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Invader Bloo 02-08-2007 02:27 PM

New Episodes?!
Ok, any news on when the new episodes are supposedto air? I thought they were this month. :(

Voxxyn 02-08-2007 02:39 PM

I may be wrong, but wasn't it Wikipedia that said new episodes would come on February(I saw that date given on the Episodes page at the time of GWH)? I've never seen any official source actually say it would be in February.

I really wish we would get some sort of new news about Season 5. IMO, they've kept us in the dark for way too long.

Crash-N-Cortex 02-08-2007 03:06 PM

I hope those new episodes would air soon. Appearently, the new episodes are supposed to air sometime this month(February) according to Craig McCracken and the rest of the Foster's crew.

Voxxyn 02-08-2007 03:11 PM

At this rate, I doubt they'll air in February at all. :(

emperor26 02-09-2007 08:15 AM

Somehow, I beginning to think that season 5 might show up either late of next month or April.

Don't know why, it's just a hunch.

One Radical Dude 02-09-2007 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Crash-N-Cortex (Post 32759)
I hope those new episodes would air soon. Appearently, the new episodes are supposed to air sometime this month(February) according to Craig McCracken and the rest of the Foster's crew.

I don't remember the crew actually saying that the new season would begin this month. The only thing that said anything about any new episodes for this month was some Spanish guide showing a list of episodes, including one that's apparently for the fifth season. I can only say that I was told a little more than a week ago that the crew is still working on the series, so don't worry, we WILL have new episodes.

Voxxyn 02-09-2007 11:37 AM

I'm willing to wait up to even the summer for Season 5, but I wish they would give some new information already. I don't like how they're so vague about everything new Foster's-related.

This prolonged wait is making me feel as anxious as I am eager. I won't deny that I have my own personal hopes and expectations on S5; mainly having to do with how Frankie will be used. I'm still worried that there will be another IHFUMEUP-esque fiasco in which she will be blatantly mistreated and abused.

LaBloo 02-09-2007 12:04 PM

I Just Hope that an episode will pop out.


lucyrocks73 02-09-2007 12:04 PM

It bugs me that we don't know what's going on... :terrconf:

So, they HAVE been working on the show... that's a relief.

Of course, I can wait. I've waited nearly two years for Season Four of Kim Possible; I can wait for this.

BUT IT BETTER NOT TAKE TWO YEARS because then I will be extremely sad.

I don't want to seem obnoxious... but I want to know what's happening.

-Marty :goo:

LaBloo 02-09-2007 12:13 PM

They Better Hurry up or else the show may go down.


fosters home fan 02-09-2007 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Voxxyn (Post 32884)
I'm willing to wait up to even the summer for Season 5, but I wish they would give some new information already. I don't like how they're so vague about everything new Foster's-related.

This prolonged wait is making me feel as anxious as I am eager. I won't deny that I have my own personal hopes and expectations on S5; mainly having to do with how Frankie will be used. I'm still worried that there will be another IHFUMEUP-esque fiasco in which she will be blatantly mistreated and abused.

If the writers are smart,then that shouldn't happen Ever againI think that there will be many great episodes in S5;)

lucyrocks73 02-09-2007 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Voxxyn (Post 32884)
I won't deny that I have my own personal hopes and expectations on S5; mainly having to do with how Frankie will be used. I'm still worried that there will be another IHFUMEUP-esque fiasco in which she will be blatantly mistreated and abused.

Hmm... It shall be interesting to see how the characters will be used/changed.

I mean, look back at season one and compare it to season four. The way the voice actors voice their characters have changed, we see more personality, we found out more about Wilt. Something's bound to change.

I also wonder how Goo will be shown. In season four, she was in a lot of the episodes, even if it was just a quick cameo. I really hope they don't overuse her, but don't forget about her either. I thiink her character needs to develop some...

Same goes for Cheese, who can be incredibly annoying if used in the wrong situation.

-Marty :goo:

HappyFoppy 02-13-2007 10:38 AM

Ugh. I don't want too much of those characters in S5. I think after S4, we got bored of Cheese and Goo. A bit.

And I agree with Voxxyn. It'd be lame if they put in another Anti-Frankie episode - it's visible what this one caused... :wiltshock:

Of course, I'm sure we'll get to see them, too... In 2008, then, but at least it's something - we might get S4 in March here!
Whatever time S5 gets released - I'm gonna be on YouTube a lot... ;)

Voxxyn 02-13-2007 12:55 PM

Cheese will be back, whether we want him or not. He's a major mascot for CN and universally adored by children. 80%-90% of the newly-registered user accounts here are Cheese fans(Yeah, most of them never actually post at all ::), but still). As for Goo, I'm sure they'll be more careful this time in using her.

