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girl_named_goo 04-30-2009 05:23 PM

Craig interviewed re: End of Foster's
Thought you all might like to see this:

some fun info on the origins of Jakie Khones!!! Never thought it would be revealed!


PS--- in case you haven't seen yet, Craig's selling his Wander Over Yonder stuff at

Lynnie 04-30-2009 05:58 PM

That's all great, thank you so much for sharing Lauren! I was especially interested in who Mac and Bloo symbolize. It's always fun learning the little facts like that about your favorite show. Now we're looking forward to Cartoonstitute. :)

taranchula 04-30-2009 06:43 PM

Taking a cue from the end of the article, I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again:

Thank you all, for five wonderful years of one of the greatest cartoons on television.


It was 1982 and Billy Dee Williams just found out that he was going to get to pilot the Falcon in Jedi and realized he was in need of a co-pilot. So he thought long and hard about who his ‘Chewy’ might be and in a flash of inspiration he created his own hairy friend, Jackie Khones. The two were a powerful duo and they were set to take on the galaxy but unfortunately it wasn’t to be. George Lucas was tight with this guy called Nien Numb and the rest is history. The let down caused Jackie to fall into the dark side of Hollywood where he lived a fast, wild and dangerous life before stumbling into Foster’s one day. Jackie claims that there’s test footage of he and Billy blasting through hyper space but I’ve yet to see it.
Awesome, and I'll say this with sincerity, that I will give almost anything to see this happen within my lifetime. (In the distant future after a loooong rest of course. ;) )

Shelltoon 04-30-2009 09:41 PM

I'm looking forward to seeing what the Cartoonstitute offers us. Thanks for five wonderful years and six seasons of fun Craig and the Foster's crew!

One Radical Dude 04-30-2009 09:44 PM

Great read. Thank you for posting this! We all appreciate what you've done for the series, and we look forward to watching the final eps. :) I cannot wait to see what Cartoonstitute brings. It sounds like things are going well with that.

Imaginary Light 05-01-2009 04:33 AM

That was a really sweet interview.:) I want to echo what everyone else is saying: thank you so much for six awesome seasons of a truly awesome show. It's been...awesome. Awesome awesome awesome. :P

Ccook50 05-01-2009 05:10 AM

Top marks to all the Foster's crew. I wrote a review of the show at PPGWorld (a site now defunct) and said it was quite different from the Cartoon Network norm, and that some folks would have trouble warming up to it. But I suffixed that by saying "vive le difference!" The inhabitants of Foster's rank right up there in design with the likes of Porky In Wackyland and The Great Piggy Bank Robbery. Kudos for six seasons of pure imaginative fun.

jekylljuice 05-01-2009 07:31 AM

That was a very interesting article, thanks very much for sharing it, Lauren. I'd never previously come across that information about Bloo representing Craig before the death of his father and Mac after, and there was something about that paragraph in particular which really stood out for me. It's kind of hard to explain, but in a way it causes me see the characters in a whole different light - like there's an even greater degree of poigency to their relationship as a result. It seems that imaginary friends are a part of who you are which, for whatever reason, you just can't hold onto.

Jackie Khones' backstory was truly awesome...though of course it does beg the question as to who that lady he was seen chilling with at the start of Good Wilt Hunting was if she wasn't his creator (yeah, I know who she is, but that isn't really the point I'm making). I guess there's nothing to say that other old friends and acquaintences from the outside world couldn't also be part of the reunion.

MaxJ1800 05-01-2009 09:55 PM

Wait a minute, I just thought of something involving Jackie Khone's Origin. Craig McCracken himself said that people lose the ability to make imaginary friends by the time they reach adulthood. By Craig's own rules, Jackie Khone's origin is physically impossible.

taranchula 05-02-2009 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by MaxJ1800 (Post 109862)
Wait a minute, I just thought of something involving Jackie Khone's Origin. Craig McCracken himself said that people lose the ability to make imaginary friends by the time they reach adulthood. By Craig's own rules, Jackie Khone's origin is physically impossible.

Yeah but Billy Dee Williams is so incredibly cool that he has the power to transcend any rules of continuity both implied or established.

Gee I thought everyone knew that. ;)

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