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Owly 04-24-2007 07:08 PM

I love coffee but I can't drink it after 4pm, otherwise it'd keep me up at night :(

I like Peet's coffee the best, especially their mocha. I think they use much better cocoa powder in it compare to others. As much as I like it, on average I only have a cup once every two weeks.

Ditchy McAbandonpants 04-24-2007 08:02 PM

Juice Solidarity!
It's odd, but for some reason I just don't drink any of the drinks that adults are supposed to like; I don't do tea, I don't do coffee, and I definitely don't do alcohol. As a non-tea-drinking Englishman and a non-coffee and non-alcohol-drinking student, you can imagine that puts me in a rather unusual bracket. :P Frankly, it bemuses me when I hear my friends talking about tea like it's the nectar of the gods, or waxing lyrical about the different beer and wine drinking experiences they've had; I always just sit there wondering if the muck I've tasted is somehow different to what everyone else is having. :P Give me a carton of fresh orange juice any day.

vannielou 04-25-2007 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Ditchy McAbandonpants (Post 41686)
It's odd, but for some reason I just don't drink any of the drinks that adults are supposed to like; I don't do tea, I don't do coffee, and I definitely don't do alcohol. As a non-tea-drinking Englishman and a non-coffee and non-alcohol-drinking student, you can imagine that puts me in a rather unusual bracket. :P Frankly, it bemuses me when I hear my friends talking about tea like it's the nectar of the gods, or waxing lyrical about the different beer and wine drinking experiences they've had; I always just sit there wondering if the muck I've tasted is somehow different to what everyone else is having. :P Give me a carton of fresh orange juice any day.

exactly! I'd rather have a jone's soda than any traditional "adult" drink

Partymember 04-25-2007 03:27 PM

My friend, i am firmly of the belief that a properly prepared spot of English Tea is the Nectar of the Gods.

And alcohol = happiness

some guy you dont know 04-25-2007 04:43 PM

i prefer soda. or cappichuino.(and i know i spelled that wrong)

Ditchy McAbandonpants 04-26-2007 02:50 AM

Go on, go on, go on...

Originally Posted by Partymember (Post 41763)
My friend, i am firmly of the belief that a properly prepared spot of English Tea is the Nectar of the Gods.

And alcohol = happiness

Heh...see, this is exactly the kind of thing which bemuses me. Even though I find the taste of alcohol more objectionable, I can understand the love of it more, because it is fundamentally an addictive and mind-influencing drug...which is also the main reason I've never tried to acquire a taste for it.

The tea thing baffles me, though! As you might know, I'm studying in China at the mo, which means my buddies and I are missing a lot of Western home comforts, and I know English tea tops the list for a lot of people; one of my friends was actually moved to tears by a cup of English tea he got in a restaurant. :wiltshock: I just can't get my head around this; from all of my experiences drinking tea, it's a fairly bland drink that tastes like leaves in water, which is what it is. :P What is it that people get so excited about? To me it seems like becoming obsessed with white bread, or James Blunt. :P

jekylljuice 04-26-2007 06:54 AM

Oh man, I make no exaggeration when I say that coffee (and occasionally Lucozade) is my lifeblood. On an average day I can drink six to seven cups of coffee, and don't get me started on the continuous flow I have going whenever I have any instensive work periods on (I've just come out of one right now, and I'm still feeling the side-effects). It must be very bad for me somehow, but then I don't smoke or drink alcohol, so I hope that compensates. I can agree with you on that one Ditchy, since I'm one of about two tee-totalling students I've ever encountered in my lifetime.

Alcohol = the nector of the nitwit (sorry, PM ;) )

I'm the only true-blue caffeine junkie amongst my social circle - most of my friends have converted to the cult of the tea leaf, and they think they're so superior for it. :P That said, I AM actually trying to cut down on my coffee intake and have a few herbal teas now and then, though nothing too elaborate. Twinnings do some palatable herbal teas, but most of the stuff my friends are into always leaves a nasty taste in my mouth.

The only thing I hate about coffee is that it goes cold very quickly. And then it's far from good.

