View Full Version : Good Wilt Hunting Movie Discussion 11/23/06

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11-19-2006, 11:42 PM
Well, the event of the year is finally just around the corner for those of you fortunate to be in America. Ever since the synopis had graced the Cartoon Network website, keyboards have been clicked ragged by fans eagerly anticipating the release of the Foster's movie. Plots have been theroised, characters, everything from beginning to end.

But now finally it's arrived and on Thanksgiving I'm sure many of you will (or at least try) sit down and watch it at 7pm.

Meanwhilst I, in a strange twist of fate being in Australia, have just viewed the movie in it's entirety. How? I won the eBay auction that was up a week ago, and it just arrived at my work today. To say I was eager to get home and park myself in front of my dvd player is an understatement.

The movie is well written, no doubt about it. It's up there with some of the best episodes they've produced, and the crew have a right to be proud of the final product. The story is sharp, funny, but also very touching at other times. Especially when you see just why Wilt is the way he is today. Not only that but you do see where Wilt 'grew' up, who he used to hang out with, and especially just how he became who he is physically as well as emotionally.

Some theories were really out there. But the real reason is just as interesting to see happen, it really does tie in nicely with the Foster's universe. It isn't overly violent like some theorised, nor is it sappy or 'magic' either. It's true to who Wilt is, then and now.

His cross country trip is most reminiscent of Follow that Bird. One scene even involves a few haystacks, as seen in the brief commercial of 'How to draw Wilt'. Wilt does what he does best, and leaves quite a mark in his wake whilst he is on his trip.

But let's not forget the other guys.

Finally meeting Eduardo's creator was well worth the wait, but sadly I think Coco was left out a bit. But I'm not going to embelish on that. Their concern for their friend is honest and true, not knowing why he left we all know they all clammer into the bus and head off after him. They really DO go all over the place, missing him at various times in a way that was reminiscent of American Tale. Which just adds to the sweetness of it.

The finale is well worth the build up, and you do finally see Wilt show what he's made of on the basketball court. What you see in the commercials is just a smidgen of just what he's capable of. Especially against the huge basketball headed friend (I will continue to call him as such so not to ruin his name) who has a big part in Wilt's past. The whole scene reveals a lot, and how it concludes is most definately the most tender moment written in Foster's history.

To say Craig and his crew have written a winner here is an understatement. It has enough heart, and enough humor, to make this an enjoyable viewing for every single one of us. I await the time when I can finally speak openly about what happens with you guys.

Let the count down continue!


11-19-2006, 11:48 PM
I just want to say, that I don't want to even *talk* about this very special episode/movie yet, therefore, I am not setting foot in this thread again until I have SEEN it. I just don't want to read any discussions, until I have seen it. I haven't been able to avoid the other threads, because as admin I have to keep an eye on things, but I am warning everyone (you too mods) that I am stepping out of this thread until I have the movie under my belt. I kind of feel like this movie is one of my birthday presents, and like the box PBL sent me, I don't want anything ruined by speculation or wondering. I enjoy just receiving my surprises when they come. :D

If there are any major issues going on in this thread like fights or whathaveyou that I *must* look at, send me a PM, or use the Report Post feature.

Bye for now. :terrsmile:

11-20-2006, 03:27 AM
ARGG! Damn you CG for the teasers! LOL :D No but seriously, that does sound awfully interesting! If you think it's good, it HAS to be! (And man, were you blessed to get to see it early.)
I'm really wondering who our basketball-head dude is...he's already a very intriguing character and I haven't even seen him in action yet. I can't wait to find out what exactly Wilt's past consists of...it has to be one of the most wondered about topics in history, if you ask me!

11-20-2006, 09:12 AM
I REALLY feel guilty asking this, as I genuinely want to be as surprised and awed as everybody else, but: is Frankie's role a good one?

Don't say what directly happens in answering my questions, of course. Be as broad and generic as possible. But I really need to know...

11-20-2006, 10:39 AM
Before this thread goes any further I would like to ask everyone not to harrass CG for movie info, okay? She bought that disk to keep it off of YouTube, not to be pestered with a lot of questions. Y'all might want to thank her for this act, done out of love for the show and a desire to keep it's ratings up so that another season will be forthcoming for all of us to enjoy. :)

Thank you, CG. :frankiesmile:

11-20-2006, 11:00 AM
I apologize if I offended anyone. That's the ONLY question I have; and since CG gave an indication as to Eduardo and Coco's roles along with Wilt's, I thought it'd be nice if she gave a spoiler-free indication towards Frankie's as well.

Her statement about the movie being an "an enjoyable viewing for every single one of us" is really gnawing at me. This is Wilt's time to shine, of course, and I can't wait to see that. But a lot of my personal enjoyment and "tilt" will be affected by the kind of role that Frankie has.

11-20-2006, 11:07 AM
No offense taken, dude. My comment was for everyone, not directed at you or anyone else in particular. :)

11-20-2006, 11:37 AM
She bought that disk to keep it off of YouTube... ...y'all might want to thank her for this act, done out of love for the show and a desire to keep it's ratings up so that another season will be forthcoming for all of us to enjoy.

Ah, I do.

Thank you very much, CG- it was very great of you to buy it.

Lauren was right... I'm very glad that someone like you who would NOT put it up on the 'net got it.

Good job!

And you've made me want to see the movie even more... Three more days, three more days...

I also appreciate the fact that you told us that it was good WITHOUT giving a whole lot of the plot elements away.

You rock, CG, and I commend you.


-Marty :goo:

11-20-2006, 01:18 PM
Sounds awesome! Thanks for giving us a heads up!

But the real reason is just as interesting to see happen, it really does tie in nicely with the Foster's universe. It isn't overly violent like some theorised, nor is it sappy or 'magic' either. It's true to who Wilt is, then and now.


Judging from the "not overly violent" remark, I'm guessing it's safe to say we get at least a hint of what happened instead of forgoing the event altogether like I had (partially) feared they would do?

11-20-2006, 01:39 PM
Thanks guys. It means a lot.

I'm sorry I can't be all explanetory on why I said what I said. I'm not the kind to sit and watch a movie only to judge it later and say what was wrong, what should have been included rather then what was included. It's a good story. It's a good movie. And I'm sorry but if you see fault in me just telling you you're in for a treat then, well. That's your issues.

And what Cassini said is right, the reason I did buy it is because I didn't want it leaked onto YouTube, or any other video hosting server which myself and Lauren feared would happen. She voiced her concern over this, and that was enough to get me to shell out $100AUS to make this movie safe from the net. I even alerted her to the fact on DA that I won it, and that I would not disclose the ending, or upload it.

She thanked me for being such a fan of the show and doing it.

And I'll just have to say it again. It's a wonderful movie. It really is.

11-20-2006, 02:00 PM
Before this thread goes any further I would like to ask everyone not to harrass CG for movie info, okay? She bought that disk to keep it off of YouTube, not to be pestered with a lot of questions. Y'all might want to thank her for this act, done out of love for the show and a desire to keep it's ratings up so that another season will be forthcoming for all of us to enjoy. :)

Thank you, CG. :frankiesmile:

I agree Cassini ~ thanks for posting this. :frankiesmile:

Thank you CG! :)

11-20-2006, 02:05 PM
Thank you CG. Although I have a million questions stewing in my mind like everyone else, I will have to wait to see it, and I won't pester you with any questions. I will just take your word that it's great, that I won't be disappointed(even if none of my own far-fetched theories are even remotely close to the truth), and I will be hopeful that not only will it top the ratings, but will eventually bring home some awards and garner even more praise for the series and its creative team.


