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Starsky 05-27-2007 12:37 AM

Episode Discussion: "Something Old, Something Bloo"
Cartoon Network Video has another new episode up! I can't watch it since I'm in Spain, but those of you lucky enough to be in the US, discuss!

Ub3rD4n 05-27-2007 01:06 AM

Man, if only there was someone who could video it and post said videoing on this site. *shudders* Now I feel just like Bloo in Where There's A Wilt, There's A Way.:(

Ditchy McAbandonpants 05-27-2007 01:52 AM

Cripes, this is early! :wiltshock: I mean, "Say It Isn't Sew" isn't scheduled to air until June 8th, so this one probably isn't due until the 15th, 22nd or even the 29th...which would make this online premiere potentially over a month early! You US residents are so lucky...looks like I'm going to have to avoid spoilers on this one for quite some time! :P

Cassini90125 05-27-2007 06:30 AM

Oh, that was funny! A little odd, but definitely funny. This has been a very good season thus far. 8/10. 8-)

antgirl1 05-27-2007 08:12 AM

I agree with Cassini, it was a little weird, but funny! I'll give it a B. :D

Madame-Madame-Madame-Madame-Madame-Madame-Madame-Madame-FOSTER!! XD

pitbulllady 05-27-2007 08:51 AM

Wierd, yes-funny, indeed-but it also have a VERY good point that will probably go right over a lot of folks' heads. It's SOOOO easy to become complacent and dependant on someone or something to do EVERYTHING for us, isn't it? This episode was also an excellent allegory of how our society treats older people or expects them to behave, so BRAVO, Madame Foster, for going against that trend!


One Radical Dude 05-27-2007 10:50 AM

It was odd, but not in a bad sense. :P I really loved Madame Foster in this one; definitely the best I've seen from her in this show so far. :mfoster:

WiltFan 05-27-2007 01:23 PM

Awww, I thought this episode was cute. :3 :mfoster:

scary_dream 05-27-2007 02:21 PM

I liked it! It was really cute.

I agree with PBL. I have one grandmother who acts like the nursing home people and barely leaves her own house. The other one is like Madame Foster
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(minus the super-hero suit and theme song 8D)
in a way that even though she's 70+ years old, she still works, drives, and is very active. She and I were driving around town once, and she pointed at a bunch of people about her age with canes and walkers and said "Look at those OLD people, Kristi!!!!"

She's adorable ^_^

Foster's Geek 287 05-27-2007 02:42 PM

8D Madame F. w/o glasses. 8D
Good episode. But strange. :mfoster:

bloonuggets 05-27-2007 03:43 PM

Umm, Sparky, can we have the commentds in "spoiler boxes", please?

Sparky 05-27-2007 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by bloonuggets (Post 45320)
Umm, Sparky, can we have the commentds in "spoiler boxes", please?

Why are you asking me? I've been basically gone for about two days, and I have an entire staff, all of which have the ability to edit posts.

CG 05-27-2007 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by bloonuggets (Post 45320)
Umm, Sparky, can we have the commentds in "spoiler boxes", please?

I actually just read through these past posts and I only saw ONE that had an optional spoiler. No one has out right said anything about scenes taking place, things happening (without glasses is hardly what I call a major spoiler) so I just added one to scary_dream's post, who I apologise for having to do that.

bloonuggets 05-27-2007 07:44 PM

:( Umm, sorry. Is that okay?

Nyo 05-28-2007 03:06 PM

Bloo acting like a

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was downright funny.

M-M-Madame-Madame-Fooooster! Grade: 8/10

taranchula 05-28-2007 07:29 PM

I just got done watching this episode (some kind soul has posted a download link on the episodes on computer thread), an interesting premise and several good gags make for another 22 minuets of goodness.

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Yeah, the Madam Foster/60's Batman show parody was the highlight of the episode by a landslide, I thought Mr. Herriman's reactions to being forced to play along with the whole absurd ritual totally put it over the top. And now Mac has yet another hero sidekick gig to put on his resume.

CG 05-30-2007 02:35 AM

And think, not too long ago in someone's fanart section (more then twice I do believe) we were
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wondering just what the imaginaries would look like if they were old! And now we got a peek. But I have to wonder just why Eduardo was wearing a dress instead of... ya know, hiked up pants to his underarms or something similiar to that. I know he likes girly things but that's taking a bit a bit too far. And lol, even if I know it's a cartoon just where the heck did his teeth go?