This prolonged wait is making me anxious, both positively and negatively. I want to see a new Frankie-centered episode, I really do. Season 4 didn't have one(despite sharing the spotlight in "The Big Cheese"), so I hope Season 5 will make up for that. And more importantly, I want it to be something wonderful that will bring joy instead of pain to her fans.

fosters home fan 02-13-2007 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Voxxyn (Post 33440)
Cheese will be back, whether we want him or not. He's a major mascot for CN and universally adored by children. 80%-90% of the newly-registered user accounts here are Cheese fans(Yeah, most of them never actually post at all ::), but still). As for Goo, I'm sure they'll be more careful this time in using her.

This prolonged wait is making me anxious, both positively and negatively. I want to see a new Frankie-centered episode, I really do. Season 4 didn't have one(despite sharing the spotlight in "The Big Cheese"), so I hope Season 5 will make up for that. And more importantly, I want it to be something wonderful that will bring joy instead of pain to her fans.

I hope that not every last episode of Fosters has cheese/goo in it. That would be very annoying!:P As I said earlier,if the writers are smart,there shouldn't be any more "disasterous" episodes.

Wendi 02-13-2007 02:19 PM

aw. Goo's not so bad. She's a lot of fun!! She's one of my favorite characters!! I hope they have her in a lot of the newer episodes. :goo:

I can't wait to see the new ones again :)

AprilDawn 02-14-2007 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by fosters home fan (Post 33441)
I hope that not every last episode of Fosters has cheese/goo in it. That would be very annoying!:P As I said earlier,if the writers are smart,there shouldn't be any more "disasterous" episodes.

Which ones were "disasterous"? Well, aside from That Make 'em up one that everyone hates. I really didnt mind it too much.

The last couple of episodes to me seemed a bit...stretched for humor and kind of boring to me. I thought "Bloos the Boss" (3rd to last episode) was hilarious, then "Emancipation Complication" (second to last ep) was pretty lame, then "Make believe it or Not"(last ep) was even worse. I dunno. Im sure S5 will be great...whenever it airs... ::)

Cell_Phone_guy 02-14-2007 02:42 PM

Should there be any more episodes with CHeese, we should also see some more of Louise. Even if she makes a brief cameo saying she is giving Cheese to Foster's to be put up for adoption. Perhaps Frankie, who is still peeved with Cheese after "The Big Cheese" tries to get Louise to change her mind, unless Louise's parents said that she had to give Cheese up.

Voxxyn 02-15-2007 03:27 PM

You know... I really hope the reason for the prolonged wait is because they've been paying attention to what we've said on this forum, and are using our feedback to revise and improve their work, and ensure that there won't be any unwarranted cruel crap to threaten the show's integrity. That would make the wait much sweeter for me.

I know it's illogical and unfair for them to act on literally all of our comments/criticisms, but they shouldn't completely ignore them either, especially not the glaring ones(Cruelty against sympathetic characters, overexposure of Cheese/Goo, Mac and Bloo treating each other like enemies instead of friends). The show would've been sunk in Season 3 if it continued any further in the footsteps of IHFUMEUP and FGTE.

Mr. Marshmallow 02-15-2007 05:52 PM

I'm sure Cartoon Network is taking time on alot of their projects, and I know that they value their popular shows enough to take enough time to make them satisfactory for (us) the fans. I do hope though that Vox is right and they are taking at least SOMEWHAT of a general look at our thoughts and feelings.

I always felt that this is one thing all TV producers and creators should be doing, getting a look inside their fan's heads and actually seeing what works and what doesn't. Fans make or break a show and what better way to make them happy by actually listening to what they want to see?

Foster's crew as well as the show seems to be open to almost all things imaginable so I think that's a good nod that they care about the fans thoughts, knowing that certain shows mean the world to people. In related news, I read an online article stating that Ben 10, Foster's, and Camp Lazlo are all coming back.

They've been reinstated with new seasons as well as their subnetwork (WB)'s cartoon shows, The Batman, Legion of Superheroes, Scooby and Shaggy get a clue and the new Tom/Jerry show they got going now. The article also mentioned that it's very likely that this will be Lazlo's LAST new season.

One Radical Dude 02-21-2007 08:19 PM

No new episodes in March, either. :P Just got a hold of someone from TZ that follows the scheduling. Most of what CN is doing is movies, and only new episodes of Billy and Mandy for the month of March. Maybe April? We know that Season Five is coming, but the wait continues.

Crash-N-Cortex 02-21-2007 08:30 PM

I think the creators of Foster's are taking a break. Grey DeLisle does need to take care of her baby boy. I can wait for new Foster's episodes, but not for very long.

Sparky 02-21-2007 08:34 PM

Lol, here come more threads on asking if the series has been cancelled. ;)

This will hopefully give me a little more time to screencap the DVDs before the new eps start airing.