11-21-2006, 02:58 PM
Aha! I knew it was reminiscient of "Follow that Bird"

11-22-2006, 12:31 AM
Oh CG, I am so jealous, then again so NOT jealous, because I'd hate to have seen it and have NOBODY to talk about it with. You brave soul 8D

I'm REALLY glad someone responsible like you got a hold on it before some random shmuck did. Thank you!

11-22-2006, 02:41 AM
Forty-eight hours from now, nearly all of us will have seen the movie.



I can't wait.

-Marty :goo:

11-22-2006, 03:25 AM
YOU can't wait?! I've got queasiness(of excitement) AND I'm actually physically VIBRATING!!!!

Invader Bloo
11-22-2006, 05:44 AM
I hope I can eat dinner within a hour! My Nana said dinner will probally be ready by 6! Then we usually stay for a little bit & go home (only a mile from their house! :D)
It's nice not to see GWH on YT yet! Only a little bit ober a day left!:bloogrin

11-22-2006, 06:26 AM
One day left, guys. :D

In one day we will learn the secret of Wilt's past. IN ONE DAY. XDD

11-22-2006, 08:03 AM
YOU can't wait?! I've got queasiness(of excitement) AND I'm actually physically VIBRATING!!!!

I feel the queasiness too, minus the "vibrating" thing. :3 I can't believe I feel as skitterish over a telly movie as I typically feel when I'm going to a job interview. That's an overreaction (to me) and too much emotion for an hour-long episode..

Invader Bloo
11-22-2006, 08:49 AM
I'm dieing of anticipation! *bangs head on a wall like an insane person*
Banging feels gooooood....GWH tommorow! WOO!:D :bloogrin ;D :cheese:

Wow, that was a little newbie-ish. :P

11-22-2006, 10:01 AM
I feel the queasiness too, minus the "vibrating" thing. :3 I can't believe I feel as skitterish over a telly movie as I typically feel when I'm going to a job interview. That's an overreaction (to me) and too much emotion for an hour-long episode..

Hah don't feel bad, I feel the same way. I don't get nervous or giddy over much, but I have butterflies and will probably not be eating much over the next few days because I just don't feel hungry.

11-22-2006, 10:10 AM
I have to commend you on you're very adirable act of preserving the movie for everyone, CG. The world needs more people like you in it. But I kinda hope it does get on youtube after the movie airs. Otherwise I may have to wait a very long time for teletoon to air it, that is, if they even decide to.
And again: I congratulate you on you're noble act of buying that dvd to put Craig and Laurens fears to rest. *shakes CG's hand*

Invader Bloo
11-22-2006, 11:37 AM
Yeah, you had to spend alot on that! Plus you got a poster & the rare Bloo plushie everyone wants! We all thank you...except the jerks who can't wait 24 hours.

"C" the Dragon
11-22-2006, 11:38 AM
Way to move, CG!:D You saved the show from being boring after the movie being uploaded to Youtube.com before the airing! And if the movie was uploaded before the airing by someone else, I won't watch it until I saw it on TV, just to be myself, a.k.a., kind and selfless.;) (I hope that wasn't harsh or bragging)


Invader Bloo
11-22-2006, 11:51 AM
I don't think none of us would, we know that would lower the ratings!

11-22-2006, 12:20 PM
Kick that other IF's butt, Wilt! That imposter is NOTHING compared to you! WOOOO!

(500th post? HOW CAN THAT BE??)

11-22-2006, 05:51 PM
Of course, we may get a record number of users tomorrow (11/23). The float in the Macy*s Thanksgiving Day Parade, and the movie later that night can be good cause to make a record.

11-22-2006, 06:13 PM
Do any of you guys know when will the movie be available on the net? I live in Northern Europe and there's no way I'll see it on TV.

11-22-2006, 06:32 PM
It'll be on tomorrow at 7pm here in the states. I know I will NOT be dissapointed.

11-22-2006, 09:17 PM
*sings* I'M SO EXITED!

Now watch me not be able to get online tommorow after the movie due to internet difficulties.

11-22-2006, 09:25 PM
I'm excited too because it's premairing in the UK THIS Saturday yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

11-22-2006, 10:21 PM
Of course, we may get a record number of users tomorrow (11/23). The float in the Macy*s Thanksgiving Day Parade, and the movie later that night can be good cause to make a record.

In Belgium, today *is* 23 Nov. :P PWND.

Jii: it'll soo be on youtube AFAIK. No wait, that's not legal. FJZEQIFJQZEOIGJZEGJWZPEOJWPOEJPE. :(

11-23-2006, 12:13 AM
Okay, if you want to see it again or you were at a friend's (or relative's) house, and you missed it or failed to videotape or TiVo it, cheer up. Here's the replays along with their times (ET/PT):

Friday 10:30 AM, 7 PM and 10 PM;
Sunday, 9 AM and 11:30 AM.

Thank you, CartoonNetwork.com.

11-23-2006, 11:00 AM
4 Hours!

4 Imaginaries, one of which is missing, looking for his creator, while the rest find him!

11-23-2006, 11:14 AM

That's never stopped anyone before. :B

11-23-2006, 01:02 PM
2 Hours!

1 IF, one guy called J-[*bricked by Lauren and CG*]

11-23-2006, 01:39 PM
*picks up brick* That'll learn ya!

11-23-2006, 01:50 PM
I know one IF is Wilt, while the other I call "BBall-headed dude" til futher notice. XD

11-23-2006, 01:57 PM


Patience is a virtue...that is horribly OVERRATED.


11-23-2006, 02:05 PM

We, the members of Fosters-home.com would like to thank the following people for bringing such a marvelous creation to our screens:

Craig McKracken, Lauren Faust, Sean Marquete :) , Keith Ferguson :bloogrin , Tom Kenny :-/ , Candi Milo ;) :cheese: :mfoster: , Grey Delisle :frankiesmile: >:( ,Tom Kane :herriman: .

And of course, Phil Lamar :D, without you (and Craig), there wouldn't probably be a movie about Wilt, and we may have never found out about his past...


11-23-2006, 02:15 PM
Patience is a virtue...that is horribly OVERRATED.


Lol Love it!!! :cheesegrin:

You guys get to see it in 48 mins if I've got this right:terrconf:

I get to see it Saturday morning at 10AM GMT YAY:cheese:

11-23-2006, 02:19 PM
Just a heads up guys, after the movie airs I'm posting my review 'n it's kinda long. Kinda very long. Kinda 4 pages in word long. Oh and art! I'll link to that too. :)

11-23-2006, 02:23 PM


Patience is a virtue...that is horribly OVERRATED.


If you could wait a year for it, you can wait an hour. Just like the rest of us in America.

11-23-2006, 02:42 PM
Gahhh I can't watch it until tomorrow! It's gonna be so hard not to peek at all the spoilers.