Anyway, I absolutely lost it when Madame Foster and Mac had their green background insanity and Herriman making good use of buzz words. This season is totally out there in some of the ideas they've had, but that's great. It's good to let loose and be silly.

Plus I laughed my butt off at the old man cursing the Red Baron.

AerostarMonk 05-30-2007 05:45 AM

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Am I the only one that laughed at the fact that Mac couldn't fit his head through the hole in the window? I think that's the first direct joke they've made about the shape of his head.

I would've really love to have seen some horizontal climbing though, if you know what I mean.

Vampyre 05-30-2007 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by AerostarMonk (Post 45554)
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Am I the only one that laughed at the fact that Mac couldn't fit his head through the hole in the window? I think that's the first direct joke they've made about the shape of his head.

I would've really love to have seen some horizontal climbing though, if you know what I mean.

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When Mac couldn't get his head through the window I was in hysterics

I've gotta wonder though...

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Madame Foster says "Don't act your age, act you shoe size", so is Wilt supposed to act older than he already is?

pitbulllady 05-30-2007 07:47 AM

I don't know why, but the funniest line for me was when Bloo
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is moving into the nursing home and says something about not getting yelled at for "flushing Army men down the toilet"!

And CG isn't the only one who has wondered about
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where the HECK did Eduardo's TEETH go?! I mean, putting on a disguise is one thing, but how do you hide chompers THAT big?


TheLH 05-30-2007 08:35 AM

I wonder when someone's gonna cap this?

YuckieDuck 05-30-2007 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by TheLH (Post 45560)
I wonder when someone's gonna cap this?

I guess Sparky will after it has aired on CN. She posted the screenshots for The Buck Swaps Here after the TV premiere.

TheLH 05-30-2007 08:57 AM

I was saying, that she could use her camcorder to record the CN Video airing, like she did with the other two premieres?

Cassini90125 05-30-2007 09:18 AM

C'mon, guys, she'll get to it when she has the time. In the meantime, the episode can be seen here:

You're free to make your own screencaps, too.

TheLH 05-30-2007 09:23 AM


And thanks.

I was referring to to where the upload for the cap was, seeing as Sparky had recorded the other ones.

CG 05-30-2007 04:50 PM

It pays to check up on the 'Episodes on the Computer' thread, okay? Check there in future.

Sparky 05-30-2007 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by TheLH (Post 45563)
I was saying, that she could use her camcorder to record the CN Video airing, like she did with the other two premieres?

Like its been said, because it's already been uploaded. Doing the thing with the camcorder takes many hours from start to upload, and I'm terribly busy right now, if I don't have to spend half a day doing the camcorder thing I'm not going to. And I'm not sure if you're referring to screencaps; I won't screencap it until I tape it off of TV.

Ub3rD4n 05-30-2007 09:00 PM

Mucho gracias to Cassini for the download.
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I absolutely loved this episode! it was, in my opinion, much better than the last two. So many things to say, origionally I thought this episode would be rather tame, Bloo trying to get into the retirement home and then doing crazy stuff inside, finally realising that he liked it better at Fosters. But as soon as the "Bat Madame" line came about, I saw that this episode was WAY better than that. It's kind of how Fosters is sometimes, it can spend the whole first half of the episode as a set-up to the other half, which is freakin' hilarious. I mean, Mr Herriman and Madame F were great here, I agree that it's Madame Foster's best performance to date. I, too cracked up at Mac's head and the hole, and was also bewildered by Eduardo's missing teeth. But the part from Madame Foster's intro to the end of the sneaking around sequence was the best part for me. And a new awesome Herriman quote: "This never ends well

Sparky 05-30-2007 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Ub3rD4n (Post 45662)
Mucho gracias to Cassini for the download.

To give credit where credit is due, the file was actually provided by new member malibloo23. Cassini was just posting the link.

Ccook50 05-31-2007 05:55 AM

TV Guide has the episode scheduled for Friday, June 15 at 7 PM Eastern.

FailedShapeshifter 06-01-2007 08:46 PM

.........That was the best.......

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"You shouldn't have to see this Mac, it's wrong" :D
"I got ten on Madame Foster" :-/
"I'm in":D

I laughed so hard my parents had to come in and see what was wrong with me..........

bloonuggets 06-01-2007 09:34 PM

And for the record, the episode will air on June 15th, 2007 at 7 PM ET/PT for those that do not have interweb access and/or a computer.

pitbulllady 06-02-2007 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by FailedShapeshifter (Post 45834)
.........That was the best.......

