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Bloo2daMacs 08-17-2006 05:54 AM

Mother of Mac
What are you're opinions on her. I've heard very many people say she is a cruel, vicious, evil witch thing... okay maybe not the witch part though. I personally think that she just didn't understand the concept about Bloo, and how he was basically real too, and other kids Mac's age still had imaginary friends. As a matter of a fact, I bet if Mac told his mom that other kids his age still had imaginary friends than she would not really mind. I just think that she isn't very supportive of Mac (and maybe of Terrance too) Is because she works a lot, like Wilt said.

P.S. Please don't hate me for not saying cruel things about Mac's mom...

Kzinistzerg 08-17-2006 06:53 AM

From what I've seen she loves her kids but is probably too distracted by her job and all to see everything that's going on.

Imaginary Light 08-17-2006 07:47 AM

His mom isn't really viscious. I mean, in Infernal Slumber, she did show love towards Mac. She just works WAY too much (she gets up at 5am to go to work and doesn't get home until nighttime? Whoa...). I don't really think she wanted Mac to give up Bloo because she thought he was getting too old, even if that's what she said in the pilot. I just think that Bloo was just too much of a nuissance to put up with, and she wanted to get rid of him somehow.

Bloo2daMacs 08-17-2006 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Imaginary Light (Post 527)
His mom isn't really viscious. I mean, in Infernal Slumber, she did show love towards Mac. She just works WAY too much (she gets up at 5am to go to work and doesn't get home until nighttime? Whoa...). I don't really think she wanted Mac to give up Bloo because she thought he was getting too old, even if that's what she said in the pilot. I just think that Bloo was just too much of a nuissance to put up with, and she wanted to get rid of him somehow.

yes, I agree completely. 8-)

Cassini90125 08-17-2006 01:58 PM

As do I. I think she's probably overworked and underpaid and just wanted some peace and quiet, so bye-bye Bloo. :(

One Radical Dude 08-17-2006 02:03 PM

I still don't approve Mom of forcing her younger son to give up his best friend. She may have been overworked, underpaid, and stressed, but those things don't excuse her from doing what she did in the Pilot. I still don't like her, even though she did show some love towards Mac in "Infernal Slumber."

Cassini90125 08-17-2006 02:29 PM

I'm not suggesting that it was justifiable. I think in the world where Foster's takes place it's a cultural norm, a tradition, to be rid of one's IF by a certain age. How or why such a tradition would evolve I don't know; I do know that in our own world we have plenty of abhorrent, pointless cultural traditions that defy all logic, so I assume that other settings may have their own as well. At least there doesn't seem to be much in the way of social sanctions for breaking the tradition; Paul and Bowling Paul seem to be doing fine, for instance.

Kzinistzerg 08-17-2006 02:46 PM

Neh, presumably the overall idea would be that anyone who keeps their friends has no real ones and so on. IF this had been happening since forever then the traditions ought to have evolved differently but I think it's pretty accurate as to what would happen if you just stuck it in todays's world.

Cassini90125 08-17-2006 03:01 PM

Somewhere, a cartoon-fixated anthropologist has probably written a paper about it. ;)

kageri 08-17-2006 05:41 PM

Maybe it was at least partially because Bloo was another mouth to feed. Another mouth to feed probably wouldn't be so hard if it wasn't.... y'know... Bloo's.

So it wasn't very considerate of her to make Mac give up his only friend, but without her the entire premise of the show (within the context of the show) would not come to be, so she's cool.

TraverseTown 08-17-2006 07:37 PM

I'm acually hoping to see some more developments with "The Mother".

Kzinistzerg 08-18-2006 06:40 AM

Hehe, maybe they went camping with Bloo once and that's why...

pitbulllady 08-18-2006 10:23 AM

I still think that the main reason why Mac's mom wanted Bloo gone had nothing so much to do with Mac's age, in spite of what she told him, but because of Bloo's behavior. She knew that Bloo was an instigator of trouble, and she simply could not deal with both him AND her job at the same time. Bloo was like the dog that rips up sofas, pees on the floor, barks nearly non-stop, steals food from the kitchen table, knocks over the trash, claws at the wallpaper and carpets and bites the hand that feeds him. I STILL do not agree with simply throwing an Imaginary Friend out to fend for himself/herself, though. With all the advertizing that Foster's does, and with it being right there in the same city(considering how many families from out-of-state must drive all the way to Foster's to sign over an Imaginary Friend), it's hard to believe that Mac's mom didn't know about it already. It just seems really cruel to me that throwing out or abandoning a dog or cat will get a person jail time, while throwing out a being which is virtually identical to a human in every respect but outward appearances is perfectly acceptable.