11-23-2006, 02:50 PM

We, the members of Fosters-home.com would like to thank the following people for bringing such a marvelous creation to our screens:

Craig McKracken, Lauren Faust, Sean Marquete :) , Keith Ferguson :bloogrin , Tom Kenny :-/ , Candi Milo ;) :cheese: :mfoster: , Grey Delisle :frankiesmile: >:( ,Tom Kane :herriman: .

And of course, Phil Lamar :D, without you (and Craig), there wouldn't probably be a movie about Wilt, and we may have never found out about his past...


Hear hear! :) ;) :frankiesmile: :bloogrin :D :-/ :cheesegrin: :goo: :mfoster: :herriman: :jk:

11-23-2006, 03:19 PM
Enjoy darlings!

11-23-2006, 03:20 PM
42!! i love it, and the one guy looks like mandark (sp?) from dexter's lab (thats all i was able to catch... 2 min)

11-23-2006, 04:01 PM
Like most episodes, I give it an A

Monty :-/

11-23-2006, 04:03 PM
It was excellent. Wilt's origin was pretty much the way I expected it to be.

I loved the way he helped everyone else and in the process got the biggest help from his creator.

11-23-2006, 04:03 PM
All I have to say is that I LOVED it. The whole story of Wilt's journey was wonderful and touching. After a long time of having only the awful WTAWTAW as his only starring role, it's nice to see Wilt genuinely shine for once.

11-23-2006, 04:04 PM
Hold onto your socks.

Well it’s finally aired! Good Wilt Hunting has finally graced our tiny television screens with it’s presence, and the good folks at Cartoon Network under the watchful guidance of Craig McCracken and Lauren Faust have not disappointed. And here I get to ramble on about observations that I wrote not a few hours after I first watched the movie, then additions made after more viewings.


Wilt has obviously felt bad ever since what happened between him, Foul Larry and Jordan. So bad that he actually ran away from the one place he felt at home, into the wide world only to end up in Foster’s. But what gets me is that whilst he’s spent all his years at Foster’s he’s never opened up to his friends. He never told them who his creator was, where he came from, not even the year he was created (evidence given in the scene of Mac looking at the Foster’s website information on him), yet when he leaves Foster’s to go face against Foul Larry again he tells parts of his history to complete and total strangers. Now why on earth would he do that? Is it because he knows he won’t stay with these people (or imaginaries, in one instance) for long so he can tell them, and then move on? Or maybe Wilt was finally ready, after all these years, to open up and talk about what happened. It’s a tough thing to talk about sure, not lonely loosing your arm and your eye in a basketball game but also to loose your best friend and feel like you let him down so hard, it forced you to run away from him in fears of hurting him even more? True he never gave away the whole story, only bits that mattered. Such as to Floofy Woogums, he only told her about how he too was lost from his child for so long, just like she was. Then because the elderly farmer mentioned that Wilt looked like a sportsman on the television did Wilt divulge him with the story of just why he was created in the first place; to help Jordan become a better basketball player (then his brother at least that was the core reason). And finally in front of some tough (I use the term loosely) men in the jail did he finally say that he crushed his little boy’s dreams. It’s funny that after all these years he finally opens up, but only to complete strangers who don’t know him; but those who will most definitely remember him.

Another thing that got to me was how Wilt lost his arm and eye. To have another friend created for the soul purpose of beating you has got to be one kind of a burn to bear, especially when you finally go up against this friend and his kid. It seems even if Foul Larry was breaking rules left and right, Wilt never once lowered himself to his level and go against the rules. He kept doing the right thing. But sadly the right thing cost Wilt the game, and ultimately, his arm, eye and Jordan. It’s the way Wilt lost it, it’s obvious he could have won the game but in the grand scheme of things Wilt knows what is far more important. The life of his child, his best friend in the whole world, was in jeopardy. How could he just allow Foul Larry to cause some serious damage to Jordan just so he could win the game? Simple, he couldn’t. So despite knowing that it’ll hurt, he pushed Jordan out of the way. I’m surprised he didn’t scream, or at least cry, when the initial pain stepped in. I mean having something that heavy land on your arm, obviously crushing it and breaking it in who knows how many places (I’ll check a screen grab later to see just how many twists and bends his arm takes) you would feel some pain obviously. A lot of pain. But despite the expression of his face he doesn’t. Perhaps the force of the pain was so strong it practically made him numb to it? Even when the basketball smashed his eye he didn’t scream either. He just looked so in pain, and to add to his injuries Jordan doesn’t even see what happened to him. Wilt just lost his arm and eye to save his child, and all he could think about was loosing the game, which at the time was the most important thing. To not only Jordan, but to Wilt as well. Feeling like he’s let his best friend down, despite having just saved his life, Wilt feels he is now inadequate to be his friend and all but runs away. Without even waiting for Jordan to see him. That I feel is very silly. Years of emotional pain could not have happened if Jordan had just looked at Wilt instead of being all bent out of shape on the outcome of the game. But still, he was a child at the time. And he later admits that having lost Wilt made him realise just what was most important to him in life. Not winning all the games, but knowing who his true friends are and caring about them most. So in a sad way, by both of them loosing the other both grew and changed in different ways. Plus, the favour was returned with Jordan saving Wilt from being crushed by Larry this time.

11-23-2006, 04:04 PM
I’m also very pleased to see Wilt has decided to stay on in Foster’s, even if Jordan offered to let him live in one of his mansions Wilt still doesn’t want to leave. But not just because of his love of all his friends in Foster’s, but he knows why he was created. He was brought into being to be a friend to a child, and an imaginary friend not having a child to look after and care for is the most difficult thing for them to do. Jordan was his past, a big piece of his past and he’s obviously grateful beyond belief to have something of his past to smile back upon now instead of feeling all that guilt, as well as having the friendship back. But Jordan was Wilt’s past, his future is still uncertain. Despite his many years living under Foster’s roof and not being adopted, he still holds firm in the belief that somewhere out there is a child who is waiting for him. They might not know it yet, but they will need him one day and the only way he could ever help them is if he stays in Foster’s. It’s touching to see him still so optimistic after all these years, still holding firm in the thought he’d be adopted. And who knows, maybe one day he will. He most certainly deserves to have a child again, to say the least.

Now it’s time for the other character’s roles.


Coco I feel was greatly left out of the movie. The only thing we learn about her is that she was discovered on an island all by herself. Even though the questions actually arose of what happened to her kid, and why she was there all alone, you never get the answer. Technically even if she answered we wouldn’t be able to understand her, but still. Coco holds even more mystery then Wilt. Whilst now we know where Wilt came from, and how he came about; Coco is still unknown. Well sure, through information leaked on the internet (“Thank Goodness the internet offers nobody any privacy!” ~ Adam) we know she was created on that island by the child who survived a plane crash. But what happened to her child? Why did Coco stay behind? Maybe her child was in fact rescued, but Coco felt she was better off staying on the island where she had grown up. It would have been painful for them to separate like that, but maybe her child also felt Coco was better at home alone on an island. But we won’t know until we finally see what happened to her.


