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One Radical Dude 04-01-2008 09:50 PM

April 3 - CN Upfront. Will FHFIF get another season or end at 6?
After seeing a thread on Toon Zone, I noticed that this Thursday is the day that Cartoon Network is supposed to make announcements on season renewals for CN originals and other acquisitions. A lot of people know that Foster's is on its 6th Season. The question is will the show continue after 6 seasons, or will the gang sign off after 78 shows? I'd wait and see what happens, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high. I say this, because CN's maximum number is 78. However, I've seen shows from other networks go past the targeted number of episodes before production ends (I believe Kim Possible went past the 65 mark, and it ended at 87), thanks to fan support. I won't make any predictions, because I don't want to get anyone too excited or break anyone's hearts. If the crew wishes to end the series at 6 seasons, fine by me--I'd respect that. If it ends later than Season 6, fine by me. Stay tuned.

Cassini90125 04-01-2008 10:09 PM

Whatever happens, happens. Best we can do is cross our fingers and hope for the best.

Lynnie 04-01-2008 11:18 PM

I was hoping to be off work Thursday, especially since Thursdays are a common day off for me. But alas, I work. I was hoping to see any news within the hour of it dropping. Ah well. At least I know I won't be coming home as late as I did tonight.

Promise me something? Be prepared for anything. Good or bad. Just be prepared. ;) I'll try to be too.

Cassini90125 04-01-2008 11:25 PM

Rest assured, I'm prepared for either outcome. Wish I knew what time they planned on making the announcement. Has anyone heard, or is it another waiting game?

One Radical Dude 04-01-2008 11:33 PM

I didn't see a time listed. All I know is that it won't take very long for all the information to be mentioned, once the announcements begin.

Ditchy McAbandonpants 04-02-2008 08:02 AM

Could be an interesting time. My feeling is that the show should call it quits when Craig and co. feel that they've done enough; no sooner, and no later. No one likes to see a show cut down in its prime, but even worse is when they limp on way after their expiration dates have passed, and worst of all without the input of the original creators; I would absolutely hate Foster's to go the way of The Powerpuff Girls, which fizzled out with two subpar seasons even after Craig had moved on.

With six seasons under its belt, Foster's has had a fine run, and whilst I'd never say no to more, I wouldn't feel overly aggrieved if they did decide to call it a day after that. As long as the show end's on Craig's terms, I'm happy.:craig:

Medikor 04-02-2008 12:57 PM

I would love to see more episodes but I definitely agree that the show shouldn't be made to continue at the expense of quality. I'll hope for the best but also prepare for the worse.

Shelltoon 04-02-2008 02:21 PM

When they recently announced the merchandising expansions, I feel that it would be questionable to just call it quits for Foster's. I'm hoping to hear some good news out of this upfront.

Cassini90125 04-02-2008 02:32 PM

Good point. But the fact that Season Six is ending with a three-part episode has a "Let's wrap up the loose ends" feel to it. I guess it could go either way; we'll know shortly.

A suggestion to all - if at some point tommorrow you hear any news about this matter, please, confirm the information before posting, okay? No one wants to read it's a go only to find out later that it's not, or vice-versa. Being the first to report is not what counts.

Mr_Bloo_Veins 04-02-2008 02:33 PM

It would be too abrupt for Foster's to end after season 6, but you never know. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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