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Mr. Marshmallow 07-14-2007 08:25 PM

Movies that made you cry
I know there's a similar thread like this for Forrest Gump, but considering this thread covers such a larger topic range and is naturally about movies, I thought this would be an interesting thread to put up after seeing that Gump one.

What movies (if any) have made you cry? I never associated any shame or embarassment with crying, I don't think it's "wussy" if you do cry be it if your a guy or a girl. So I think we can safely say no one will judge anyone negatively by whatever films we put up here.

Also, what scene in particular in that movie made you cry, like was it anything specific that triggered your water works? I've only cried during 3 movies total, and it takes alot for a movie to make me cry.

#3 Titanic - the ending shot where you see that frozen baby in the water. I wasn't pouring tears but that definitely made my eyes watery.

#2 Independence Day - I don't know why but when I first saw this movie, I cried when Bill Pullman tells his daughter "mommy's sleeping now". I haven't cried during that scene since then but back then, it really got me good.

And the number 1 tear jerker movie for me, the one movie that makes me cry EVERY time I watch it:

#1 United 93 - The scene where the people are calling up their families on the phone on the plane.....I cry every time. I cried when i first saw it in theaters, and i cried again when I watched it at home. It's one of the most heart wrenching scenes I've ever witnessed.

What about the rest of you guys?

basilsunshine 07-14-2007 08:43 PM

The only one that ever really makes me cry is Forrest Gump.
And also in Titanic when the old couple is laying together on a bed with water surrounding them, and they know what's about to happen. It's also the same part where the mother is telling her children a bedtime story, and their bed is surrounded by water.

But besides that, nothing else really.

Sparky 07-14-2007 08:58 PM

The Fox and the Hound is one.

But moreso, Mask (the one with Cher). Because one of my best friends since high school also had a disfigured face, and she went through hell. And of course, now that she's passed away...well I'm downright afraid to watch Mask. I don't think I could take it.

basilsunshine 07-14-2007 09:02 PM

^Oh man, that movie too. I totally forgot it, I lovelovelove Mask. Even though it does make me sad.

Mr. Marshmallow 07-14-2007 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 50633)
The Fox and the Hound is one.

I don't know the Mask movie your talking about but I have seen Hound and I got to say, I'm surprised to see you mention it.

What part was it that made you feel touched? I'm curious about this.

Lynnie 07-14-2007 09:18 PM

I really had to think about this for a few minutes.

I must mention Titanic again. Yeah, that scene with the old couple holding eachother on the bed while their room is filling with water, and the man kisses his wife for the last time. Yeah, that got me.

Pearl Harbor, both when that one nurse dies, because she was so sweet and innocent and had so many friends. Also of course when the leading guy dies (his name escapes me at the moment) after his plane crashes, and his friend tells him he's going to be a daddy.

Armogheddon when the astronaughts give their own lives to save the whole earth, and say good-bye for the last time to their spouces/children.

And also the similar Deep Impact when the girl's parents are swept away in the tsunami, and she and her new "husband" now have to raise her baby brother alone.

Return to Me because it was such a sweet story, with a sad beginning, but an awesome ending.

I'm sure I'm forgetting some, but I can't think of any more right now.

EDIT: Oh, yeah, The Fox and the Hound, and also Bambi

Sparky 07-14-2007 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 50636)
What part was it that made you feel touched? I'm curious about this.

"Goodbye May Seem Forever." I go :'( every time. The song is lovely, but part of it is the fact that the lady abandons this poor domestically-raised animal in the wild to face a probable death. So un-Disneyesque, I know, but that's what I always think when I watch the scene.

derangedperson 07-14-2007 10:11 PM

The Green Mile--Paul's talk with John in his cell before his execution, and the execution itself
The Sixth Sense--Malcolm finds out the truth
Schindler's List--"I could have saved more!"
The Fountain--"I'm gonna die."
Click--The last meeting between Michael and his dad, and the scene in the rain with his family...:'( :'( :'(
Forrest Gump--Forrest at Jenny's grave
Saving Private Ryan--"Earn this."

Cassini90125 07-14-2007 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 50638)
Armogheddon when the astronaughts give their own lives to save the whole earth, and say good-bye for the last time to their spouces/children.

And also the similar Deep Impact when the girl's parents are swept away in the tsunami, and she and her new "husband" now have to raise her baby brother alone.

I was just thinking about those two, and for pretty much the same reasons. :)

Charlotte's Web really got to me when I was a kid, specifically the part at the end where Charlotte died. The book was just as moving. It's a rare thing to have both the book and the movie be that powerful.

Mr. Marshmallow 07-14-2007 11:19 PM

I totally forgot about Click, I was very surprised to find that movie to be so emotional. The scene where Adam Sandler sees his dad in that "replay" sort of scene where he tells him he loves him was especially emotional for me.

Armageddon is one of my favorite movies, I also find it emotional sometimes especially when Bruce Willis gives his final words to his daughter. I just got finished watching Edward Scissorhands and damn that movie makes you sad sometimes.

Very beautiful poetic dark kind of fairytale and you can't help but feel sad for Edward. Especially when his father died and he didn't understand why, unable to touch him without cutting him. Speaking of fathers, Lion King made me sad when Simba was tried to "wake his dad up". Very hard to see a kid go through that.

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