Now my favourite character Eduardo got some lovely, tender moments. It was so lovely to see that he and his creator, Nina, still share such a beautiful bond after so many years. The two have such a lovely relationship, despite Nina now being a police officer and a grown woman she can still indulge in the novelties of being a little girl all over again with Eduardo. He does her nails, her hair, and they still play a Spanish game of clapping hands together when they feel bored enough. Plus given the fact he still cares to greatly for her he’d shake the Foster’s bus to pieces for her is great too. She is, after all, his creator. The first thing he did when he was created was scare off two thugs who were scaring her, and the next thing he did was embracing her in his arms and hugged her. That is Eduardo explained in just a few moments of animation. He, like Wilt, helped change their creators too. Whilst loosing Wilt helped teach Jordan what mattered most, with Eduardo around he helped Nina to become braver. Of course Eduardo would protect her at any cost, roaring and charging at any danger to scare it off from her, he is still a very sweet sensitive imaginary who has feelings who get hurt. If Eduardo is always there for her when she’s scared, why wouldn’t she be there for Eduardo when he’s scared? It’s a beautiful balance, and seeing the two together showed just how strongly a friendship can last. He feels no ills for her leaving him there either, sure he probably cried an ocean of tears when she did; but he understands that she loves him, always will, and she will always be back to visit for the reunions. I’d like to imagine she visits him between those reunions too.

11-23-2006, 04:04 PM
Douglas and Adam

Douglas and Adam were a nice little addition to the Foster’s cast. They are obviously intrigued with the possibility of making a new science solely dedicated to studying imaginaries and I say good on them! Imaginaries seem to be a lesser race in the world of Foster’s, being confiscated like chewing gum, and put in lost and found departments like a pair of socks. To understand fully what makes an imaginary friend tick both emotionally and physically would be an interesting thing to see. I’d most definitely buy THEIR books on the matter. They were such a pair of kids, also, with their crushes on Frankie. Both of them obviously liked the young woman very much, so much so they fought with flowers over who should give them to her. As well as holding open doors for her. Frankie is obviously not impressed with a pair of geeks being infatuated with her; she has better things to do with her time then feel humbled by these guys. But still she allowed them to join them on their journey, and that was very nice of her also. And whilst she was obviously annoyed she never punched them, or do anything mean to them. She just handled them with ‘yeah ignore them’ but still that didn’t hurt them. Sure it’s still mean to do that, but what else can she do? She has a missing Imaginary on her hand and having two lovesick teenager-like boys after you doesn’t help matters. But in a way, they did help matters. They helped them realise just where Jordan was, and if it weren’t for them the guys would probably not have been able to reunite Wilt with his long lost creator. So to that, I thank them. Plus I think Douglas is hot. Shut up. I like nerds.

Mac ‘n Bloo

Mac and Bloo, I felt, weren’t really up to scratch in the movie. I know it’s hard to fit everyone into his or her own glory scenes in a 60 minute movie, but what I got didn’t feel like it was to the full extent of what it could be. Bloo’s spontaneous screams of just what Wilt could be doing, where he came from and who created him was cute, the gag got way silly towards the end of the movie. Yes I admit I giggled at his Godzilla screams. Mac though, with his optimism in finding Wilt is what kept the group together. Even when Frankie began to doubt that they’d find Wilt, who kept on believing they’d pick up the trail? That they’d find clues? It was Mac, not Frankie. And that shows just how much Mac does care for not only imaginaries in general, but his best friends especially. Many felt they’d all loose heart eventually, but Frankie was the first to voice their negative feelings to her Grandmother on the phone, a surprise for me. But I’m not here to talk Frankie. I’m here to talk Mac, who was the one who realised the connection between Wilt and Jordan Michaels; something that could not have been easy. I mean, no one else in all those years made the connection; true no one else in the past really questioned Wilt about his past and think about just who his creator was, but good on Mac for being the optimistic one in the movie.


Frankie too wasn’t really as great as I thought she would be. Surprisingly enough, as mentioned beforehand, she was the one to really voice their disappointment with the possibility of just turning around and going home. This is really not like Frankie at all. Yes she has a whole mess of chores to do back home, but Wilt has been a part of her life ever since she was a little girl who started hanging around her Grandma’s place because it was so cool and fun to be with all those Imaginary friends. Plus probably having a child around for the first time in years was a big mood lifter for those who had been without children a long time. She had a busload of people and imaginary friends hunting one imaginary who just didn’t seem to want to be found by anyone. Of course we know better, Wilt’s humanitarian personality is what kept him so busy and occupied during his trip. She had a lot to handle, that’s for sure, with that busload. Especially with Adam and Douglas’s relenting attempts to woo her and win her affection. She wasn’t interested, obviously. Maybe she’s just not in the mood for a relationship in general, or she’s being a bit superficial by not finding either of them approachable given their… nerdiness. I don’t know her reason. I’m just glad she didn’t hit either of em.

11-23-2006, 04:04 PM
Random observations

I love how Coco’s almost adopted Adam and Douglas as her boys even if they’re not really her creator. Her fawning over them at the end, combing hair and wiping cheeks was especially sweet. She probably even referred to them as “And my Douglas and Adam…” in the ‘wrap up’ scene. Aw, mother hennery Coco. How cute!

Eduardo is now the only main imaginary character we’ve seen being created. I am a happy Eduardo fan girl for that. Plus, I loved how he used to carry Nina around on his head, and even as an adult he still did that. And he hugs Bloo ‘n Mac just how he used to hug her too. Aw. More cute.

When did Wilt get those stitches on his face? In the scene where Jordan just runs past the street you see the back of Wilt’s head close up and he already has his middle lobe stitched. Did he do it himself? If so, ouch. Plus then, when did he have his arm removed? Did he walk around with a mangled arm until he came to Foster’s and Madame Foster had it removed because it was giving him so much pain? Hooray. Room for MORE speculation.

I liked the running gag of Frankie and Nina. That poor girl’s gonna owe a lot to the police by the time their whole incident’s over. Parking with a permit, parking in a red zone, speeding, road rage, going through a yellow light… even Jordan Michael wasn’t immune. Parking a leer jet in a city street earned him a ticket too.

Once again it proves what kind of friend Wilt is too. He’s a Helper Friend; it isn’t stated but you can tell right away that he was made to help Jordan become a better basketball. Then he went out of his way how many times to help strangers.

Plus now we’re given a time frame. Foul Larry ‘whooped Wilt’s butt’ 30 years ago. So in the year of 1976 was when Wilt became separated from Jordan, and he’s been at Fosters for at least twenty-two years; meaning he was there in 1984. That’s a good 8 years Wilt has unaccounted for. Just what he did in those years we might never know. He obviously made it all the way across the country, given the 'map' we saw shown where the guys were on one side of the country, and Wilt's destination was all the way on the other end of it. That wouldn't have been easy to do, especially without transport and money to pay for his way there unlike he did here. Hitchhiking with hippies? Walked the whole way? Bring on the fodder fan fic fillers. I know they’ll be coming.


So all in all, did I enjoy the movie? Yes, I absolutely did. Having a look back into just what made our imaginary friends who they are today was a treat to behold. Seeing Wilt animated in his whole form was beautiful, and Eduardo’s flashback moments with Nina were the sweetest things you could see. How things were resolved were very true to the Foster’s fashion, Bloo’s whole recap on their events was a treat, and especially Wilt and Jordan’s make up was a wonderful thing too. What this movie proves is that friendship lasts. Those who matter most will always be there, be it in spirit or in body they will always stay with you, helping you become a better person. I tip my hat to Lauren Faust especially for penning (typing?) this entire movie, she really had her work cut out for her and she did a simply fantastic job. They all did.

