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Keij 12-27-2008 09:22 PM

Keij's Magical Mall Adventure
Today I was at the mall to get an X-Box live subscription. As I was heading toward GameStop, I look out of the corner of my eye and who do I see walking but Frankie Foster?

Well she wasn't dressed like Frankie; She had on light-blue jeans and a top from Hollister, and she was wearing a black parka. But her hair was almost identical, sans the barrettes that Frankie wears. She was a natural read-head, with green eyes and everything. She was about, I'd say around 5'5", and she looked to be about 120 lbs or so. Anyway...

I almost shouted "FRANKIE!" while simultaneously almost wetting myself, but I restrained my compulsions and decided to stalk her. I followed her into our FYE store, dipping around corners, trying to get a better look at her. I went outside of the store for a bit while she checked out at the register. Once she came out, I was pretending to talk on my cellphone. (I am the master of talking at nothing btw :bloogrin: )

I decided to continue following her. She was going into OldNavy next, and I decided to nonchalantly stay near. She left OldNavy; I was close behind. She then went into Deb, and caught me staring at her. I pretended to be looking past her, and she looked behind her to make sure nothing was there. While she was turned, I made sure to disappear behind some clothes racks.

About 30 minutes passed and then I followed her out of Deb. She was far ahead of me, but I think she knew I was behind her. We went outside, and she confronted me, and asked me what my problem was.

I, embarrassingly, fumbled over my words, but I managed to explain to her that she looked like someone on TV and I was making sure that it was actually her or not. She took my exaggeration surprisingly well, smiled, and said that "Nobody's ever told me I look like a celebrity before!" I apologized for following her and she said it was no problem and then she left.

The only thing I find funny is: I went to the mall to spend about 5 minutes, and it ended up being about two hours. All because of Frankie. :jk:

Sorry if I put this in the wrong place. I just wanted to share it with everyone. :cheese:

Cassini90125 12-27-2008 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Keij (Post 102618)
I restrained my compulsions and decided to stalk her.

This must be some usage of the word "restrained" that I'm not familiar with. 8D

I've never gone that far or had any sort of confrontation but yeah, I know where you're coming from. Red hair, a green hoodie or a purple skirt, anything that really reminds me of Frankie is likely to catch my eye and snap my head around. I may eventually sprain my neck doing that. :frankiesmile:

Moved the thread, by the way. ;)

Lynnie 12-28-2008 12:54 AM

That's hilarious! Don't feel too bad, I've done much the same thing when I see someone who looks like someone I know, or someone famous. Maybe not so much because I'm hoping it really is who they appear to be, as I'm enjoying entertaining myself in imagining said person doing every-day normal activities the look-a-like is doing. And I just watch them intently. 8D And I too have been caught, although I don't recall being confronted about it. When I first notice that they noticed me, I wish the ground opens up and swallows me. When it doesn't, I do the next best thing and disappear to where I'm sure they won't be seeing me again. You've got more courage than I do. ;)

I haven't really seen anyone who looked that much like a Foster's character. That would be really cool! :)

Xroc88 12-28-2008 03:43 AM

Haha still why would you follow a person around like that though, she must of been creeped out.

Mac-a-lacka 12-28-2008 07:25 AM

That's awesome! 8D

Having a similar hairdo like Frankie's, I would've asked if I could take a picture. :frankiesmile:

Keij 12-28-2008 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Xroc88 (Post 102625)
Haha still why would you follow a person around like that though, she must of been creeped out.

I didn't get a very good look at her until she confronted me.

The reason I followed her so intently was to see whether or not she looked like an incarnation of Frankie. And she did! If Frankie were real, that woman would have been her clone.

KazooBloo 12-23-2016 09:56 PM

This was creepy to read.

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