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Cassini90125 07-01-2008 08:22 AM

"Bloo Superdude" - The 2008 Emmy disc
After another week-long adventure with the Post Office and my building's lazy maintainence man, this item finally arrived at my apartment about an hour ago.

The front:

The back:

And the disc itself:

My thanks to the seller and to eBay. :)

Mac-a-lacka 07-01-2008 10:54 AM

That's nice. :)

I wonder where the seller got it from.

Sparky 07-01-2008 02:52 PM

I have the 1st season Emmy disc (WWW I think it is). I got it in a DVD trade, dunno where the guy got it from.

Shelltoon 07-01-2008 02:52 PM

The seller is probably a part of the press, or has a friend in the press/media business. Either way, here's to hoping Bloo Superdude takes an Emmy home!

Lynnie 07-01-2008 07:00 PM

That's really cool, Congrats Cass! I wonder how many were made? This is certainly a collectors item. :frankiesmile:

BluebottleFlyer 07-02-2008 04:03 AM

Congrats Cass, that's pretty cool, I imagine it must've been a pain to track down. Just wondering why it doesn't have the normal Foster's logo.
Here's hoping it wins, btw.:)

Cassini90125 07-02-2008 03:27 PM

It wasn't something I was looking for. I check eBay periodically, just to see if anything new has turned up, and this was one of the new items. I grabbed it while I had the chance, smiled, and waited over a week while the post office tried to figure out who and where I am. Seems that at one point they sent the disc back to the seller, claiming I didn't exist. He sent me a very confused email about that. No problems on the second try, fortunately, except that it sat in a maintainence closet overnight, waiting for our maintainence guy to remember that he's supposed to complete the delivery process. Always a new adventure with every order. 8D

Sparky 07-02-2008 03:41 PM

I had something like that happen to me once when I sent something to someone else. The package came back claiming the address didn't exist. A day before it arrived here though the buyer told me the package hadn't come so I sent out a second one with the same EXACT name and address. That one made it just fine. So I dunno. :terrconf:

Bloo2daMacs 07-02-2008 07:53 PM

Woah, awesome! I wonder how the seller got his hands on it...

Cassini90125 07-03-2008 04:55 PM

I have no idea. As I recall he had discs for other shows as well. It's possible he knows people in the industry. The playback quality is excellent so I doubt it's a bootleg copy. I'll most likely produce an avatar set from it fairly soon. :bloogrin:

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