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Invader Bloo 10-21-2006 04:18 PM

Top 10 Fave Episodes
10. Mac Daddy
9. Sweet Stench of Sucess
8. The Big Lablooski
7. Setting A President
6. The Big Cheese
5. One False Movie
4. Frankie My Dear
3. Bloo's the Boss
2. Squeeze the Day
1. Bus the Two of Us

I may update when the rest of season 4 airs & when GWH airs.

billytheskink 10-21-2006 04:50 PM

I haven't seen all of them, but I have seen most of them.

Also recieving votes: Berry Scary, Dinner is Swerved, Partying..., Setting a President, Go Goo Go, and Room With a Feud.

10. Challenge of the Superfriends
9. Mac Daddy
8. The Big Lablooski
7. World Wide Wabbit
6. Busted
5. The Big Picture
4. Frankie My Dear
3. Bus the Two Of Us
2. One False Movie
1. Store Wars

Mr. Marshmallow 10-21-2006 06:38 PM

I too have not been able to see all the episodes, but I believe I have seen enough to register up a top ten.

1. Squeeze the day
2. Frankie my dear
3. Store Wars
4. Infernal Slumber
5. Bloo's the Boss
6. Bus the two of us
7. The Big Cheese
8. Bloooo
9. Setting a President
10. Sweet Stench of Success

I may have done the numbers differently but my views are still clear, 1 being the highest for me and what not.

Bloo2daMacs 10-21-2006 06:50 PM

1.) Bus the two of us
2.) Store Wars
3.) One False Movie
4.) Cuckoo for Coco Cards
5.) Room With a Fued
6.) Infernal Slumber
7.) Camp Keep a Good Mac Down
8.) Partying is Such Sweet Soiree
9.)Mac Daddy
10.) The Big Cheese

Although I do pretty much like every episode equal, this is how I'd put em if I had to.

Dude13 10-21-2006 06:53 PM

1. World Wide Wabbit
2. Frankie My Dear
3. Store Wars
4. Go Goo Go
5. Setting a President
6. The Big Picture
7. Neighbor Pains
8. Bus the Two fo Us
9. Dinner is Swerved
10. Bloo's the Boss

Of course, there's absolutely no way I'd be able to rate these in numerical order, although 1-3 are definitely more favored than the rest.

BlooCheese 10-21-2006 08:06 PM

1. Squeeze the Day
2. Sweet Stench of Success
3. I Only Have Surprise for You
4. Partying is Such Sweet Soiree
5. Mac Daddy
6. The Big Picture
7. Challenge of the Super Friends
8. Bus the Two of Us
9. Infernal Slumber
10. The Big Lablooski

Does House of Bloo's count as an episode or a movie? If it counts as an episode, knock The Big Lablooski off my list, shove everything following Mac Daddy down one number, and fit House of Bloo's in at #6.

I haven't seen them all either, but of the ones I've seen, those are my favorites.

Invader Bloo 10-21-2006 08:23 PM

Wow, you guys haven't seen all of the episodes? :O

Voxxyn 10-21-2006 09:56 PM

1. Frankie My Dear ~ I don't have to explain this, do I?

2. World Wide Wabbit ~ Funny Bunny wins eight intranets. I WANT NO ARGUMENTS, KTHXBAI.

3. Bloo's the Boss ~ I really hope this is a sign of things to come, because this episode was just wonderful. Almost everything came together and worked incredibly well.

4. Go Goo Go ~ I still like Goo's first appearance the best. The insanity and mass chaos was classic--and considering the episodes that preceded this one, it was great to see that the writers were still capable of genuine heart and compassion with the ending.

5. Duchess of Wails ~ A gem that doesn't deserve to be sandwiched between "The Episode That Shall Not Be Named" and "Foster's Goes To Europe". I love the Helm's Deep parody, the rare Season 3 instance of Mac and Bloo actually being friends, and Duchess' award-worthy laziness at the beginning.

6. Setting A President ~ An episode that treats Frankie with respect(Unlike "TETSNBN"), and shows a very human and "flawed yet likable" side to her, something I'd like to see more of in her future starring roles. Eduardo should get more involved with politics, as well.

7. Squeeze the Day ~ After all the animosity sparked by Season 3, it's nice to know that Mac and Bloo are still best friends. That, and it's incredibly funny. And I love the mini-speech that Frankie gives to Mac at the very end.

8. Neighbor Pains ~ A superb example on how to do an ensemble episode. It'd be nice if they started repeating this formula more often instead of the "LET'S DUMP ON SO-AND-SO!" one.

9. Mac Daddy ~ Like with Goo, Cheese's original appearance is still his best to me at least.

10. Crime After Crime ~ At first I was very "meh" on this episode, but repeat viewings show the true greatness of it. Not only does Bloo finally pay the price for his wrongdoings--the nature of his punishment is classic poetic justice. And more of Herriman acting crazy is great, and A NINTENDO REFERENCE!

BlooCheese 10-21-2006 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Invader Bloo (Post 11717)
Wow, you guys haven't seen all of the episodes? :O

Don't have cable. :'(

Mr. Marshmallow 10-21-2006 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by Invader Bloo (Post 11717)
Wow, you guys haven't seen all of the episodes? :O

Kinda hard when balancing school, work, clubs, and other projects and stuff like that. But don;t worry, I'm getting to seeing em.

God bless you tube :D just watched "World Wide Wabbit" on it and there's also "Berry Scary" and "Mac Daddy" on there. I'm catching up all right.

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