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bloonuggets 06-01-2007 09:32 PM

Episode Discussion: "Mac Daddy" (05/06/2005)
I was surprised that there was no discussion thread to the featured episode on the Season Two DVD (IMHO) to be released on September 11, 2007, "Mac Daddy."

All I can say is that has been now rectified. :cheese:

All I can say is this was one of my all-time fav eps. YAY!

Who do you think?

Sparky 06-01-2007 09:42 PM

There was probably one on the old forum, anyways.

I think this is a brilliant episode, to be perfectly blunt. It even makes the following Cheese appearances worth it. 8D

Cassini90125 06-01-2007 09:54 PM

It's one of my favorites; I've got a line from it in my sig. Mac's scream of horror after waking up next to Cheese was hilarious, as were Bloo's repeated attempts to get rid of him. Just a fun episode all-around, I think, and for me it was the best of the Cheese episodes.

One Radical Dude 06-02-2007 12:56 AM

You know; I don't believe even the old Proboards forum had this discussion thread. 8D This episode was pure genius. It gave us one of the craziest characters of the show (love him or loathe him). :cheesegrin::cheese: I loved how Bloo tried to get rid of Cheese, especially with the "Anywhere Timbucktu" part. :bloocross:

Ub3rD4n 06-02-2007 01:12 AM

Okay, I'll be the first to say it: the way Bloo was concerned for Cheese's safety at the end was touching. I think having a younger brother is a good thing for Bloo, mostly because he's very "younger brother"ish.

Cassini90125 06-02-2007 08:24 AM

It did show that he has a caring side and a deeply buried sense of responsibility, two traits we don't see in him very often.

Ditchy McAbandonpants 06-02-2007 09:24 AM

Given "Mac Daddy"'s fame and significance in the Foster's library, I sometimes feel a little bad for not liking it more than I do; maybe that's why I find myself watching it so often, but still never quite getting it. The first half of the episode is great, I must say; the opening scene is one of the funniest ever, yes, but what I like about the first ten minutes or so is that it's mostly focused on the other characters talking about and reacting to Cheese, with the man himself hovering in the periphery like a particularly insane background detail. After that it gets a little too Cheese-centric for my tastes; his mumbly deadpan moments are very funny (I really like his default blank stare, as well as his "okay" and his "hi, bunny"), but they're largely outweighed by his random screamy moments, which I'm less keen on. Bloo does get a few good character moments later on, for sure, but I do prefer "Bloo's The Boss" as an exploration of the "Bloo takes responsibility" theme...I guess I find Chuck the cat easier to cope with than Cheese. :cheese:

This one's still OK, but having rewatched them all again, I still find myself in the minority who rate "The Big Cheese" as Cheese's best outing. I mean, I know he was probably even screamier in that than he was here, but my favourite aspect of Cheese episodes is watching the other characters trying to interact with him; where "The Big Cheese" excelled was in the ingenious way it made those interactions the basis of the whole plot, creating a scenario in which their attempts to deal with Cheese became both the cause of and the solution to all of their problems. Shame that "Cheese A Go-Go" couldn't build on that clever work...still, "Mac Daddy" remains a hugely important episode, so I have to give it its dues. :cheesegrin:

CokboyDeluxeJr 06-02-2007 08:32 PM

Didn't this episode orginally end with bloo waking up, having dreamed the entire episode.

FailedShapeshifter 06-02-2007 08:53 PM

Ummmmm....I don't think so.....I could be wrong though. Bloo did have a dream in the episode itself.....that's the only dream I know about.

Ub3rD4n 06-03-2007 12:53 AM

Yeah, I hate to be the one to tell you, but you been misinformed. It most certainly was NOT a dream. Except the Cheese in drag part.

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