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Sparky 06-08-2011 12:24 AM
This is creepy as hell, you guys. :bloosad:

So go to and search for your first and last name, sort through the states etc and you may very well find yourself in there. Some of the info may be incorrect (I'm not a Rebublican! :wiltshock: ) but if you're in there some will. Like they had my HOME phone number, which I never use online. :P So anyways if you find yourself click on the tiny "privacy" link at the bottom of the page for info on how to remove yourself. And the listings of everybody else you know and care about. (This seems to be instant.)

Cassini90125 06-08-2011 12:57 AM

Name and other info removed. Seems there's a limit on how many pages you can remove so my brother will be removing his own page.

This is just plain infuriating. Legal, yeah, but infuriating. :frankiemad:

Imaginary Light 06-08-2011 10:56 AM

Ew, that's creepy. Although mine says I'm married and have children...yeeeaah, not so much (at least not at this point in my life :P).

Lynnie 06-08-2011 04:07 PM

I'm listed under two names. One says I'm married, no children. The other says I'm single with a child (they know about Joey!). Interesting how they censor out the email address, but not the physical address or phone number. :P Joey's not listed. Neither is my sister.

It says my mother is married to my uncle, and my dad is their child. 8D It has my mother's age right, but my dad's age is 20 years off. It also says my brother lives with them, and is my uncles brother. I don't know why he's not listed in his own state. My aunt is also listed twice, for each of her last two houses. And my grandma is listed too. As a child. :'(

Interesting but yes, creepy. I'm going to let my parents, aunt, and brother know.

taranchula 06-08-2011 05:07 PM

They must not do Canadian listings, because I am not on there.

Though with a last name as unusual as mine, I'm not that hard to look up.

Mew 06-17-2011 06:59 AM

Yeah, it doesn't look like they do English listings either; I'm not on there. Still, I agree, this is creepy as all hell D: Darn sites making me paranoid.

lucyrocks73 06-22-2011 05:29 AM

Mine was off by a lot, but my mother's was dead on... Creepiness.

xxxClaire 06-23-2011 09:14 PM

Nothing for me. So yeah, they probably don't do Canadian listings.

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