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taranchula 08-20-2006 05:42 PM

Episode Discussion: Partying Is Such Sweet Soiree (1/21/2005)
The season premier of Foster's second season, was the one singular episode that convinced me that this show is indeed something special. How can I not love an episode that contained references to Lord of the Rings, Bootsy Collins, Green Eggs and Ham, The Beastie Boys, Def Leopard and almost every house party and dance themed movie that came out over the last 20 or so years, plus the episode contained one of my favorite one shot characters of all time "Dancey Pantalones" (Even though he tried to "serve" the Wilt-man, yeah like that was going to happen...) and introduced us all to the wonderful comedic image that was "Eduardo on a Tricycle". Yeah, it was a one heck of a party indeed.

Bloo2daMacs 08-20-2006 06:03 PM

yeah I used to adore this episode to pieces but compared to some of the newer episodes, meh. I'm sorry. But I do have to say that I think this might've been the episode that made this show become my favorite show. I can't remember when I started liking this show so much, I just knoew I always thought it was a great Cartoon Network show ever scince it first premiered.

billytheskink 08-20-2006 06:06 PM

It was one wacky episode, a lot of fun.

"Partying" made me forget about my dissatisfaction with "Blooooo" and convinced me that the show could continue to produce great episodes. It didn't try to do anything more than be funny, and that's when Foster's is at its best.

BlooCheese 08-20-2006 08:45 PM

I loved Partying Is Such Sweet Soiree. It was funny seeing Mac go really crazy. Great episode.

Scribble 08-20-2006 11:21 PM

I have to say that after watching "Partying", everytime someone even mentions sugar that's all I can think about.8D

Kzinistzerg 08-21-2006 06:48 AM

Lol, yeah. I have a friend who has a shade of that type of behavior if you ever give her a cafeteria sluishie (but then again, they probably use slushies to get rid of the toxic waste from making whatever they call that glop they normally serve). This is great episode. It was funny to see Mac go nuts.

LaBlooGirl 08-21-2006 12:16 PM

Definitely one of my favorites. Best scene is Bloo doing a slide across the hood of Madame Foster's car as he jumps back into the driver's seat. (And with Wilt controlling the pedals.)

One of those legendary Foster's moments.

Imaginary Light 08-21-2006 02:48 PM

Mac's sugar rush = best sugar rush. Ever. The end.

scary_dream 08-21-2006 11:35 PM

Mac's reaction to sugar... amazing. Though I think the best part is whenever they have to all get in Madam Foster's car and go find his naked self running through town!

Not to mention I think it's really funny how Bloo can't reach the pedals, so Wilt has to press the gas... from the back seat.

(Yeah, I know it was aforementioned, but can't I agree just this once? ;)

buyamerican159 08-22-2006 10:03 AM

this was the first episode i ever saw, and i loved it. Its a pity it isnt rerun often anymore.

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