McGee's Jabberwock 08-18-2006 02:25 PM

Nice points, pitbullady. I was quite ticked at how Miss Gulch she was acting towards Bloo, but she seems to be under a lot of stress, and her husband's dead or divorced so it's understandable. She could be some sort of statement about how distant from their parents kids nowadays are, what with her Miss Bellum face hiding and her rare appearances. Maybe threads about her should be put in the 'minor characters' section rather than the 'main characters' section because she's not really a 'main character'.

One Radical Dude 08-19-2006 11:29 AM

Darn, pbl said something I would've said -- but didn't. :D I agree, I mean jeez -- throwing out an Imaginary Friend, like it is some kind of useless toy or junk. :wiltshock:

ch3353-h4xx0rrrr 08-19-2006 03:36 PM

PBL, Mac's mum never said "Throw him out on the street," but she told Mac to get *rid* of him. That could mean a lot of things. "Give him to the neighbor kids. Take him to the dog shelter. Just get him out of this house."

I'm sure she knew that Mac wouldn't just put him in a cardboard box as they drove away into the sunset, with Mac feeling no regret as Bloo's eyes welded up in tears as he began to sing "When He Loved Me." /Toy Story 2 reference

Wouldnt it be nice if we were older
Then we wouldnt have to wait so long
And wouldnt it be nice to live together
In the kind of world where we belong

You know its gonna make it that much better
When we can say goodnight and stay together

Man, I'm just full of songs, aren't I?

Sims Katie 08-19-2006 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by McGee's Jabberwock (Post 888)
I was quite ticked at how Miss Gulch she was acting towards Bloo, but she seems to be under a lot of stress, and her husband's dead or divorced so it's understandable.

I haven't seen every episode so I could be wrong, but do we even know she was married? You don't have to have a husband, living or dead, to have a kid.

(plus, lately I've begun to wonder if Mac and Terrence have the same father. They're very different physically, and about 7 years apart in age)

McGee's Jabberwock 08-19-2006 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Sims Katie (Post 1178)
I haven't seen every episode so I could be wrong, but do we even know she was married? You don't have to have a husband, living or dead, to have a kid.

(plus, lately I've begun to wonder if Mac and Terrence have the same father. They're very different physically, and about 7 years apart in age)

This is a kid's show; I doubt they'd have affairs.

One Radical Dude 08-19-2006 08:16 PM

To me, I interpret her message to getting rid of Bloo as "Bloo is a useless, annoying little toy, Mac. You don't need that thing anymore. Grow up." :(

Sims Katie 08-19-2006 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by McGee's Jabberwock (Post 1179)
This is a kid's show; I doubt they'd have affairs.

But they've already touched the edge of the envelope before, and she's only in a few episodes so its not like they're blaring it on the screen with a bullhorn

Sparky 08-19-2006 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by ch3353-h4xx0rrrr (Post 1132)
PBL, Mac's mum never said "Throw him out on the street," but she told Mac to get *rid* of him. That could mean a lot of things. "Give him to the neighbor kids. Take him to the dog shelter. Just get him out of this house."

Gotta comment. Now, I guess this might just be me, but I wouldn't let my eight year old (and no shouts of "but he's SOOOO mature!") give away a HAMSTER. *I*, the PARENT, would go online or something, hit a hamster forum maybe, and find either a rescue or someone to adopt it. I'd put even *more* effort into finding a home for a being who can talk and think like a human being. It strikes me as massively irresponsible to expect a child to find a good home for an imaginary friend, let alone to expect him to do it in 24 hours. (And if she didn't actually expect him to do it in 24 hours, I have to wonder if she was surprised when Bloo was gone so quickly. Think she asked Mac where he took Bloo? *I* don't.) Reminds me of the episode of Animal Cops or one of those shows where a woman went to JAIL for allowing her 13-year-old to let his dog starve to death chained to the fence in order to teach the KID to be responsible. SHE went to jail, not him.

