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Thornwhistle 09-08-2006 11:53 PM

live journals
I remember finding a sort of diary on the internet,they were called live journals. The live journals were of chars from the Fruits Basket anime.

I wonder if there such a thing by Foster's imaginary friends. I'd love to read those internet diaries of Wilt,or Eduardo, or even Frankie. :D

DoubleLatte 09-09-2006 03:28 AM

There aren't any character Livejournals that *I* know of, BUT there are a couple over at and most of them, including Wilt's, are in 'friends only' mode. You'd have to get an account and then get the users to 'friend' you in order to be able to read their posts. (I don't have an account there, I absolutely abhor that site)

CG 09-09-2006 03:33 AM

I actually have the RP journal of Eduardo over at livejournal.

DoubleLatte 09-09-2006 03:55 AM

Bah. I can't find the myspace accounts. I did a little more searching on LJ and found Eduardo, Wilt, and Bloo journals. I'm sure there's more, though like the previous I mentioned, they're probably 'friends' only as well.

Matchsticks 09-09-2006 07:29 AM

I dislike it when RP journals are Friends-only because I love reading people's RPs. I would friend them with my normal journal but I don't like seeming like a scary stalker person.

Imaginary Light 09-09-2006 09:22 AM

Someone role-playing Bloo over at MySpace requested to be my friend, because he saw how much I like Foster's. He's pretty good at role-playing Bloo8-)

DoubleLatte 09-09-2006 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Matchsticks (Post 4877)
I dislike it when RP journals are Friends-only because I love reading people's RPs. I would friend them with my normal journal but I don't like seeming like a scary stalker person.

I know. Scary stalkers aside, I really think it's a bit annoying having to ask a complete stranger to 'friend' me just so I can read his/her in-character posts. :p

Although at times I can see why they'd make their blogs 'friends only'. It keeps the creeps and 'anonymous' stalkers at bay.

Matchsticks 09-09-2006 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by DoubleLatte (Post 5007)
I know. Scary stalkers aside, I really think it's a bit annoying having to ask a complete stranger to 'friend' me just so I can read his/her in-character posts. :p

Although at times I can see why they'd make their blogs 'friends only'. It keeps the creeps and 'anonymous' stalkers at bay.

Maybe we should make RP-friending accounts?

Scribble 09-11-2006 05:20 AM

Wow, a friend and I used to do something like that for other characters a long time ago but we thought we were incredibly weird to do so. I never realised there were others out there! I'll have to check it out... if I can that is. I don't really like joining friends-only journals when I don't even know who the creator is.

Imaginary Light 09-11-2006 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by DoubleLatte (Post 5007)
I know. Scary stalkers aside, I really think it's a bit annoying having to ask a complete stranger to 'friend' me just so I can read his/her in-character posts. :p

Although at times I can see why they'd make their blogs 'friends only'. It keeps the creeps and 'anonymous' stalkers at bay.

I remember when I used ro RP (I was in a role-playing community where we RP'd celebrities), my journals were always open to the public, and it got really annoying with people actually thinking you were really the celeb, even though there was a disclaimer in the profile. I still get comments now, 3 years later, saying "OMG! Is this rly u????" Now that I think back, I don't know why I didn't just set my RPing journals to "friends only", even when I ended up setting my personal journal to it. I don't know. I was dumb.

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