View Full Version : Eraserhead, by David Lynch

11-28-2006, 10:41 PM
Has anyone here ever seen the cult classic "Eraserhead" by David Lynch?

I saw it for the first time a few months ago, and absolutely fell in love with the film. The cinematography, sound, and presentation of what was going on was top notch and, in my personal opinion, one of the few times the genre of film has been stretched to be shown as a form of art. It's the film that's really made me want to change my major from literature and go into film.

Among the many things debated about the film, one of the most debated is the film's actual meaning, if it so possesses one. That, to me, stresses the importance/significance of it as a work of abstractionist art. Since it's hard to actually describe the story/theories about what all of it means without completely spoiling the film, I'll keep things simple and just make a few broad generalizations. One is the fact that, depending on how you look at it, everything may or may not have a meaning, and the problem is, thus, deciphering the meaning and what the characters/things in this movie represent. It shows, in this fashion, one of the best ways to present an abstract work of art within the medium of film: the storyline and characters are kept simple to all outward appearance, yet you'll end up dwelling on its meaning as the movie goes on and after it ends.

I myself have some theories about what the movie means, but before I actually say any of them I'd kind of like to see if anyone else here has even seen/heard of this movie.

11-29-2006, 12:38 AM
Having seen it I think it's a bit of an adult movie to bring up on a forum like this. Given what happens in it, relations, murder, etc. etc... sorry Nathander but I think the movie is too adult to talk about here. I'm going to have to point this out to one of the admins, I hope you understand.

One Radical Dude
11-29-2006, 12:43 AM
I'm going to close it, just to be safe.