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Another Castle 10-26-2009 02:45 AM

Common Sense Media review-2 stars!
Common Sense Media is an American website aimed at parents, which reviews tv shows, and gives advice as to what age it is suitable for. I've not seen anybody else talk about it (and I mean on any internet forum), but it is a big website and I assume it is well known. I used to think it was nagging and bigoted, but it isn't at all-it's quite good.

However, I found a review of Fosters on it the other day- see for yourself s:

Now, not everybody is going to like it, and this lady is entitled to her opinion, but I thought the review was a little harsh. She suggests that mischief is encouraged, criticizes the potty humor, and she feels the characters just shout and cause chaos instead of following and imaginative story.

What do you think?

taranchula 10-26-2009 06:45 AM

These kind of "media watch dog" reviews are never to be taken seriously for a number of reasons.

1. A good chunk of the time a lot of these so called reviewers never even watch a full episode or multiple episodes of the show they are supposed to be reviewing before passing judgment.

2. These reviews are merely just the opinion of the reviewer or the group they represent and should never to taken as the gospel truth as what one should and should not watch. That decision is ultimately left up to the individual.

3. And lastly these reviews are always almost written using too much hyperbole in an attempt to make the subject matter far worse then really is.

So really the best thing to do is let them have their say, and then politely disagree with it or ignore it and then go back to watching what you want to watch.

Another Castle 10-26-2009 09:31 AM

I can imagine the lady may have been in a cynical mood when she watched, and it was written back in 2005, so I should think she has watched only a minority of episodes.

Also, the site actively encourages parents and children to write their own reviews, and the vast majority of them have been overwhelming positive.

The site has good intentions, but I can imagine it is their attitude that "TV is BAAADDDD!!!!". In most of their reviews for cartoons aimed at boys, it always recommended they should watch a show called Time Warp Trio, which I have nothing against, but they were a little obsessed with it as it is supposedly 'educational'.

I don't know why she mentions the potty humor, it's not as if it is something so strongly associated with Fosters.

Cassini90125 10-26-2009 11:55 AM

I pay no attention to groups like this. They're biased and agenda-driven, the reviews tend to be inaccurate and uninformed, and they have nothing to offer. Potty humor? The reviewer should go watch Billy And Mandy or MY Gym Partner's A Monkey, that's where she'll find potty humor. And why must a program be "educational"? Can't a cartoon just be fun? These people are a bunch of useless busybodies and should be ignored. :frankiemad:

Another Castle 10-26-2009 12:02 PM

Whiny angry-mob sign-clutching Marge Simpson types to get wound up about nothing?

Lynnie 10-26-2009 12:24 PM

We Foster's fans keep finding this review and sharing our frustrations over it. Including me two years ago. And believe it or not, there's already a thread about it here. I remember I originally posted about it in the "What Ticks You Off" thread, and then was pointed to the original thread. That review made me so mad. I'm sure this review has hurt our show's ratings in some way or form, due to all the well meaning parents who read it and didn't want to give it a chance. And yes, that makes me very mad.

I'm one of the posters who gave it a great review, by the way. :) I couldn't just sit back and do nothing.

Another Castle 10-26-2009 12:47 PM

I've only started on the second page of your link but I cannot stop smirking! 8D

I always thought the review was brief, and she only concentrated on the weak episodes (Imposters and Europe) but only now do I realize how poorly researched it is.

We have people like that in the UK. They read a newspaper called the Daily Mail (which you may have heard of as Harry Potter's bigoted uncle reads it)

It is clear the review is widely unpopular, so any administrators have my full permission to close this thread

KazooBloo 12-06-2016 10:22 PM

Her opinion is hogwash. I give her review two stars.

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