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emperor26 03-21-2007 08:54 PM

What Do You Do When Nobody Is Looking?
To me, I sometimes sing (badly) when I'm in the shower or when the radio is on in my room.

kaytea 03-21-2007 09:00 PM

I sing also tend to sing not becaus im bad I just hate it when people hear me sing becaus they start gathering around me saying "omg you voice is so pretty keep singing"

so yeah I just hate the attention =/

HappyFoppy 03-21-2007 11:16 PM

Kaytea: Lol at "I sing also tend to sing". ;P

I have no idea. I think there are too much people around me. I often do nothing though, I'm lifeless. Right now, nobody is here, and I'm on the computer as usual. ;D

Jabberwocky 03-22-2007 12:49 PM

Not wear makeup. XD

Ha no... I make dumb faces in the mirror. I can't sing and don't sing. My vocal cords just don't work that way, like rhinos don't giggle.

jekylljuice 03-22-2007 03:24 PM

As I said in the "Guilty Pleasures" thread, I put on my Jive Bunny CD. :bloocross:

I also talk to myself. Not usually in full sentences, though. Just random words which happen to be on my mind at the time. ;)

Kale 03-22-2007 04:19 PM

Sing, and randomly dance to songs like the Cha Cha Slide, and Hips Don't Lie xD

vannielou 03-22-2007 06:21 PM

sing dance
love to sing along with music blasting

Subzeroace 03-22-2007 09:46 PM

Talk to myself ....XD

Sparky 03-22-2007 10:29 PM

I don't talk out loud if I'm alone. I won't even laugh aloud at the TV no matter how funny it is if I'm alone, just because it feels weird to vocallise when there's no one else in the room. If the bird is with me, I talk constantly, but its to her. Birds constantly vocallise to eachother so they know where everyone is, so I do that with her.

My brother on the other hand has no qualms about talking/laughing to/at the TV/computer when alone. Plus he usually wears headphones so I'll be sitting somewhere in the apartment, everything is quiet, and all of a sudden he starts cackling in his room. It always freaks me out. 8D

But anyways I'm super-reserved when I'm alone. I'd like to say I do wild and wacky spontaneous things, but I just don't. I'm so disappointed in myself. :P

One Radical Dude 03-22-2007 10:34 PM

Heh heh heh, I have a habit of talking to myself, when I'm alone. 8D I even try to sing a bit (which is something I don't like to do in front of other people.

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