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Old 03-25-2009, 09:55 PM   #1969
Ol' Grandpa Trout
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Originally Posted by Cassini90125 View Post
Sheesh, what a total loser jerk. Definitely jealous and bitter. Sounds like she got what she was asking for though, what with the drugs and all. Glad to know that you refuse to sink to her level, which no doubt infuriates her all the more.

Oh, and hoodies are not dumb, they're a sign of class. Especially green ones.
Thank you, and I agree, I'm sure that just fuels her fire whenever I don't say anything back to her. I'm sure she wants me to very badly, but 1) I hate drama, and 2) I never want to be that immature, ever. Did I mention she's twenty-two years old? A 22 year old mother and still acting like a grade-schooler. I really don't think this girl will ever grow up.

And yes sir, hoodies are the best

Originally Posted by Lynnie View Post
Ugh, some people don't have a clue how to be a decent human being. And if they don't even show interest in learning how to act or even co-exist with other human beings, they're not worth a single breath of ours. I'm glad your other friends are already aware she's a moron, so you should have no worries about her swaying someone in the direction she'd like.

There was a girl in junior high who was insanely jealous of me, although to this day I don't know why. She did what she could to bring me down to her level, and make me miserable, and unfortunately my "best" friend would sometimes find it funny to join her in humiliating me. She made me cry more times than I can count. Since we've grown up, we relate to eachother in a much more mature way, but things will never, never be cool between us, no matter how hospitable we are with eachother. It's awkward enough that I still see her sister around now and then. Although I always got along with her sister just fine, it brings back memories that aren't exactly pleasant for me.
I am glad, too. I am very lucky to have friends that can see through her motives and will stick up for me!

I'm sorry to hear that that girl was such a you-know-what to you, and it's even worse to hear that your friend at the time would join in! That's pretty cold right there Some people just HAVE to bring others down because their self-esteem is too low to bring themselves up, I think. It's like a drowning person grabbing onto a swimming person and then sinking them, too. "Well, at least there's someone drowning WITH me now."

People like that are not worth our breath, I agree
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