And that, my friends, is my two freakin' CENTS.

Oh, and two pieces of art.

Eduardo with Nina (http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/43549894/)
They’re too cute together NOT to be drawn. I gotta draw her as an adult with him now.

Wilt with Jordan (http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/43550151/)
And the man himself with his own creator, back in the good ole' days of 1979. Afro!

NOW I’m done.

11-23-2006, 04:18 PM
I've just seen the movie and I adored it. It was so sweet and charming, yet sad and made you feel for Wilt. I was never a fan of Wilt, he actually kind of annoyed me. But after seeing this I've changed my mind.

Edwardo was adorable with his creator. Especially on the bus XD Best moment ever.

11-23-2006, 04:23 PM
I just finished watching it *looks at watch* 22 minutes ago!

Overal, I give it an "A" Any main points of this review will be put in spoiler tags for those who haven't seen it yet.

First off, the idea behind the renunion was perfect. I liked how the creator could be what we expected,
Like the green hairy guy's creator.

or what we didn't expect:
Fluffer-nutter's creator

I also think the Foster's gang creators were awesome.

It was cool how Ed's creator was a cop and kept giving Frankie tickets, And these two nerds found Coco.
The backstories were also cool.

Bloo in the begining made be laugh8D But then again, he made me laugh all the time.

And now the star:
Call me catious, but I'll keep all his info in a spoiler box.
I thought it was interesting how Wilt felt so guilty he just up and left Fosters. When he was alone in his room during the reunion, it made me want to cry:'( When he ended up being nice and kept missing his rides back home,he always found other ways there. I really liked when he found that friend her owner. In the end, I thought it was interesting how he got hurt and ended up the way he is.( I guess now we can prove millions of fanfics wrong!8D ) Just kidding.

All in all, I loved wish I could record it.

Sims Katie
11-23-2006, 04:27 PM
It was strange seeing Wilt with two good eyes. Made his head look too big :P

One thing that I noticed was that they didn't explain how Wilt actually lost the arm. I mean, we saw it get crushed and then Jordan finds the wrist band. So what, did they do triage on the court or something?

"C" the Dragon
11-23-2006, 04:38 PM
Oh man, do I like it!!!:D We finally got to know part of Wilt!!

I'm surprised that he would look like that with his eye a-okay and two arms before he lost the game saving his creator!!!:wiltshock: And I'm also surprised that's how Wilt lost his arm and eye!!:wiltshock: At least it wasn't violent, that's for sure.

I finally get to saw some other expressions on his face! (What? A Wilt-fan like me has to see some expressions on his face! There's still alot I needed to see!)

I'm also surprised that his creator is just like Wilt!!!:wiltshock: Well, Actally, a little. It can't be dramatic like say, Wilt was really sorry that he lost but his creator ain't forgiving him until Wilt left and Wilt be stuck like this for life.

I *Love* the ending credits! Wilt's like a coach at the basket ball game! *So* LOL!!8D

And it's *so* cute that Wilt accedentally said "Chwisthmath" instead of "Christmas" to the small friend! KAWAII!!!!:frankiesmile::D

The rest was good, and I gave it an "A", so, YAY!!!^^

11-23-2006, 04:40 PM
I'm glad the "Frankie and the nerds" thing didn't go anywhere farther than being a background anecdote. I was relieved that Frankie didn't punch them... but at the same time, I nearly cheered when she just nonchalantly shoved them off-screen at the very end. She deserves better, that's for sure. Not because they're "nerds", but because they seemed to be very rude and jerk-like.

And it was very sweet of Frankie to comfort the basketball headed IF as he arrived as a new resident.

11-23-2006, 04:44 PM
I'm glad the "Frankie and the nerds" thing didn't go anywhere farther than being a background anecdote. I was relieved that Frankie didn't punch them... but at the same time, I nearly cheered when she just nonchalantly shoved them off-screen at the very end. She deserves better, that's for sure. Not because they're "nerds", but because they seemed to be very rude and jerk-like.

And it was very sweet of Frankie to comfort the basketball headed IF as he arrived as a new resident.

They were more than a little annoying, that's for sure. And the scene at the end between her and Foul Larry was touching. :frankiesmile:

One Radical Dude
11-23-2006, 05:03 PM
Don't expect a long review from me, however, I truly enjoyed this short film. It was hard NOT to have high expectations for "Good Wilt Hunting". I believe a solid majority of us have been wanting to know why Wilt is the way he is physically and emotionally, and with GWH, we finally get to witness Wilt's past with his creator (being Jordan Michaels) and his basketball rival -- Foul Larry. I enjoyed how Wilt discovered Floofy, and that he was able to find her kid. That just proves to you how he is certainly a true gentleman. Ed and Nina were awesome. That was one of my favorite aspects of the movie. I would love to go on, but I may have to wait until the Thanksgiving weekend ends. 8D I really can't think of a whole lot to say right now. I definitely enjoyed GWH, and the staff has done a wonderful job with it. I look forward to Season Five, which I assume will begin after the holidays.

11-23-2006, 05:32 PM
Oh man, do I like it!!!:D We finally got to know part of Wilt!!

I'm surprised that he would look like that with his eye a-okay and two arms before he lost the game saving his creator!!!:wiltshock: And I'm also surprised that's how Wilt lost his arm and eye!!:wiltshock: At least it wasn't violent, that's for sure.

I finally get to saw some other expressions on his face! (What? A Wilt-fan like me has to see some expressions on his face! There's still alot I needed to see!)

I'm also surprised that his creator is just like Wilt!!!:wiltshock: Well, Actally, a little. It can't be dramatic like say, Wilt was really sorry that he lost but his creator ain't forgiving him until Wilt left and Wilt be stuck like this for life.

I *Love* the ending credits! Wilt's like a coach at the basket ball game! *So* LOL!!8D

And it's *so* cute that Wilt accedentally said "Chwisthmath" instead of "Christmas" to the small friend! KAWAII!!!!:frankiesmile::D

The rest was good, and I gave it an "A", so, YAY!!!^^

Those end credits are the funniest thing I've ever seen on tv! You know those "soccer dads" you hear about on the news, who get in fights at games when somebody disses their kid, or the ref makes a bad call? That's Wilt, through-and-through! They probably had to leave the game early before he pulled a Bobby Knight or something!


11-23-2006, 05:32 PM
Douglas and Adam


wait, they were named douglas and adam, wow that is even better.

42 (the number on one of their chests) is from Douglas Adams 5 part trilogy "the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" so many shows, and even programs honor him.

For anyone too young to know what I am talking about, go out and pick up the book, it is great

Sumshine 904
11-23-2006, 05:40 PM
OMG THE MOVIE WAS SO ADORABLE! I almost cried when I saw how Wilt lost his arm and messed his eye up... *sniffel* IT WAS SOOOOO TOUCHIIIIING!

11-23-2006, 05:46 PM
wait, they were named douglas and adam, wow that is even better.

42 (the number on one of their chests) is from Douglas Adams 5 part trilogy "the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" so many shows, and even programs honor him.

For anyone too young to know what I am talking about, go out and pick up the book, it is great

There have been sooo many little things in the show that elude to Hitchhikers, I love it!!!

