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Cassini90125 12-25-2007 03:52 PM

The complete statuette set
It took me over a year and I got into a few serious fights on eBay, but finally, I am the proud owner of the complete Foster's statuette collection:

Just in time for Christmas, too. Broke my December budget but they're worth every penny. :frankiesmile:

antgirl1 12-25-2007 03:56 PM

Congrats Cassini! They look great! :D

Sparky 12-25-2007 03:59 PM

Awesome. They look great all lined up like that. :D

One Radical Dude 12-25-2007 04:13 PM

Wooo, they all look fantastic together. Nice going. :yeah:

Nyo 12-25-2007 04:20 PM

Good goin' Cass!

I really like the Wilt/Coco one most. Well done. :)

Lynnie 12-26-2007 10:42 PM

Wow, those are awesome, Cass! Great catches, all three of them! ;) I've seen them around, but owning them at the moment is just a dream for me.

jekylljuice 12-26-2007 11:25 PM

Those are beautiful. :frankiesmile:

The only one I currently own is the Wilt and Coco statuette. Unfortunately, Wilt's right leg was broken upon arrival (it figures - poor guy never has much luck keeping his body parts intact), but it was nothing that my mum and I weren't able to patch up with a little bit of superglue. The two of them now reside very happily beside my stereo.

Such a lovely series of merchandise, it was a shame they had to stop there. I was always expecting them to come out with a Terrence and Duchess one next. I guess not.

Medikor 12-27-2007 08:22 AM

Props, Cass! Those are some fine pieces of art. I just love the expressions worked into each figure.:D

Bloonan 12-27-2007 11:49 AM

Wow. Impressive collection there, Cass. Amazing, really, how realistic it is.
You don't suppose they're... Nah.

Cassini90125 06-30-2008 07:57 AM

For those interested, the Frankie statuette is once again available:

It's a beautiful piece, well worth the current $49.95 price, and shipping is free. :frankiesmile:

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