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Old 02-28-2010, 02:06 AM   #439
The Postmaster

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As always, my thanks and appreciation to those who commented.

As promised, a slightly larger copy has been uploaded to my DA account:

I love making these.

Technical stuff here, for those interested. The pic of Frankie was made from two screencaps spliced together; I believe you know which episode they came from. (If you don't, then you REALLY havent been paying attention. ) It proved to be quite a challenge to clean it up; I pretty much had to redraw parts of her eyes, hands, and hair, using the original pics as a guide. Other parts needed redrawing as well, and there was more "refining", for lack of a better word, that needed doing than on previous pics. Enjoyable work, but it can get a little tedious at times. Don't ask me where I found the heart or the background; I honestly don't recall where or when I downloaded them. But in the end, every component came together nicely and, well, you can see the result.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.
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