I must have read that book in... geesh, grade school, and then picked it up again all tattered and dog-eared when the movie came out. A must read for all ages!

Chaos Wielder
11-23-2006, 06:39 PM
First of all, I have to say that I really loved, not just liked, LOVED this tv movie! It had so much heart and the humor balanced it out nicely as well. There were certainly many tear-worthy moments found throughout the whole thing and I am extremely impressed with how much Wilt's character was brought out in the movie. I can definitely say that I now have even more respect for him as a character and as impossible as this might have seemed at one point...I think I actually like him even more now! XD I am also even impressed with his creator for certain reasons that were found toward the end (I won't mention SPECIFIC reasons because I want to stay as FAR away as I can from spoilers right now mainly because of the fact that there might STILL be people that didn't get a chance to see the movie yet! But the rest of you that have seen it might know what I mean XP). I give this movie an A, simple as that.


Coco I feel was greatly left out of the movie. The only thing we learn about her is that she was discovered on an island all by herself. Even though the questions actually arose of what happened to her kid, and why she was there all alone, you never get the answer. Technically even if she answered we wouldn’t be able to understand her, but still. Coco holds even more mystery then Wilt. Whilst now we know where Wilt came from, and how he came about; Coco is still unknown. Well sure, through information leaked on the internet (“Thank Goodness the internet offers nobody any privacy!” ~ Adam) we know she was created on that island by the child who survived a plane crash. But what happened to her child? Why did Coco stay behind? Maybe her child was in fact rescued, but Coco felt she was better off staying on the island where she had grown up. It would have been painful for them to separate like that, but maybe her child also felt Coco was better at home alone on an island. But we won’t know until we finally see what happened to her.

I totally agree with you-I was just a WEE bit disappointed with Coco's role considering the fact that she has a very mysterious past as well and it really wasn't resolved much at all here. In fact, I think it brought up even more questions than before! :o (Perhaps a tv movie based on Coco will solve that? :P)

What really surprised me was how Wilt REALLY lost his arm and damaged his eye! At one point (around when I saw seasons 1 and 2) I thought that something similar to that DID happen, but there were "supposedly" too many hints thrown in some of the other episodes (namely the later seasons) that it possibly could've been something...different...to say the least (I don't want to give away any spoilers and plus, I don't feel like going over the hints here-I'm sure some of us have posted them somewhere in the Wilt thread, though), but I was wrong!

I'm listing this as a semi-spoiler just to be safe:

But personally, I was actually glad that I WAS wrong because it would've been bad to have him getting hurt like that intentionally. It's nice that he did something so noble and brave instead. I'm glad it DID turn out to be that way because it's better than it being over-the-top violent as some people thought at one point. :)

And yes, the credits were very funny! XD

11-23-2006, 07:21 PM
It WAS still pretty violent how he lost his arm and the use of his left eye, considering that someone WAS intentionally going to hurt someone else, but at least it wasn't all bloody and stuff(that nasty part would have come later, "off camera" so to speak, when that arm eventually would have to have been amputated). And, at least we know that Wilt was NOT the victim of abuse, unless you can consider his mentally beating up himself for what happened. If anything, though, my love for this guy has deepened, along with sincere admiration for his sheer gameness and fortitude that few humans can match. He is a true hero among the best of heroes.


11-23-2006, 07:26 PM
It finally happened! I'm not going to give a big long review, but man, whatta movie! I gotta admit, I teared up towards the end there...not the most macho reaction, maybe, but there it is. I wonder if Foul Larry is a reference to Larry Bird...the Celtics and Lakers were huge rivals back in the 80's...maybe one of the writers was a big Lakers fan growing up? Or, then again, maybe it's just sheer coincidence. Wow, stuffing myself silly and GWH, all in one day...truly, we are living in an age of wonder. ;D

11-23-2006, 07:29 PM
You guys seriously don't need to bother with spoiler tags in this thread I think, ater all the open talk already in here.

I liked it of course - although like I always do, I spent the whole thing wondering just HOW Mac manages to stay away from home for so long without his mom seeming to notice or care. -_- (Speaking of the passage of time, too, how could the gang be out looking for Wilt for supposedly several days when the Creator Picnic was only a weekend? If the first part of the movie was Saturday, and they left to search for Wilt Sunday morning, then how come when they got back to Foster's "days" later the "weekend" was just ending? :terrconf: I'm probably just confused, I can be kind of dense sometimes.)

I admit I could sort of see why Wilt may have had to have his arm amputated after such a bad break in multiple places (his arm being so long and thin perhaps setting the bone just wasn't possible), but why did his eye suddenly become rattly just from being smacked with a basketball? I thought at first that Larry landed on his eyestalk too (which of course would rupture the eye and explain why Wilt got a false one, even one that obviously wasn't made specially for him) but having his eye suddenly shrink and become unblinking etc just didn't work for me. (Sorry.) But I guess they just didn't want to make it too violent. I'll bet anything that this origin was created long after the character himself was, and they had to find an origin to fit him rather than design a character to go with a pre-conceived origin.

Okay I have this thing recorded on my computer already and of course I wil have screenshots asap. Do you guys think I should upload the movie somewhere right away or wait until after its aired a couple more times? Would it matter? I don't want to make the people who don't get (American) CN or whatever wait, but I don't want to post it so soon it hurts the movie's ratings. Perhaps today was the only day that mattered, does anyone know?

I'm jealous of CG and her banner-ad-free copy. :P Even the end credits weren't safe.

One Radical Dude
11-23-2006, 07:36 PM
It's up to you, chief. I would love for people that could not see it to have access to the movie ASAP, but I can understand why one would choose to wait for the uploading. Your call.

Invader Bloo
11-23-2006, 07:49 PM
I love this epsidoe (movie!) It was great & heartwarming, but we still need more Wilt epsiodes. I think Nina comes to see Ed often too. That was cool just seeing the creators. Wilt was cute as non-messed up. I missed some of the middle up to the part when he wwas finsihed cutting the grass, but I can wait a couple hours. Bloo thinking Godzilla created Wilt was halarious.8D
Yeah, I thought Frankie, Bloo, Mac, Coco, Ed would habe bigger roels. But they all had their shining moments, Wilt hasn't. What a great improvement of "the second epsiode taht shall not be named". I would prefer a full-length movie next tim around though. Nice way to start a season, I can't wait for Feburary.
Overall: A+, My second favorite episode ever!

11-23-2006, 08:18 PM
Coco I feel was greatly left out of the movie. The only thing we learn about her is that she was discovered on an island all by herself. Even though the questions actually arose of what happened to her kid, and why she was there all alone, you never get the answer. Technically even if she answered we wouldn?t be able to understand her, but still. Coco holds even more mystery then Wilt. Whilst now we know where Wilt came from, and how he came about; Coco is still unknown. Well sure, through information leaked on the internet (?Thank Goodness the internet offers nobody any privacy!? ~ Adam) we know she was created on that island by the child who survived a plane crash. But what happened to her child? Why did Coco stay behind? Maybe her child was in fact rescued, but Coco felt she was better off staying on the island where she had grown up. It would have been painful for them to separate like that, but maybe her child also felt Coco was better at home alone on an island. But we won?t know until we finally see what happened to her.

