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emperor26 06-12-2007 06:10 PM

Favorite (or Least Favorite) Series Finale
My favorite series finale would have to be from the show Friends. What I like about this one is that each of the characters were able to resolve certain conflicts, recollecting their times of fun, and eventually, they all parted ways, moving on with their own lives. It's sad, I know, but at least the show ended with dignity.

My least favorite, however, is actually a special known as the Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 3: The Jerkinator. I felt it was very rush, some factors for both shows weren't resolved, and finally, the way it end was anything but satisfying.

Well, that's all I have.

scary_dream 06-13-2007 09:54 AM

I know there are mixed responses to how the Sopranos ended... my boyfriend for one didn't like it! I was just a little confused about the sudden-ness of it all... those who saw it know what I'm talking about. I'm not going to spoil anything.

Medikor 06-13-2007 10:12 AM

I thought the finale to the animated Cyber-6 show was really lame. It didn't answer anything and just left a bunch of questions. But what I really dislike is when shows end before they even get to have a finale. Pirates of Darkwater anyone?

montitech 06-13-2007 07:37 PM

I think Seinfeld had a great finally.

it was kind a greatest moments with a very satifying ending.

Monty :-/

Mr. Marshmallow 06-13-2007 09:12 PM

I think this is a really hard thread to post on because majority of TV shows DON'T get finales. Most are usually canceled before they can complete a show, I see it happen a lot with cartoon shows for example. Out of all the countless Disney toons they made, only 2 got like real actual factual finales and that was Duck Tales and Gargoyles.

The rest either ended abruptly or just left a cliffhanger open for the next season which never comes since like I's canceled. But as far as good series finales: Buffy the vampire slayer probably is my favorite TV series finale. It ended on a epic, grand scale, it gave hope for the future and truly put on a spectacular show that provided surprises, twists, and some character deaths.

Animated wise: the anime series "Nadia: secret of the blue water" to me had the best ending. Huge storyline, epic as Hell and involved everyone. Every character, question, and plot hole was corrected and answered, they left nothing hanging and settled all your questions perfectly. Now as far as WORST finales, for live TV I'd have to say Home Improvement's ending was pretty bad.

I mean, all they did was move to a new state because their tool TV show was turned into a Jerry Springer knock off? Is that really that much of an epic reason for a show to end on? Seriously, it sounds stupid when you say it out loud. Now far as animated series, there's way too many to list since like 88% of all animes end half assed. No completion, no questions answered, nada. Most of them end up with a simple "here we go again" set up.

Which is nice sometimes but not every show needs it. Sonic the hedgehog SATam series also ended on a miserable finale, they totally set the show up for a BIG 3rd season with new revelations about villains, new discoveries and stuff and it just sucks because your left holding the bag, knowing there was so much more that could have been done with this series. Like Titus.

Medikor 06-14-2007 12:49 PM

I forgot about anime's!8D If I use them then I can point out Inuyasha as won of the worst finales I've personally seen. Granted, they plan to pick it back up eventually, but they left so many lose ends and plot points left unanswered and in the end, I felt like the show was a bit of a waste. I did enjoy it but the ending just left so much to be desired.
As for finales that I liked: Fullmetal Alchemist was very satisfying. Things fell into place nicely and it just felt like time well spent.:D

Fosters4ever 06-18-2007 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by emperor26 (Post 46953)
My favorite series finale would have to be from the show Friends

Mine too!

lucyrocks73 06-18-2007 03:49 AM

The worst series finale EVER (well, for a BOOK series) was for a Series of Unfortunate Events.

I will put my rant in spoiler tags.

Spoiler Below
The 13th book sucked. MR. HANDLER (notice I didn't correct it to Mr. Snicket, I'm so ticked), YOU DO NOT END THE SERIES WITH KILLING OFF NEARLY EVERY CHARACTER!!! And I know that the boat the Baudelaires and Beatrice escaped on sank, too, because I read the Beatrice Letters, and I know. Yes, I know I found the most success in the ASOUE fandom, but don't expect me to check in very often. With Duncan, Quigley, Isadora (and GASP) Fiona (see "Fiona Rant" below) dead, this screws everything up.

In the words of my friend Elphie Marky:
I really hate Fiona. A lot. She was okay in the beginning of the book. And then Klaus was all like "ooo Fiona" and I'm like "no you have to love Isadora b/c she's cooler." And then Fiona was all like "woo I'm a traitor and I'm gonna be on Olaf's team with Fernald" and then she kissed Klaus. I knew it was coming, I heard it before. And then I was like ahhh no. I hate Fiona. Isadora&Klaus forever!

rukift 06-19-2007 07:41 PM

I hated the season finale for Digimon Adventure 02. That was just... what was that? They drop anvil-sized hints for some pairings, and then the writers ignore everything they were building up the whole time... nyrgh.

Then there's the neverending list of animes that only went up to volume two of their manga counterparts (fruits basket, gravitation) which forces you into buying the manga, just so you know how it *really* ends.

And oh, you know what else I hated? Invader Zim's ending was really weak. If it wasn't the last episode I would've just passed it off as an average episode... it would've been nice if Zim went out with a bang.

On the flipside, I thought Futurama and Seinfeld's endings were most excellent. I also wouldn't mind if the Boondocks and American Dad randomly got cancled, since their latest season finales filled me with so much glee. :<

Mr. Marshmallow 06-19-2007 08:48 PM

I hated how Batman Beyond ended, it had a pitiful finale in "Unmasked" and they could have use it to a much better use then what they did use it for. Terry wouldn't seriously unmask himself so carelessly to one scared kid when there's so many people near and ear to him (hello hot girlfriend DANA) deserve the truth more.

However, I am thankful they gave Beyond a proper ending thanks to both the phenominal Return of the Joker movie, and the episode "Epilogue" in Justice League unlimited. I also think Teen Titans had a very piss poor finale. It seemed pointless for me to bring back Terra when all it did was raise questions that will never be answered and just didn't really accomplish any kind of point.

Titans should have left the series end the episode BEFORE "Things Change", with "Titans together". Now THAT episode screamed finale. An army of super villains, and super heroes battling it all out in a battle royale with cameos, old characters, and new ones galore, that is a proper way to end a series people.

Not bringing back supposed fan favored characters (:jk: never saw what was so great about Terra anyway) and leaving a mile long list of unanswered questions. Strangely enough, I also liked the ending to Mystery Science Theater 3000. I know it was a weird ending but to me, it seemed to fit, it's funny/ironic to think that first chance they get on Earth: they do the same thing they did so many years in space.

Watch bad movies and rip on em every chance they can get.

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