Invader Bloo 02-25-2007 10:11 AM

That Lazlo thing is good & bad, good because the writers might return to SB which has been sucky since Camp Lazlo & bad because I love Camp Lazlo!:(

AprilDawn 02-25-2007 02:12 PM

Not to get too off topic, but I hadnt thought about thats why SB stinks now. Hmm... I too like CL though.
Anyway, I guess when the DVD comes out, it will make the wait for new eps more bearable at least.

Wendi 02-25-2007 04:45 PM


They've been reinstated with new seasons as well as their subnetwork (WB)'s cartoon shows, The Batman, Legion of Superheroes, Scooby and Shaggy get a clue and the new Tom/Jerry show they got going now. The article also mentioned that it's very likely that this will be Lazlo's LAST new season.
:0 So wait... Where did it say that this might be Camp Lazlo's last season? I really hope not ;___; and does "SB" stand for Sponge Bob?

Jabberwocky 02-25-2007 04:57 PM

Maybe they'll air a new episode on my birthday lolololol happy birthday to me.

AprilDawn 02-25-2007 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Wendi (Post 35047)
and does "SB" stand for Sponge Bob?

Yes. At least in my post it does.

don Jaime 03-06-2007 07:39 PM

It's March now. Any news yet for the new season? Thanks.

One Radical Dude 03-06-2007 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by don Jaime (Post 36029)
It's March now. Any news yet for the new season? Thanks.

I only know that they are being produced. Maybe April or May; definitely not this month, though.

AprilDawn 03-06-2007 07:59 PM

Well, they have teased us with countless shorts. Im getting restless! 8D
And April? Man, what a birthday gift... :D

bloonuggets 03-06-2007 10:24 PM

You might be seeing more episodes in the summer premiering. Just keep a hold of yourself.

Voxxyn 03-07-2007 07:01 AM

I don't understand why they don't say anything about the status/progress. It doesn't have to be episode summaries or release dates, just a short notice sent out to the public.

I'm willing to wait as long as it takes, but this complete and utter silence is a little annoying. I don't blame people for mistakenly believing the show's been cancelled.

Howard 03-07-2007 07:22 AM

I am waiting patiently. If it happens, it happens. I am too busy enjoying my Season 1 DVD to be overly concerned about new episodes at this time.:frankiesmile:

longshot7 03-07-2007 08:58 AM

Blogregard Q Kazoo hasn't been updated in months. Maybe Lauren's on vacation.

One Radical Dude 03-07-2007 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by Voxxyn (Post 36083)
I don't understand why they don't say anything about the status/progress. It doesn't have to be episode summaries or release dates, just a short notice sent out to the public.

I'm willing to wait as long as it takes, but this complete and utter silence is a little annoying. I don't blame people for mistakenly believing the show's been cancelled.

They can only say so much. The crew doesn't decide on when something airs. That's for the network to make these decisions. And if this show were to be cancelled, we would've know by now.

Invader Bloo 03-15-2007 09:43 PM

I bet it'll air in the summer like 96% of season 4 did last year,so there'll be enough Foster's for the summer. Notice how they haven't aired any new Ed, Edd n' Eddy either, hmmmmmm....

One Radical Dude 03-15-2007 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Invader Bloo (Post 37075)
I bet it'll air in the summer like 96% of season 4 did last year,so there'll be enough Foster's for the summer. Notice how they haven't aired any new Ed, Edd n' Eddy either, hmmmmmm....

Yes, however, EEnE isn't produced in the US.

As for Season 5 airing in the summer, I definitely wouldn't rule out that possibility. To me, that would be a likely scenario.

LaBloo 03-16-2007 01:41 PM

Hey! I Heard in Wikipedia about Season 5 and says that They need a title, but Has something to with them going to the amusment park.

pitbulllady 03-16-2007 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by LaBloo (Post 37115)
Hey! I Heard in Wikipedia about Season 5 and says that They need a title, but Has something to with them going to the amusment park.

Yes, we already know about that one. This is the upcoming episode that Craig tells about in his taped interview at last summer's Comic-Con, tentatively titled "A Loom of One's On". The premise has the Foster's gang going to the State Fair, and Bloo trying to get there before everyone else does by riding with Madame Foster in the Pontiac Firebird(and we all have seen how she drives), instead of the slow Foster's bus. On the way, Madame Foster decides to stop at a fabric shop. If you have ever been to a fabric shop with an old lady, you will understand Bloo's(deserved)frustration; he is stuck there for hours, while the others are having fun at the fair! THAT episode is legitimate, but WATCH OUT and beware of Wikipedia as a source of information about upcoming episodes of Fosters, since that site is notorious for misinformation, often intentionally posted by "trolls" to mislead viewers. What we do NOT know, though, is WHEN Season Five will start airing, and I really would not trust Wikipedia for that information!


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