Here's my theory on Coco, I didn't catch who was Douglas and who was Adam among the nerds. So the one I'm referring to here is the one with the 42 t-shirt. He was saying at times throughout the movie that Coco reminded him of his mom.

So maybe 42 t-shirt guy, grew up on an island or someplace with alot of palm trees, which could be either California or Florida. Coco could've been his mom's imaginary friend from childhood. She let Coco hang around the house while 42 t-shirt guy was young. He also could've made a pretend game that the place they lived was an island, and that they "discovered" Coco from an island. I'm guessing that 42 t-shirt guy, and the other guy were friends at a young age, for them to both be in belief of this.

Perhaps because Coco is 42 t-shirt's guy's mom's imaginary friend, that's why she acts instinctively motherly to him. Or it could also be that she took care of 42 t-shirt guy and his friend growing up, with 42 t-shirt guy's mom. The whole Coco being discovered on an island, could be something she just went along with over the years, as it being a part of the nerds' fascination with her.

So that's my theory on the origins of Coco. Do you agree, disagree? Or whatever. Let me know.

P.S.: I though the hot version of Frankie, the nerds' saw her as, was really cute. It'd be fun to have it on a t-shirt or, something. Kind of like, non-popularity obsessed girls can be hot too.


Invader Bloo
11-23-2006, 08:24 PM
Wow, that was an intersting idea.

11-23-2006, 08:32 PM
Here's my theory on Coco, I didn't catch who was Douglas and who was Adam among the nerds. So the one I'm referring to here is the one with the 42 t-shirt. He was saying at times throughout the movie that Coco reminded him of his mom.

So maybe 42 t-shirt guy, grew up on an island or someplace with alot of palm trees, which could be either California or Florida. Coco could've been his mom's imaginary friend from childhood. She let Coco hang around the house while 42 t-shirt guy was young. He also could've made a pretend game that the place they lived was an island, and that they "discovered" Coco from an island. I'm guessing that 42 t-shirt guy, and the other guy were friends at a young age, for them to both be in belief of this.

Perhaps because Coco is 42 t-shirt's guy's mom's imaginary friend, that's why she acts instinctively motherly to him. Or it could also be that she took care of 42 t-shirt guy and his friend growing up, with 42 t-shirt guy's mom. The whole Coco being discovered on an island, could be something she just went along with over the years, as it being a part of the nerds' fascination with her.

So that's my theory on the origins of Coco. Do you agree, disagree? Or whatever. Let me know.

P.S.: I though the hot version of Frankie, the nerds' saw her as, was really cute. It'd be fun to have it on a t-shirt or, something. Kind of like, non-popularity obsessed girls can be hot too.


Craig has already stated in an interview that Coco was created by a little girl whose family's plane crash-lands on this deserted island. He even went into details as to the part of Coco and how they relate to what that child saw as she slowly went insane, from Coco's beak resembling a deflated life raft, to her pinkish bare legs and human feet being modeled after the child's own sunburned legs, to the tropical plants and birds, and the wreckage of the plane that brough them there to the island. What has never been settled is what exactly happened to that child, but the plane is a relic of by-gone days, with styling of a WWII-era cargo plane, so it's likely that Coco's creator is no longer alive, and might not have ever made it off the island. Since the two "Figmentologists" have more or less claimed her, or vice versa, they seem to be her "family" now, along with those at Foster's.

By the way, did anyone else notice the spoof of the Apple logo on the back of Douglas' notebook? Bet even Steve Jobs would have gotten a laugh outa that!


11-23-2006, 08:34 PM
i think thats is an interestung idea about the coco theory but the one from pitbulllady makes more sense

11-23-2006, 08:39 PM
There is yet-another burning question-HOW was Mac able to go off, spur-of-the-moment, on what turned out to be an INTERNATIONAL trip, over a period of sereral days, without his mom knowing about it?


11-23-2006, 08:41 PM
yeah that made me scratch my head a bit:(

Here's one more question. Do you think Frankie had hundreds of chores to do when she got back?

11-23-2006, 08:58 PM
"Suction-cuppy fingers, and he is also a practicing nudist."


Oh man I have so many posts to read. But here are my thoughts.

1. I love love love Douglas and Adam.

2. I also love love love Nina. She and Eduardo were so incredibly cute together.

3. It was cute when Wilt was waving his little nubbly arm.

4. I saw it coming as soon as Larry started to fall, but I still gasped aloud when Wilt's arm was crushed.

5. Don't hate me, but.... Wilt's creator looks like O.J. Simpson. Just a little. He's still cool.

6. Bloo, where are yoooouuuu?! He didn't do much here in general, much less with Mac. Darn.

11-23-2006, 08:58 PM
Maybe Madame Foster took care of that problem. :mfoster:

One Radical Dude
11-23-2006, 09:04 PM
"Suction-cuppy fingers, and he is also a practicing nudist."


Oh man I have so many posts to read. But here are my thoughts.

1. I love love love Douglas and Adam.

2. I also love love love Nina. She and Eduardo were so incredibly cute together.

3. It was cute when Wilt was waving his little nubbly arm.

4. I saw it coming as soon as Larry started to fall, but I still gasped aloud when Wilt's arm was crushed.

5. Don't hate me, but.... Wilt's creator looks like O.J. Simpson. Just a little. He's still cool.

1. I really need to start reading more on MST3K (I think that's what it's called). :p

2. No doubt. That was one of my favorite things about the special.

3. Can't disagree with that. :D

4. Same here. That was a tough scene for me to watch.

5. I need to see Jordan again to check. Even if I disagree with you, I won't be critical of you for saying he looks like O.J. :P

Oh, and....

6. Bloo, where are yoooouuuu?! He didn't do much here in general, much less with Mac. Darn.

Yeah, he was just there. Heheh. Oh, well.

11-23-2006, 09:07 PM
probably but unlikely since she isnt responcible.

one example was her actually dancing at the party that bloo wasnt supposed to do.

another is when mac and the gang were going to europe and frankie was telling her what to do while they were gone and maddam foster wasnt paying attention at all and playing with her glasses:mfoster:

11-23-2006, 09:13 PM
Give it till the end of the month. Then upload it somewhere.

Invader Bloo
11-23-2006, 09:19 PM
My name is Jordan, so of I was an african american & good at BB,I could be Wilt's creator....sorta....:D :P
I sorta wished to see Goo & all her friends though.

11-23-2006, 09:22 PM
but she cant see all of her friends since almost all of them were adopted.:goo:

11-23-2006, 09:36 PM
Here's one more question. Do you think Frankie had hundreds of chores to do when she got back?

Madame Foster might've forced Mr. Herriman to do the chores in the meantime(like how he became Lil' Lincoln's "maid" in EC). In any case, I don't think it's a particulary major issue. If Frankie did the monstrous pile of chores given to her in "Camp Keep A Good Mac Down" and survived the events of IHFUMEUP(>:( :frankiemad: :( :'(), I think she'll be fine.

P.S.: I though the hot version of Frankie, the nerds' saw her as, was really cute. It'd be fun to have it on a t-shirt or, something. Kind of like, non-popularity obsessed girls can be hot too.

