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Ccook50 08-22-2014 02:54 AM

Scooby-Doo controversy
The forthcoming DVD animated Scooby-Doo movie, "Frankencreepy," hasn't been released yet and it's already coming under fire for an element of the film.

The gang travels to a castle in Transylvania that was owned by one of Velma's relatives. There they are placed under a curse that has them fretting about losing what means the most to them. With Fred, it's losing the Mystery Machine. Shaggy and Scooby: their appetites. But it's Daphne's fear that has people up in arms. She becomes six sizes larger, becoming obese.

With the underlying current of little girls becoming conscious about their physical image, people think this is perpetuating a stereotype. Warner Bros. has gone on record saying that the script went through their Practices and Standards department, and assured that such concern is superficial. Fred even says he still likes Daphne no matter what she looks like. That doesn't help the critics, who think that a woman's physical worth needs verbal approval from a man to make things better.

Any thoughts?

Cassini90125 08-23-2014 04:14 PM

I read about this the other day and I think it's much ado about nothing. If people don't like the "message" that they think is in the story, well, no one is forcing them to buy the disk or making anybody watch it. Daphne is many things but I don't think anyone in the target audience has ever really seen her as a role model, not today, not in 1969, not in any year in between.

It's also worth nothing that Daphne is a size 2 and increases to a size 8. The average size of today's American woman is 14. I saw a picture of the larger Daphne, and I see average American women every day. The numbers do not add up, and somebody needs to explain this to the artists at Warner Bros.

I also want to say that if the studio really wants to put a curse on the gang, all they need to do is bring back Scrappy-Doo and let the gang spend the duration of the movie trying to get rid of him. :eek: 8D

Sparky 08-23-2014 07:38 PM

Yeah sorry I meant to reply to this yesterday but I was preoccupied.

I wasn't sure what size Daphne is supposed to be (I believe Cass, so let's go with 2), but there's no way she'd be obese if she only gained six sizes. I have gone from being morbidly obese (my largest was size 26) to being BARELY overweight, at a size 12/14. If I lose like 10 pounds I will be in the normal range, so I may be a size 10/12 then. If Daphne is a size 2 and went to a size 8, she'd be a solid Normal BMI. Anyone who thinks a size 8 is, not even overweight (which it isn't), but OBESE needs to be kicked in the head. :(

Edit: I found the screencap. THAT IS NOT A SIZE 8 WTF. >:(

Lynnie 08-24-2014 10:57 PM

I'm a size 8. Though I'm not one to make a big issue out of something like this, I can see where the offensees (is that a word?) are coming from. My mother is a size 4, and if she's been really strict about exercising and with what she eats she's gotten down to a 2. And yet she's always complaining about how she needs to lose weight. In her case I think it's more mid-life crisis than anything, and she's pretending to be in high school again in a sense. That and she's had three kids, and it's her skin that looks like "fat" because it's gotten so loose and flabby in places. My sister is a 6, and both she and I get really annoyed when our mom complains about how she's sooooo fat. I'm like twice her size (if dress sizes were literal, anyway). So if she thinks she's fat, I must be morbidly obese. Does she see me as being as big as Daphne is after this curse? That's mortifying to think that my mother sees me as that big and unhealthy. So yeah, I can see why people are offended over this. I think it would have gone over much better if the show/movie simply never gave specific sizes.

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