Never Forgotten: a Foster's Home Community

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Sparky 11-08-2006 11:14 PM

Rules For Posting Secret Codes - READ THIS
First and foremost, I am making a rule right now: do NOT post on this board begging for codes! You may ask politely. :terrsmile: (No I mean it, no begging, that's just sad.) Anyone caught PMing people with unsolicited requests for codes will be banned, too, because we don't need that here.

I *promise* that I am going to try and keep the public informed on codes AS THEY ARE RELEASED, the way they are *supposed* to be released, by Cartoon Network. If however anyone wishes to ask around and get codes from folks who have cracked the game, that's fine, I'm not saying you can't. But DO NOT spoil the game for those of us trying to play it straight. DO NOT ever post codes that have not yet been released on this forum; and if one has been released, you MUST use spoiler tags to hide it from people who do not want to have the game spoiled. You use spoiler tags by highlighting what you typed that you want to hide and then clicking on the button in your WYSIWYG editor. The Secret Codes discussion threads are for "discussing" the codes, not giving them out, so no saying "Well if they don't want the codes they should stay out of the thread(s)!" Besides, I'm the admin, I have to keep on top of the posts made on here, so I *have* to read the secret code thread(s), but I don't want the codes spoiled for me, either. So if you MUST post them, use the spoiler tags! You might also want to read the entire thread to see if anyone has already posted the codes you want to post, because posting them multiple times is completely unnecessary and quite spammy.

So remember: You may discuss the codes, you may *ask* for codes, just don't BEG for codes or blab what they are out in the open. Kay? :cheese:

I will be posting released codes on the following page:

Sparky 02-11-2007 07:46 PM

Some months ago, I updated the forum rules that you have to agree to when you register for the forum. Currently, the FIRST thing it says is the following:

Forum Rules - Read All Of This Before Registering

DO NOT POST SECRET CODES FOR THE AWESOME HOUSE PARTY WITHOUT USING SPOILER TAGS!! For more info on this, please read the Rules For Posting Secret Codes thread in the Big Fat Awesome House Party section of the forum. Believe me, we already know the codes the moment they are released; we don't need people to sign in JUST to tell us the codes. (Sorry to vent, but the whole Staff is getting sick of people registering, posting "The codes are (blah blah)!" and vanishing again. YOU MUST USE SPOILER TAGS TO POST CODES. Okay now onto the rest of the rules.)

And then the rest of it.

Seriously, it is the FIRST thing you are asked to agree to when registering. For a little while now, I have considered new members immediately running to the BFAHP section to post codes without spoiler tags a bannable offense, and I will *continue* to immediately ban people who post codes if they joined after I added the above paragraph to the registration forum. (I've only been temporarily suspending older members, who ought to know better anyways.) OMG. It is RIGHT on top. I consider it a mixture of a personal insult to myself and this site as well as an indication of a person's nonexistant ability to read and abide by rules when people run in here and post codes without spoiler tags. Our forum is better off without these people.

Just a word of warning. :P

Sparky 02-22-2007 08:13 PM

The Secret Code Hall of Shame
From now on I am naming members who got banned for posting secret codes without spoiler tags. Because it amuses me, that's why. I think these are all of them so far:


I've also had to suspend a couple of older members who posted codes, but those weren't permanent bans.

Let us all point and laugh. 8D

Sparky 04-12-2007 06:15 PM


Banned 4/12/07 for posting codes without spoiler tags, I think it was yesterday, when I wasn't here.

Sparky 07-24-2007 05:08 PM

Coming at'cha live from San Diego, we cheer the return of the Thread of Shame!


Gone! Woo! I think I heard a sonic boom on that one...

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