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lucyrocks73 10-04-2006 11:39 AM

Head to Body Ratios for Mac/Frankie/Whoever...
Just so we can get BACK ON TOPIC in the "Dude13's Awesome Series" thread, here's a thread to discuss that.

I did not put this in Mac's section, just because we were also discussing Frankie's head as we compared his head to body ratio...

I have a picture somewhere on my computer with a picture of the tree in the backyard of my neighbor's house that bears a certain resemblence to Mac's head.

Maybe Mac's head will somehow shrink as he ages, as Timmy's did on FOP.



I doubt that proves my point whatsoever, but it's interesting...

-Marty 8-)

Dude13 10-04-2006 11:47 AM

Woohoo! There's hope for the little guy after all!

Ack, if only we knew what Charlie Brown looked like when he grew up - then we'd all feel a lot better about everyone's favorite eight-year-old.

vinny 10-04-2006 11:52 AM

i actally have every dimention and all the geometry you could ever think of for mac. i dont think their heads get smaller, just their body gets bigger

Voxxyn 10-04-2006 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Dude13 (Post 9043)
Woohoo! There's hope for the little guy after all!

That's good, because I just can't imagine your stories NOT having Frankie inflicting her fiercely loving and big sisterly nature on Mac... ok, there's been a few, but you get my point.

I see Frankie's head can seem a little big sometimes, especially when she's crouching/hunching down(Which she does a lot). And of course, she has one looooooooooooong neck.

Kzinistzerg 10-04-2006 01:10 PM

yah, she does. I did a few drawings of mac as a teenager after pondering this question, and I can tell you; if his head stays the same size he looks NORMAL. Weird, i mean, but cartoon-normal.

This STILL rasies the question of how his skull works. If he smiles really really alot the smile goes up waaay too much. Like, here:

I mean, HOW DOES THAT WORK? If mac's face can go from




you KNOW someting physically impossible is going on.

Same for Bloo, though sicne he's an imaginary friend it dosn't really matter.

(linking is okay for screencaps, right sparky?)

Sparky 10-04-2006 01:15 PM

Lol yes, linking is okay. You can post images if its really important to the discussion too - as long as its a discussion thread, and not like a game or something pointless. I don't think the bandwidth will kill me.

(8D - I'm just amused by this thread, don't mind me!)

lucyrocks73 10-04-2006 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 9074)
Lol yes, linking is okay. You can post images if its really important to the discussion too - as long as its a discussion thread, and not like a game or something pointless. I don't think the bandwidth will kill me.

(8D - I'm just amused by this thread, don't mind me!)

(*sigh of relief*)

When I first saw the word 'linking' when I was scrolling from the bottom up (a rather bad habit I have), I freaked out, because I thought that

a. I posted this in the wrong section AGAIN
b. I hotlinked or something, making poor Sparky have to pay extra $$$

I wonder how many threads Sparky has had to delete because of incompetent people like me...

Kzinistzerg, you made a good point- mouths on this show to funky things. It's weird. I can't make my mouth do anything like that.

See? (*yes, that is my mouth, if anyone was actually wondering*)

Although, I can make it yap a whole lot like Goo.

But I'm getting off topic. Mouths do not stretch as far as Bloo's does in that last image from Kzinistzerg. But... It's a cartoon, which I guess is the explaination for this whole thread.

That doesn't mean that we can't discuss it, though.

-Marty 8-)

EDIT: Uh... okay, the mouth pic wasn't exactly important to the discussion. But it related a little... right?

(*watches everyone shake their head no*)

Oops. I'll keep it up, though...

kageri 10-04-2006 02:31 PM

Yeah, they're.... well, they're cartoon characters, and thusly are freakishly elastic.

The second-to-last picture keeps making me snicker because Bloo imitating Madame Foster was pretty much the greatest thing ever.

Dude13 10-04-2006 03:31 PM

I definitely have a tremendous amount of agreeing to do with kzinstzerg upon the fact that even though there's a chance Mac's skull size will be fixed as he grows older, there's still a colossal amount of confusion on to how his head functions, mainly with his mouth.

This was the scene that really first made me notice it:

It took me a while to realize that his mouth is actually curling above his eyeballs. Yikes!

But like I said before, at least we don't have to worry with the little guy being forced to life with an oversized noggin for the rest of his life - I think I may have very well have discovered the undeniable proof we need to show that Mac's going to be just fine when he grows older (concerning head proportion, that is)

For this, I think I'll have to take up Sparky's rare exception for posting screenshots if it's vital to the discussion (eek, sorry! I promise I'll be better in the future, only links!)

See? Frankie as a baby had an atrociously horrendous body-to-head ratio, but she grew up to turn out just fine! (Well......her neck is still a bit long- but I don't mind, because that's the only way Mac's head can fit under there when they snuggle in my stories - as adopted little brother and sister, ack mind you, no F/M romance, yuck!)

So I think if Frankie can turn out all right, then I think there may very well be hope for all of them....that is......

Poor Goo.... not only does she too suffer from the afflication of an oversized head, but her torso is nearly non-existant.

BlooCheese 10-04-2006 03:44 PM

I think the unproportions make the characters unique.

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