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Old 05-02-2009, 07:57 PM   #7
Dmitri Karamazov
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The ending of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I'd spent about seven years reading them and waiting for the next books to be written. It was all building up to Harry's last battle with Voldemort. And at first, book seven was delivering. Action, key plots points revealed, drama....
It began going downhill after
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Harry died. Or rather, when he came back to life AFTER dying.Who would believe that Voldy was stupid enough not to check Harry's body himself?
I would have forgiven that if we'd at least
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gotten a decent duel between them, rather than the few pages of lame dialouge. Harry didn't even have to cast the killing curse.

Then, the epilouge. Ugh.
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Everything was too perfect. Harry didn't really have to sacrifice anything. He kept all his best friends AND got the girl.
Gag me with a spoon.
Plus, it sucked because
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Fred died.

Another, more obscure ending I hated was "The Man Who Laughs", a little known book by Victor Hugo. The book is about a deformed man named Gwynplaine, who's face is mutilated to make it look like he's always smiling. He is abandoned as a child and wanders through the woods until he finds a baby and her dead mother. So he takes the baby, and they are both taken in by a gypsy man named Ursus who has a pet wolf named Homo.

Gwynplaine and the baby (who is named Dea) grow up together and fall in love. Which works perfectly because Dea is blind, and she thinks he's the most handsome man in the world.
But the happy little family is disturbed when Gwynplaine is seperated from the rest. He, apparently, is
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nobility. But nobody takes him seriously because he looks as if he's always laughing.

Ursus and Dea think he's dead, and are going to sail away over the sea with the wolf. Dea is dying of sorrow...and just as she's about to die, Gwynplaine
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(who has escaped) comes back! There is a very happy reunion, and I was smiling and nearly crying at the same time, because it was so damn happy. And there was only one chapter left! I was so excited for a happy ending. But then..

Dea dies at the shock of seeing Gywnplaine so suddenly, and Ursus faints from the stress. Gwynplaine throws himself into the see so he can die and be with Dea. And the wolf howls mournfully. The end!

I was mad at Victor Hugo for that.

I'm sure at this very minute you're inwardly laughing at me.

Last edited by Dmitri Karamazov; 05-03-2009 at 07:02 PM. Reason: I don't know, but it wasn't to fix the un-tagged spoilers. Because I'm perfect and don't make mistakes.
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