HappyFoppy 04-26-2007 07:12 AM

Yes, I like coffee. No, I don't drink it everyday, so I picked 'I'll survive'.

And alcohol is made of 'fail adn aids' in my opinion.

pitbulllady 04-26-2007 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by jekylljuice (Post 41832)
Oh man, I make no exaggeration when I say that coffee (and occasionally Lucozade) is my lifeblood. On an average day I can drink six to seven cups of coffee, and don't get me started on the continuous flow I have going whenever I have any instensive work periods on (I've just come out of one right now, and I'm still feeling the side-effects). It must be very bad for me somehow, but then I don't smoke or drink alcohol, so I hope that compensates. I can agree with you on that one Ditchy, since I'm one of about two tee-totalling students I've ever encountered in my lifetime.

Alcohol = the nector of the nitwit (sorry, PM ;) )

I'm the only true-blue caffeine junkie amongst my social circle - most of my friends have converted to the cult of the tea leaf, and they think they're so superior for it. :P That said, I AM actually trying to cut down on my coffee intake and have a few herbal teas now and then, though nothing too elaborate. Twinnings do some palatable herbal teas, but most of the stuff my friends are into always leaves a nasty taste in my mouth.

The only thing I hate about coffee is that it goes cold very quickly. And then it's far from good.

I'm with you on this one! I HAVE to have at LEAST four cups of black coffee per day-no wimpy cream and fizzy stuff in MY coffee, thank you-and if it's hot weather, I'll substitute coffee for a can of sugar-free Sobe No Fear or some other energy drink. Just like I can feel when my blood sugar is getting low, I can literally feel when the caffeine in my system is running down, and it's time for a fix. Believe me, caffeine is every bit as addictive as alchohol, if not more so! It just has the opposite effect. Me, I am SO not a morning person, yet I have a job that forces me to get up at 5 o'clock am. If it weren't for coffee, I could not survive. I can sometimes drink a hot cup of English tea, but here in the South, THE thing is iced tea, which I do not care for. Tea, however, does not give me the "lift" that coffee does; it's like putting on a Band-Aid when sutures are really what's needed-a stop-gap measure at best. I cannot stand those herbal or green teas. I also can't stand coffee that is not close to the boiling point; to me, coffee is not meant to be chug-a-lugged, but is supposed to be sipped and savored, preferably while reading or watching tv or surfing the 'net. Once it starts to approximate room temperature, it's time to pour it down the drain or stick it in the microwave! Oddly enough, I often drink a cup of strong black coffee right before bedtime, while on the internet, yet I have no problems getting to sleep. I guess I've just built up a tolerance of it to that point. When I was a kid, and I mean a LITTLE kid, like first grade, my father used to prepare breakfast for us before we left for school, and he'd make "coffee milk", as he called it, which was basically a hot latte'. As I got older, he increased the ratio of coffee per milk in the cup, so that by the time I was in high school, I was drinking strong coffee with just a touch of milk. Once I started teaching, the milk had to go.


Partymember 04-26-2007 11:27 AM

Well, i dunno who makes your teas, but good English tea soothes and calms me, a Green tea helps me feel better, and coffee (ALWAYS black, no pansy cream and sugar) is great when i need to stay awake. Green Tea is horrible to drink because it tastes like fermented mold. Earl Grey is good.

As for alcohol, it has a rich and elaborate history stretching back thousands and thousands of years. The Egyptians brewed a strong beer that was basically "bread in a glass" because it actually sustained you because of the calorie content. The average Roman drank upwards of 1 bottle of wine a day, i believe, and theirs was much stronger than our wines. I find red and white wines to be very good as far as taste, beer i think is more hit or miss (depends on the brand, Heinekan yes, Molson no). "Harder" alcohols are quite good, in moderation. Grand Marnier is good straight, but very expensive and rather sugary in taste. Vodka is your basic cheap booze, and it can be mixed with just about anything you want to make it taste better (cranberry juice), although it isn't too bad straight. Alcohol is non addictive so long as you posses the levelheadedness not to drink massive amounts of it, and it is a good social drink as well as an "unwinding" drink.

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