I am not a parent, and I doubt I ever will be, but I think its pretty obvious that Bloo's mere presence at home was not the problem - and in fact Bloo's sudden removal without ANY other sort of intervention was WORSE than just leaving him there and ignoring the whole situation. I do not blame Terrence 100% for all the problems between him and Mac and Bloo (unlike a lot of people who would like to believe its all his fault), but I do know that taking Bloo away from Mac was NOT the right thing to do. Arguments about the fact that if it didn't happen the show wouldn't exist aside, of course.

One Radical Dude 08-19-2006 10:06 PM

There is no doubt in my mind that Mom's decision to make Mac get rid of Bloo made things worse than before. There's no doubt that she works hard at her job, but as a parent, I don't believe that she's doing a very good job. I agree that it's not Terrence's fault for the conflict with Mac and Bloo. Bloo isn't just a thing, he's real to Mac. He's basically an addition to the household. You don't just get rid of anyone like that. >:(

LaBlooGirl 08-20-2006 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Bloo2daMacs (Post 495)
What are you're opinions on her. I've heard very many people say she is a cruel, vicious, evil witch thing... okay maybe not the witch part though. I personally think that she just didn't understand the concept about Bloo, and how he was basically real too, and other kids Mac's age still had imaginary friends. As a matter of a fact, I bet if Mac told his mom that other kids his age still had imaginary friends than she would not really mind. I just think that she isn't very supportive of Mac (and maybe of Terrance too) Is because she works a lot, like Wilt said.

P.S. Please don't hate me for not saying cruel things about Mac's mom...

I'm repeating myself from the previous board, but...don't like her, and never will.
I don't HATE her, I used to...sometimes I tend to jump ahead and judge people, but then I get to see the character development as the show progresses and I learn said character isn't so bad. Mac's mom isn't all that bad, she's just painfully naive about children and Imaginaries, and about when the "proper" time is to seperate them. I mean, is there ever a truly "proper" time? If there was, it should be a decision that both the creator AND Imaginary Friend can agree on, and if they seperate, it would be a mutual understanding, not being wrenched apart with tears and sadness....such as in Mac's case. That is what made me feel very badly towards Mac's mom...she hurt her son so deeply and didn't even realize it, because she's PAINFULLY NAIVE.

But well, giving her the benefit of the doubt.....she at least sticks up for Mac and deals out the punishments to Terrence. ;D (Ala the sleepover ep.) Well okay, maybe Terrence didn't deserve it that time...but whatever, my point is stated. lol

Cell_Phone_guy 08-31-2006 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by LaBlooGirl (Post 1414)
But well, giving her the benefit of the doubt.....she at least sticks up for Mac and deals out the punishments to Terrence. (Ala the sleepover ep.) Well okay, maybe Terrence didn't deserve it that time...but whatever, my point is stated. lol

Well, how many times has Terrance done something to Mac and gotten away with it scott free. Maybe it's justice coming in a different form. But still, how could someone like Terrance make a hole in the ceiling by himself. (If they were on the top floor, they could blame it on a plane flying overhead! ::) ).

Up until Infernal Slumber, (which I still have to see in its entirety), I was under the impression that Mac's mom knew about Foster's. I also thought it would be interesting if they invited Mac and his mom, (not sure about Terrance) to Foster's for dinner. I could imagine that prior to dinner, Mac would be meeting his mom there, and would be fretting the small stuff, worried if something went wrong at dinner, that he won't be allowed to come back.

Sims Katie 08-31-2006 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Cell_Phone_guy (Post 3614)
Up until Infernal Slumber, (which I still have to see in its entirety), I was under the impression that Mac's mom knew about Foster's.

As was I. It was a surprise to learn that Mac was keeping it a secret for her. It also brings up a lot of questions, like why she hasn't noticed, and how he's been getting away with it.

