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Cassini90125 08-28-2006 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Voxxyn (Post 3068)
.... though like Cassini said, I'm NOT AT ALL interested in being romantically involved with her, much as I adore her.

Uh, dude, I never said that. If a romance was a possibility, I would kill anyone who got in the way. I just won't ask her for anything more than what she's already given me. :-*

Mr. Marshmallow 08-28-2006 02:58 PM

It's no biggie if you suggested romance or not, the fact is that this is purely a fantasy and a typical "what if" question that's harmless. There's nothing wrong with saying anything involving romance with fictional characters because it's hurting no one.

Other characters I would love to meet would include Bloo, because you just know something funny would happen to him or someone else while he's around, and Eduardo. Eduardo is an odd guy. Sometimes he seems as gentle as a care bear, other times he proves he can be funny and down right crazy too.

Like his obsession with potatos, his photograph deal at Mac's house, his WEIRD obsession with the matress in "Bus the two of us", and one of my favorite lines from "Neighbor pains".

Eduardo: Uno momento. WILT, can you come back here, I don't like talking to this guy!

I don't know why :bloocross: but that just made me laugh.

Cassini90125 08-28-2006 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 3074)
It's no biggie if you suggested romance or not, the fact is that this is purely a fantasy and a typical "what if" question that's harmless. There's nothing wrong with saying anything involving romance with fictional characters because it's hurting no one.

Some of the fanfiction involving character romance is extremely hurtful. Regardless, I was just clarifying my position, that's all. :)

BlooCheese 08-28-2006 03:32 PM

Ooh. I want to meet both Mac and Bloo. Hmmm...which one, which one? Um...I choose Mac, I guess. What would I do? I don't really know. I guess I'd just play games or watch TV with him and do fun/crazy stuff, like what Mac and Bloo did in Squeeze the Day.

Scribble 08-28-2006 11:34 PM

I'd really like to meet all of them I guess, but I have no idea what I'd do if I met them. Faint probably. XD I'd love to meet Bloo and be involved in one of his crazy adventures!

Emma 08-29-2006 03:10 AM

Bloo, because he's just so awesome, cute, cuddly, jacka**-y...

And we'd totally throw rocks at cars from behind some topiarys.

Fomalhaut 08-29-2006 03:47 AM

Heeey, tough one!

So, I'd classify:
- Humans: despite Terrence being my favourite, I'd say Mac. Just that I don't think I'd impress Terrence in any way, so he'd be the bully he's always. But, if there was a slight possibility, I'd say... well, him, yes.
Mac, because he' so cute and smart. I'd love to have a conversation with him.
- Friends: - to meet: Wilt! (If the line waiting for him ever ends!) Because he's kind, caring, and could teach me some sports!
- to adopt: by the time I get there, Wilt would sure have been adopted already, so EUROTRISH! I sing like her, and I LIKE her singing voice! We'd sing a duet and scare evryone away! :D Okay, since I live in Europe and usually travel a lot, I'd surely make her happy.

LaBlooGirl 08-29-2006 06:07 AM

Uhm...Bloo, yeah, him. ^_^ I think I'd have to hug him to death, ask him if the theory is correct he's based on a security blanket....then give him back to Mac. (And encourage a relationship between the two, yes I would.)

Wilt- I'd just want to hang out with him, and give him a huge hug, tell him what a brave soul he is. (Condering his injuries, I always feel he's some kind of hero.)

Coco- I'd adopt her in two seconds. Then she could teach me her language, which one seems to understand by telepathic translation. Seriously.

All of Foster's would be cool to meet, truly they would!

FostersFriend 09-01-2006 12:58 PM

Who would it be?: All The Cast

2. Why them: Cuz they all rock!

3. And what would you like to do with them: Have the best day ever! :bloogrin

InsaneFan 09-01-2006 02:47 PM

1. Who would it be? Frankie. Yes, you heard me correctly. Don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE to meet Wilt(see #3), but I'd like to meet Frankie first.

2. Why him/her? She seems like fun. She'd be an awesome person to be friends with.

3. And what would you like to do with him/her? TOUR OF FOSTER'S! Oh yeah. XD Poor Frankie. I could choose to go anywhere with her, and I choose the place she's at all the time. 8D THEN I meet Wilt. :D Plus everyone else. Then, as long as we're fantasizing, I'd get a job and pay rent to live there too.

4. Why not Wilt? OOH, I added another! ;D Well, because, I'm really shy, and probably wouldn't get up the courage to talk to him much.

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