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Old 08-07-2009, 05:50 PM   #7
Lady of Brightwood
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I've never really been afraid of the dark, but I don't quite want to vote "No". When I was little I couldn't sleep without the hall light on and my room door cracked open a bit because I didn't like the dark. But by the time I was 10, I liked it pitch black and had a hard time sleeping if there was even the slightest bit of light. I still prefer the room as dark as possible, although that's mostly because I'm a light sleeper and any light tends to wake me up.

I don't like the dark when in an unfamiliar place because I just don't know what's out there, or what's coming. The scariest dark situation for me is probably in water, like when swimming in an unfamiliar lake or river, under cloud cover, and the bottom muck has been stirred up. Yikes, I hate that! The thought of a fish or snake attacking me, or me stepping onto something horrific because I can't see my feet, or walking into an aquatic plant bed where even more biting animals might be hiding. That's probably the worst situation I come across when darkness is concerned.

But then there are other times. I don't usually let them get to me, but I like ghost stories, and the more real they are the more I like them. But there are still times when my imagination will run wild with me and if it's dark enough I can swear I see a figure in the darkness. That can get really creepy.

I'm also reminded of the first time my parents left me home alone all night. I was worried someone "very bad" knew I was home alone, and would sneak in. So after dark, I ran throughout the house turning all the lights on hoping the lack of darkness would deter them. That was kind of creepy too, but also understandable being the first time I had been home alone all night.

So I've had (and still have) my share of fears of the dark. But when in a familiar place, and haven't seen any creepy ghost stories on TV in a while, I'm usually quite comfortable in the dark.

As far as noise goes while sleeping, like I said I'm a light sleeper, but a soft rythmatic sound actually helps me sleep better because it tends to drown out some other noises that might otherwise wake me up. I don't like it too quiet either. When worse comes to worse, I'll take to using ear plugs, but I don't like them too much because I can hear my own heart beat, and although rythmatic, it's too loud when wearing earplugs and I have a hard time sleeping.

I second what Koos suggested. Have you seen any LED night lights? They hardly use any energy at all, and give off a soft glow, usually in a variety of colors. I'm partial to blue, it's calming. I had one years ago that was just a flat disk with a plug on the back, and when you plugged it in it gave off a soft green glow with a smiley face in the middle of the disk. It was a rather friendly night light, I miss it. It must have gotten lost in one of the many moves I've been involved in over the years.
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