View Full Version : Thanks!

11-22-2006, 11:28 PM
Okay, it's Thanksgiving in a few hours (actually, it already is for all you mainlanders), so I thought I'd list a few things I'm thankful for. Besides all the usual friends/family/health blahblah, that is.
So first, Craig, Lauren, and all the other people who work so hard to give us "Foster's". I've been an animation geek pretty much my whole life, but this show (as we all know) is something pretty special. Thanks, guys.
Next, to the people who work so hard on this forum. Sparky, PBL, Cassini, ORD, Taranchula, and CG (if I'm forgetting someone, feel free to PM me to tell me what a stupid jerk I am) spend a lot of time and effort keeping this place in shape. They do a great job, for free, just out of their love of the show. Mahalo (thank you) to all of you.
And finally, to everyone here. I've joined a lot of forums for various things, and have almost always left after a week or two because it's usually just a lot of "Character X is the best" "No, character Y is the best, and only a loser would like X!" "Well, your mother smells bad!" and so on. While we don't always agree here, I've never (in my admittedly brief time here) seen things be less than polite and constructive. I'm sure a lot of that has to do with the mods being on the ball in terms of quickly yanking anything truly offensive, but at bottom I think it has a lot more to do with the fact that we all love "Foster's" and respect each other, even if we don't always agree on particular aspects of the show. You all make this forum a fun place to be, the kind of place I want to come back to every day (especially since most people's eyes quickly glaze over when I start talking about something like Eduardo's backstory). Muchas gracias, everyone.
Anyway, that's enough sentimental claptrap out of me. Besides, I have to go bake a pie. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody. ;D

11-23-2006, 06:55 AM
I have got lots of faults - but ingratitude ain't one of them. Happy Thanksgiving to all wherever you are, and however you are celebrating.

*He heads off to his family's house for the celebration and a turkey induced nap afterward!*:frankiesmile:

11-23-2006, 09:22 AM
Never Forgotten is honestly the greatest forum I have ever been on. Everyone is so..... oh man, I said I wasn't gonna cry..... *choke*

Well, basically, we're a real tight-knit group, like a big family that anyone can join and be welcomed into. It's just great. Plus, Foster's is so awesome, there is never a shortage of things to talk about. The cast of characters is spectacular -- even though all of those characters come from different places and people and walks of life, they're like a big family, too. And even if we're all from different places and walks of life, every single one of us has at least one thing in common -- our love for this awesome show.

Also, I am thankful for peppermint bark, because it's really good.

11-23-2006, 09:26 AM
Well, I'm thankful we're all alive and that today, GWH premiers. But mostly, I'm glad I joined Never Forgotten and got to know y'all because you're all such great people.

11-23-2006, 09:30 AM
I'm thankful for many things.

I'm thankful for the house I have and the security I have. I'm thankful for the wonderful family and friends I have. I'm thankful for the talents I've been given and the care that I've received through Providence.

I'm also thankful that I found this sight. I agree quite completely with what Kageri said: This is easily the best web community I've ever been a part of, and I've been a part of quite a few.

Thank you, everyone, and happy Thanksgiving!


11-23-2006, 09:46 AM
(Yay Nathander! 100!)

I'm thankful for a lot of things, my family, my boyfriend, my friends, and my job, but also for intangible things like my personality and my (somewhat newfound!) confidence. Blah blah... and rice krispy squares.

I also am thankful for everyone here, and especially Sparky for making this and enforcing it to be the most accepting place it can be. I love Foster's and it's really nice to be able to have intelligent conversations with people about it, especially since everyone is so respectful here. I'm actually not afraid of feeling stupid here, and on most forums, that's a hard thing to do because every forum has at least one troll who hates everyone and everything and talks down to other people.

I think that's what keeps me coming back - lol I feel the love! I agree with Kageri that we're all one big welcoming family.

I'm also thankful that I didn't die before GWH aired. I was seriously nervous that I'd have a freak accident and not get to see it... pathetic, I know. I shouldn't say anything, though, because it hasn't aired yet and I don't want to jinx myself!

One Radical Dude
11-23-2006, 12:08 PM
I am thankful for my friends, my family, God, my job (even if I don't appreciate it that much), the basic things I have, and so on. I appreciate the folks behind this great community. This is a wonderful group of people, and this is easily one of the best and most welcoming ones I've been to. As for this year, I am very thankful that I earned enough money to have someone do a Bloo costume for me, that I was able to make two visits to California -- one to be at a friend's wedding, and of course to be able to meet such a great group of people that worked behind Foster's (and of course meet the one behind Never Forgotten). This is a great group, you guys, and I hope things stay great until the end. Thank you, and have a great day!

11-23-2006, 12:11 PM
Yes, thanks to everyone for making this the greatest Foster's forum on the net, one endorsed by the show's creators yet! And double-thanks for Craig, Lauren and the rest of the team for bringing us the great series!


11-23-2006, 12:49 PM
Even if I ain't american and I don't celebrate this holiday, I'm thankful for my friend Fala for showing me the way to website, then to the forum. I've met a grand gaggle of people here who I get along with swimmingly well. It's definately one of the best communities I've ever been a part of. Also thanks goes out to of course Craig 'n Lauren for making such a wonderous television series that so many people can connect to. After all; it's what lead me here.

11-23-2006, 02:09 PM
I am thankful for so many things, I can't list them all. XDD

Thankful for:
-Foster's TV show, and the Foster's forum, Never Forgotten, plus it's members
-Being able to draw fanart
-CD Player
-Sparky, Pitbulllady, Taranchula, Cassini, ORD, and CG - The grand staff here that keeps this place running, Sparky for creating the forum, Pitbulllady for inspiring Sparky to create one, Taranchula, Cassini and ORD, for being great mods to help keep this place in order (we all goof up sometimes), and CG, for making all the wonderful smilies, icons, and everything else image-related for this forum.
-And myself, being a member (and now Foster's Legend) of this place, able to speak my mind, unlike the place I live in. XDD
-And everything else, Foster's and non-Foster's related.

This is just SOME of the things I'm thankful for, but this is all I would be able to write here. XDD

One Radical Dude
11-23-2006, 02:12 PM
Aw, ant, what about me? :o :'( 8D

EDIT: Never mind. :P

11-23-2006, 02:27 PM
Aw, ant, what about me? :o :'( 8D

Sorry, ORD. I KNEW I forgot someone...there, I fixed it. Now you're listed. XD