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"You shouldn't have to see this Mac, it's wrong" :D
"I got ten on Madame Foster" :-/
"I'm in":D

I laughed so hard my parents had to come in and see what was wrong with me..........

Yeah, I totally rolled at that one, especially with Wilt still being the protective adult of the group, trying to shield young and impressionable eyes from the Forbidden!

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You know, the cast of this show is one bettin' bunch! It sure doesn't take much for them to get a wager going about SOMETHING, does it? I think that's the clue as to why Wilt always has money, even though he doesn't have a paying job-betting on pro basketball games! A show-down between him and Warrick Brown of "CSI" would be interesting, to say the least.


Kzinistzerg 06-02-2007 10:36 AM

No, because cheese isn't in this episode.

Wrong thread, dude.

I LOVED this one! it was just priceless...

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I saw that thing with mac's head and the hole coming, but hehe, that's freaking brilliant!

FailedShapeshifter 06-02-2007 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by pitbulllady (Post 45873)
Yeah, I totally rolled at that one, especially with Wilt still being the protective adult of the group, trying to shield young and impressionable eyes from the Forbidden!

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You know, the cast of this show is one bettin' bunch! It sure doesn't take much for them to get a wager going about SOMETHING, does it? I think that's the clue as to why Wilt always has money, even though he doesn't have a paying job-betting on pro basketball games! A show-down between him and Warrick Brown of "CSI" would be interesting, to say the least.


I loved Wilt in this episode for just that reason. Being all adult like!8D
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I want to know where Wilt gets the money from too. I mean, we all know Ed's loaded, from investing in stocks and what not....but who the heck does Wilt get cash? Unless he steals like Bloo (not likely) Wilts just pulling this money out of nothing. Ahhhh, Wilt and Warrick! I don't know why but that made me smile. Probably cause they're both my faviorites, gambling problems and all!

Ub3rD4n 06-03-2007 12:55 AM

I'm more concerned with literally WHERE Wilt is getting his money from. Seeing as he's practically naked and all.

Maybe I'm better off not knowing...

pitbulllady 06-03-2007 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by Ub3rD4n (Post 45934)
I'm more concerned with literally WHERE Wilt is getting his money from. Seeing as he's practically naked and all.

Maybe I'm better off not knowing...

Here in the South, it's pretty common for folks(or at least it USED to be, prior to credit/debit cards and checks)to keep money stuffed down the leg of a sock or inside a shoe, for guys, and a lot of women used to keep it right down the front of their bra! It would be pretty normal to be waiting in the checkout line behind some guy, and have him reach down into his sock for the cash, or behind a woman who'd actually reach into her shirt to pay for the stuff she'd bought. I am not making this up! Wilt's socks and shoes could pretty much hold Ft. Knox!


FailedShapeshifter 06-03-2007 08:43 AM

My friends and I still do that! I have a friend who keeps just about everything in her bra8D Cell kid I kid. I've even kept stuff in my shoes when I don't have pockets. It's really handy! ........I wonder how much money Wilt could keep in his socks.....the guy might be as rich as Eduardo.....

InsaneFan 06-03-2007 09:16 AM

Okay, I don't know how much to put in a spoiler, so I'll just put it all in. =P

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BAWB HOLY. I laughed through almost the whole episode. LOVED IT. xD
The whole Batman thing was the greatest! Herriman makes a PERFECT Alfred.
....MadameLad. x3 I guess I should be on their team, too, seeing as my username on several other sites is MadameLady. xD Awesome.

Some other things that made me laugh:
Wilt in the old uniform
The theme song (MadameMadameMadameMadameMadameMadameMadameMadame FOSTERRRRRRR!!!)
Ed's missing teeth
WRINKLY BLOO! xDDD There were some scenes that I just couldn't help myself there.
The vertical climbing up the side of the old folks home
Mac has a square head
The credits (MASHED POTATOES!)
Flushing army men down the toilet

Thanks so much to malibloo23 for uploading the episode! I didn't manage to go somewhere with cable when it aired.

Mulch 06-04-2007 12:47 AM

Season 5 might become my favorite season... if they have at least one episode that takes place at Foster's. Anyhoo... a strange ep indeed, but funny. Very funny.

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The Superhero scenes made my day.:mfoster::P

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