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Conversation Between KazooBloo and carlito_cool
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
  1. KazooBloo
    01-07-2024 07:58 AM
    Yeah I wonder if he is injured or something. :/
  2. carlito_cool
    12-22-2023 06:10 PM
    Lets see if this feud is gonna be cool. Hope they have an awesome storytelling between them. BTW he hasnt been on smackdown since the heel turn of escobar ;/
  3. KazooBloo
    12-22-2023 05:10 AM
    Yeah I wonder if he'll return at the Rumble to eliminate Santos.
  4. carlito_cool
    12-08-2023 10:48 PM
    I was really thrilled to see him back in WWE. He was one of my fave wrestlers during Ruthless Aggression Era because he was so entertaining tbh. His promos are just awesome as a heel or babyface.
  5. KazooBloo
    12-08-2023 10:23 PM
    How do you feel about Carlito's return to WWE?
  6. KazooBloo
    03-10-2017 04:50 PM
    Hello, cARLITO.
  7. KazooBloo
    02-28-2017 01:51 AM
    Yes. When I can! It's on around 3AM here!
  8. carlito_cool
    02-26-2017 10:26 PM
    Hello to you KazooBloo! Still watching fosters?
  9. KazooBloo
    02-02-2017 02:11 PM
    Hey there,

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