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Mr. Marshmallow 09-17-2006 01:21 PM

Neighbor Pains
I thought this episode was pretty funny, and I never heard alot of people mentioning it so I just decided I'd post it and see what everyone really thought of it. I think there's some great lines in here:

Like with Eduardo talking to the guy wanting the forums "Wilt, come over here. I don't like talking to this guy!"

Or when Bloo brought back Orlando Bloo and Frankie grabbed the suit yelling "I'm BURNING these".

Or "Just talk to her, Madame's Foster crazy but then again, so are you" :D

Matchsticks 09-17-2006 01:44 PM

I loved the episode, exspecillay whem Mac asked Bloo, "You did Orlando Bloo without me?"

CG 09-17-2006 02:00 PM

I felt sorry for Eduardo, he was grasping at loose ends with those people. Specially when Goo made him cry. I'm sorry but I'm not gonna forgive her any time soon.

Cassini90125 09-17-2006 02:39 PM

Same here, I did not like Goo at all in this episode. It's still one of my favorites though.

Mr. Marshmallow 09-17-2006 04:58 PM

Goo was actually useful here for a change, usually she just pops up and annoys the crap out of people for part of her abnormal idea of fun. But as it was clear with her "rules", she actually really helped the adopt-a-thought process.

I loved when Eduardo was told to make small talk and he brings up the universe is small "In retrospect" bit. I loved seeing Madame Foster going nuts at Old man River, even joining in on tossing the paper balls at his lawn with Bloo.

I also couldn't help but laugh at Frankie's little "situation"

"You got kids?"

"Yes......64 little darlings"

8D Oh what a spot to be put on. I think that kid's a pain in the ass by the way, I mean seriously, he was able to piss off anyone with those faces.

Matchsticks 09-17-2006 06:00 PM

I wanted to smack Young Man Rivers so bad.

scary_dream 09-17-2006 11:08 PM

Hah I loved the Orlando Bloo/Frankie conversation!!

"64 beautiful children... What were their names again, blubberbutt?"

taranchula 09-18-2006 08:58 AM

I really hope this episode makes the short list of which episode to send to the Emmy Awards people, because to me it's just that good.

Imaginary Light 09-18-2006 11:46 AM

I loved this episode so much. Goo was pretty mean in it, but it didn't annoy me as much as it annoyed others.

Madame Foster flying through the air at Old Man Rivers is pretty funny, you know:)

One Radical Dude 09-18-2006 01:31 PM

I enjoyed this episode, although I didn't like how Goo and Frankie acted in this episode (Goo being demanding, while Frankie was kind of a wuss). The first act was a bit slow for me, too. Still, it was enjoyable for the most part.

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