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Medikor 10-01-2006 05:08 PM

I love Bloo! He's just hillarious! Even my mom likes him. He's usually the one who provides the most laughs. But also, he always has a lessen to learn. He's a great character.:D

Invader Bloo 10-03-2006 03:44 PM

I don't think he learns anything or atleast he dosen't pay attention to what he's learning.

Voxxyn 10-04-2006 02:03 PM

I think that's so that they can have him "learn" more lessons in future episodes. IMO, the children who watch the show are the ones actually learning from his mistakes.

I agree with what LaBlooGirl said; he's an important character, in that he shows to them that being a jerk to everybody isn't a good thing and WILL INDEED have negative consequences.

Invader Bloo 10-07-2006 05:09 PM

I like Bloo as an ignorant jerk! I think the Foster's crew likes it that way too.

Voxxyn 10-07-2006 07:10 PM

I didn't say that I don't want him to be that way. I'm just saying that he does a good job teaching kids the consequences of misbehavior. That, AND it's almost always at the center of the show's humor.

lucyrocks73 10-14-2006 08:28 AM

I love Bloo; I love the sarcasm, I love the humor, and I love everything about him.

I do wish that we could see more Mac and Bloo best friends moments though. Although Squeeze the Day (my favorite episode) had a ton of that, I do wish we had a bit more.

Bloo also makes me sad sometimes though. I mean, he has such high expectaions for everything, and he gets whiny-disapointed when things don't go his way. Almost like a little kid.

All in all, though, I love Bloo.

-Marty :goo:

Emma 10-15-2006 12:06 PM

Ahg, I hope everyone who has Comcast OnDemand goes and watches Bloo's the Boss as soon as possible. I can't wait 'till it airs normally and I can discuss it with you Bloo lovers! :bloocross:

Kzinistzerg 10-15-2006 02:28 PM

I can't wait, either. darn you on demand, not spontaneously installing yourself onto my tv!

BlooCheese 10-15-2006 04:41 PM

Darn you cable, not spontaneously installing yourself onto my TV!
I hope somebody puts it on YouTube once it airs.

Kzinistzerg 10-15-2006 05:59 PM

ME too. Darn you foster's, not spontaneously broadcasting directly into my brain!

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