Kzinistzerg 08-31-2006 12:33 PM

It's certainly possible she does know, But then again, he goes home earlier than she does most of the time anyway.

pitbulllady 08-31-2006 01:31 PM

I tend to think that perhaps Mac's mom DOES know about his visits to Foster's, but isn't letting on that she knows, but is instead hoping he'll just "outgrow" Bloo eventually and stop visiting him. As long as his visits are not causing more problems, like causing Mac's grades to slip or something, she probably won't say anything.


One Radical Dude 08-31-2006 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by pitbulllady (Post 3638)
I tend to think that perhaps Mac's mom DOES know about his visits to Foster's, but isn't letting on that she knows, but is instead hoping he'll just "outgrow" Bloo eventually and stop visiting him. As long as his visits are not causing more problems, like causing Mac's grades to slip or something, she probably won't say anything.


Then again, maybe she really doesn't pay attention to what's been going on with Mac. :P I shudder the thought of Mac outgrowing Bloo. :wiltshock:

billytheskink 09-01-2006 10:57 AM

hopefully they won't ruin the joke and show her face one of these days.

Cell_Phone_guy 10-07-2006 07:36 AM

On the older forum, someone posted that Perhaps Mac's teacher might mention to Mac's mom about how Mac brought Bloo to show-and-tell once. And Mac's classmates may ask "How's Bloo?"

One idea I have is that if Mac's teacher did mention to Mac's mom about Mac bringing Bloo to show-and-tell, Mac's mom might assume that Mac did that just before she told him to get rid of Bloo. Likewise if Mac's classmates asked Mac "how's Bloo" if she was around, she might assume that they don't know that Mac doesn't have Bloo as far as she knows.

Kzinistzerg 10-08-2006 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by One Radical Dude (Post 3643)
Then again, maybe she really doesn't pay attention to what's been going on with Mac. :P I shudder the thought of Mac outgrowing Bloo. :wiltshock:

I don't htink he will... And he's goign to have a LOT of trouble explaining Bloo to his future girlfriend.

kageri 10-08-2006 04:53 PM

*forbids Mac from ever having a girlfriend*

Cassini90125 10-08-2006 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by kageri (Post 9781)
*forbids Mac from ever having a girlfriend*

Don't worry, they'll never write him one.

(Note to self - do NOT post newest Sims photos!)

Kzinistzerg 10-08-2006 05:10 PM

Yeah, they won't. But seriously, he'd get Orlando Bloo all over the place. except Bloo'd have to use Wilt.

Invader Bloo 10-08-2006 06:15 PM

I don't get why she dosen't let Mac see Bloo, atleast he's not living there anymore.
I really want to know how he got his mom to let him go camping & to Europe wit h Bloo then.

Cell_Phone_guy 10-08-2006 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Invader Bloo (Post 9816)
I don't get why she dosen't let Mac see Bloo, atleast he's not living there anymore.
I really want to know how he got his mom to let him go camping & to Europe wit h Bloo then.

She doesn't know about Mac's "arrangement" at Foster's when it comes to Bloo, and I think that Mac didn't tell her because he doesn't want to risk that his mom wouldn't let him go, so Mac keeps Foster's a secret. Of course, he never considered that Bloo would host a sleepover at his apartment without his prior consent.

Now how Mac got his mom to let him go camping and to Europe, that I'm not too sure of.

HappyFoppy 10-09-2006 03:07 AM

There is no reason. Har har har.

Well, diffferent topic - On wiki, somebody said Mac's mom will appear in GWH. Are we sure of that, or is that some wiki crap?

Thornwhistle 10-09-2006 10:30 AM

I believe Wiki is 50% truth,50% junk and lies.

koosie 10-09-2006 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Invader Bloo (Post 9816)
I don't get why she dosen't let Mac see Bloo, atleast he's not living there anymore.
I really want to know how he got his mom to let him go camping & to Europe with Bloo then.

There was a totally logical explanation in the episode how Mac got to go to Europe with Bloo and the gang. As for the camping thing, I expect there was a similar reason.

billytheskink 10-16-2006 08:29 PM

it would seem unlikely that Mac's Mom has no idea that Mac still spends a great deal of time with Bloo.
I think any confrontation on the matter is conveniently ignored because its tough to write an entertaining story for. At least one that isn't cliched.

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