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x_dummkoff_x 08-16-2006 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by antgirl1 (Post 375)
No, she probably ment you wanna marry him or somethin. 8D

well I do!

pitbulllady 08-16-2006 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by x_dummkoff_x (Post 378)
well I do!

You and a significant portion of the female populace! Wilt's pretty much considered to be the Ultimate Prize by many single females(and probably more than a few married ones, whether or not they'd admit it publicly), of various age groups, I might add! He's my absolute favorite, and the reason I started watching the show in the first place, matter of fact.


Sparky 08-16-2006 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by x_dummkoff_x (Post 372)
:confused: .....
I don't get it.
is that an insult or something?
are you implying that I might be overly obsessed!?
are you saying that I'm MANIACLE! (<-- that's probably spelled wrong)
>> all right, I'm sorry about that.

I'm sorry I was just being friendly. I guess you're pretty new to the online Foster's community if you don't see the sarcasm. :) Wilt is VERY popular with the ladies. So I was jokingly saying that you're a Wilt fangirl...because you evidently are! :)

(I was thinking about creating a Wilt Fangirl grouping on here. ;) But that's not something I want to get into now, I need to recover from just creating the board!)

antgirl1 08-16-2006 07:57 PM

She noted o me, and she's actually Vivi. :D

One Radical Dude 08-16-2006 08:19 PM

I agree, I think Sparky was trying to be friendly with you -- is that okay? :D

Well, anyway -- Wilt is a very unique character, as well as the apperance. I know that he has had a really rough past, as you can see with the left wonky eye, parts of the face, and the left arm. I mean, how could anyone treat such a gentleman (or gentle IF), like the Wilt Man, so miserably? I like Wilt's personality, and it's the kind of personality you don't see from most cartoon characters.

Tonya 08-16-2006 11:11 PM

Exactly! That's what makes him so unique. He's unique because he's not you're typical cartoon character. He's the good guy, yes, and one of the sweetist guys in the world,but have you ever seen a good guy have a bad side? He should be in the TV Guide as one of the World's best role-models. Sure you got other role-models who are good guys, but did you ever see Superman do anything wrong? He's just one of the many examples I could give. And sure, those good guys are the protoganist of the story, and a protoganist is supposed to be the good character that you can relate to, but who can really relate to a character who if perfect, flawless?? I can't. They're not real protoganists, meaning they don't live up to their title, the protoganist. Wilt is a real protoganist. A good guy who can have a bad side, and THAT is what we can relate to.

pitbulllady 08-17-2006 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by Tonya (Post 452)
Exactly! That's what makes him so unique. He's unique because he's not you're typical cartoon character. He's the good guy, yes, and one of the sweetist guys in the world,but have you ever seen a good guy have a bad side? He should be in the TV Guide as one of the World's best role-models. Sure you got other role-models who are good guys, but did you ever see Superman do anything wrong? He's just one of the many examples I could give. And sure, those good guys are the protoganist of the story, and a protoganist is supposed to be the good character that you can relate to, but who can really relate to a character who if perfect, flawless?? I can't. They're not real protoganists, meaning they don't live up to their title, the protoganist. Wilt is a real protoganist. A good guy who can have a bad side, and THAT is what we can relate to.

That kinda reminds me of my sig on the Boggs Board, which is a quote from the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: "There is some good in the most evil of men, and some evil in the best of men", meaning that all people have the capacity to do good or evil, depending upon the circumstances. No one is purely one way or the other. This is something that's not often seen in animated characters, especially on tv, since many writers and animators create animation with children in mind, and assume that children can only reason in terms of everything being black or white, with no "gray" areas. The fact that the protagonists on Foster's ARE such flawed individuals, who have clear weaknesses and "bad sides", is a testimony to the real underlying sophistication of this show. Wilt is clearly a nice person, but he has some serious issues, and as we've seen in "Bus the Two of Us", he can quickly be pushed to the point of physical violence by certain situations. Wilt's emotional imperfections make him more "real" and believable than a character who never does anything wrong.


Imaginary Light 08-17-2006 08:01 AM

I love Wilt:D Behind Bloo, he's my favorite IF.
The fact that he's so friendly and sweet and caring, but can CRACK at certain things said (like jokes about his height) make him such a real character, even if he is imaginary!
Go Wilt!

antgirl1 08-17-2006 08:08 AM

Do you ever think that Wilt wishes he was shorter?

FostersFriend 08-17-2006 08:10 AM

Not really cuz I actually thinks he likes his high, otherwise why would he stand up for it? I'm sure perhaps in some situations he probbly wishes so, but i'm pretty sure he's happy the way he is!


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