning, but he then realized that stardom wasn't what he thought it was. I really felt sorry for Bloo because of the way he was mistreated by Kip and that scene where he's separated from Mac really got me a few times! I know, I'm a sap! XP

I'm also adding some of my own as well

Most underrated: I seriously think that "Blooooo" is underrated. I know that it had some flaws, but it DID have some nice humor and was a nice Halloween episode.

Most overrated: Most of the episodes with Cheese, I'm sorry to say. While I do like "The Big Cheese" and "Mac Daddy", they just don't really seem as heartfelt or deep as some of the other episodes (although the moment where Bloo finally learned to accept Cheese was rather touching and is an exception).

Best moment: When Bloo apologized to Coco for the way he had treated her in "Cuckoo for Coco Cards". I know it must've taken a lot for Bloo to do that. It proves that he's not just a TOTAL jerk all the time.

Worst moment: For me, that'd also have to be Madame Foster stealing those tickets from Mac in "Foster's goes to Europe".

Ugliest moment: Bloo screaming forever...and ever...and ever in "Cuckoo for Coco Cards" when he was trying to get everyone's trading cards. That got a bit grating after the first two seconds. XP

Last edited by Chaos Wielder; 12-06-2006 at 06:34 PM.
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