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Old 05-02-2009, 07:19 PM   #21
Dmitri Karamazov
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Join Date: May 2009
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Posts: 12

I freaked out when I heard the title. I'm both dreading and really looking foward to watching it.
This has been my favorite still-running TV show for nearly three years now (I didn't have cable before that..), and I have mixed feelings about it. I'm thrilled that we're finally getting new episodes, but I really don't want it to end. I hope they do it well. What I want is an ending that sparkles with the creativity and cleverness of the rest of the show, but has a certian finality. Something like the last strip of Calvin and Hobbes, where the boy and his stuffed tiger ride off into the sunset, friends forever. That would be sad, but satisfying.
If it any other way, I may start crying. I don't want Bloo and Mac to be seperated forever. I wouldn't be able to stand it.

I'm sure at this very minute you're inwardly laughing at me.

Last edited by Dmitri Karamazov; 05-02-2009 at 07:28 PM. Reason: I don't know, but it certainly was not a typing error, as I am perfect.
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