I think Frankie is already scorchingly hot as it is. In fact, I stand by my belief that the real thing is WAY SUPERIOR to the nerds' "idealized" version. Don't get me wrong, seeing that "special" Frankie was funny, and it's very attractive on a surface level... but in my opinion, it completely removes the wholesomeness and warmth that makes her beauty truly special. The original is the best. :frankiesmile:

11-23-2006, 09:40 PM
i would have to agree with you about everything

11-24-2006, 12:03 AM
I really really enjoyed this movie! There are so many things I loved about it.

I really liked how the movie was planned out - with every helpful task he did, we got to see a little more of his past. I'm so glad that we finally got to see his creator and what happened to him.

There are so many emotion-evoking moments in it! I got kind of angry whenever Larry was literally beating Wilt on the court. It really got me when he slammed Wilt's head into the ground... :frankiemad: Though I was happy Wilt didn't stoop to his level and kept playing fair.
It was very touching, too, when Jordan held up his hand and he was still wearing Wilt's wristband. It looked like Wilt was about to cry after Jordan told him everything!
I was SO happy in any situation involving Wilt and Jordan, especially when Jordan saved Wilt and whenever they were playing together in the end. I'm glad that Wilt has found inner and outer peace now with himself, his creator, and (maybe) Larry. (Dunno about Larry... we don't know how Wilt reacted to him after he wasn't a jerk anymore. It's not like Wilt to hold a grudge, but Larry WAS the reason for him losing his eye, arm, and best friend for years.)

I laughed so much during the end whenever Wilt was being one of those "crazy soccer dads" that sometimes get kicked out of games. "THIS IS NOT A CONTACT SPORT, PEOPLE!"

The parts with Eduardo and Nina were uber adorable!! It was really cute how protective of her he was, and how even though she's an adult, she still giggles like a little girl when he hugs her and rocks her. I loved seeing her ride on his head and hold his horns. :D

My boyfriend recorded this and I've already watched it (I think) 3 times... and I plan on watching it again in the morning. 8D I can't help myself. It's great.

11-24-2006, 01:09 AM
I taped it and watched it twice. Loved it. Though I was a little (just a little) disappointed that Wilt's creator wasn't a girl. All in all, the theories weren't too far off from Wilt having been a role model and a fatherly figure to this little boy. He even called his creator "my boy", making Wilt sound even more fatherly than your typical IF, which I found irresistibly sweet. And the part were he holds the crying little IF and comforts her? Two words: father material. ;3 I'm definitely getting up early tomorrow to catch the rerun!

(Speaking of the passage of time, too, how could the gang be out looking for Wilt for supposedly several days when the Creator Picnic was only a weekend? If the first part of the movie was Saturday, and they left to search for Wilt Sunday morning, then how come when they got back to Foster's "days" later the "weekend" was just ending? :terrconf: I'm probably just confused, I can be kind of dense sometimes.)

I didn't get that either. :3

I admit I could sort of see why Wilt may have had to have his arm amputated after such a bad break in multiple places (his arm being so long and thin perhaps setting the bone just wasn't possible), but why did his eye suddenly become rattly just from being smacked with a basketball? I thought at first that Larry landed on his eyestalk too (which of course would rupture the eye and explain why Wilt got a false one, even one that obviously wasn't made specially for him) but having his eye suddenly shrink and become unblinking etc just didn't work for me. (Sorry.)

Again, that didn't work for me either. The amputated arm? Okay. But losing his eye in the manner he did didn't exactly strike me as predetermined for the character. It just seemed more convinient than realistic. Same thing I keep wondering: how does an eye go about becoming bent and plastic-like from getting bludgeoned with a basketball? I didn't quite buy into it, either, though the concept tugged at the heartstrings, definitely.

Another thing that'll probably keep me up all night: Exactly what kind of Spanish do Nina and Eduardo speak? Some of their conversations left me scratching my head and I constantly wondered if Nina's use of words might have been slang from other Latin countries. Pollo duro, which actually translates to "hard chicken", could either be (unsuccesfully) trying refer to "tough chicken", in which case it would have been gallina; unless the word pollo duro holds a different meaning in another Spanish-speaking country. Eduardo's and Nina's conversations were a horrible mish-mash of English and Spanish that it was just hard to follow and understand without the captions on. Even then, much of what they said hardly made sense to me.
The only thing that bears any true resemblance to the Spanish Mexicans speak is Eduardo's reference to pesos (the currency used in Mexico) in "Emancipation Complication."

11-24-2006, 02:57 AM
Okay... since I won't see this movie for ages, I have read the spoilers.
FINALLY! Though I have written a fanfic about this as well, I'm happy they have proved all those violent, angsty or worse ones wrong! :)

11-24-2006, 05:42 AM

Well, I gave it a B.

(*waits for bricks*)

I wished there would have been more Mac 'n' Bloo fluff...

Er... not much to say, to be honest. I mean, I thought it was great. I really did. Just everything I'm thinking was already said...

I thought the Eduardo-Nina part ROCKED.

This is just my initial watching it review... I'm going to re-watch it and then make a more in-deph review in a day or two.


-Marty :goo:

11-24-2006, 05:50 AM
Don't worry, Sparky's gonna have the stills up real soon.

11-24-2006, 07:01 AM
I taped it and watched it twice. Loved it. Though I was a little (just a little) disappointed that Wilt's creator wasn't a girl. All in all, the theories weren't too far off from Wilt having been a role model and a fatherly figure to this little boy. He even called his creator "my boy", making Wilt sound even more fatherly than your typical IF, which I found irresistibly sweet. And the part were he holds the crying little IF and comforts her? Two words: father material. ;3 I'm definitely getting up early tomorrow to catch the rerun!

I didn't get that either. :3

Again, that didn't work for me either. The amputated arm? Okay. But losing his eye in the manner he did didn't exactly strike me as predetermined for the character. It just seemed more convinient than realistic. Same thing I keep wondering: how does an eye go about becoming bent and plastic-like from getting bludgeoned with a basketball? I didn't quite buy into it, either, though the concept tugged at the heartstrings, definitely.

Another thing that'll probably keep me up all night: Exactly what kind of Spanish do Nina and Eduardo speak? Some of their conversations left me scratching my head and I constantly wondered if Nina's use of words might have been slang from other Latin countries. Pollo duro, which actually translates to "hard chicken", could either be (unsuccesfully) trying refer to "tough chicken", in which case it would have been gallina; unless the word pollo duro holds a different meaning in another Spanish-speaking country. Eduardo's and Nina's conversations were a horrible mish-mash of English and Spanish that it was just hard to follow and understand without the captions on. Even then, much of what they said hardly made sense to me.
The only thing that bears any true resemblance to the Spanish Mexicans speak is Eduardo's reference to pesos (the currency used in Mexico) in "Emancipation Complication."

I don't get the eye part, either. An eyeball often will atrophy back into the socket long after a serious injury, but it usually swells first due to blood vessels breaking inside. That would not explain how it becomes artificial-like with a rattly "pupil", though since the pupil isn't a solid object but a hole, or aperture, into the eye. The arm I can understand; with that many breaks it would have been impossible to set properly even if Wilt had gotten immediate medical attention, which he probably didn't. Back in those days, they didn't have some of the medical advances that allow doctors to salvage badly-broken limbs today. Still, with fractures that bad, and that numerous, the main arteries would have seriously crimped, shutting of the blood supply to the arm. You don't wanna know what would have happened afterwards, but suffice it to say that Wilt would have wound up one very sick dude. Sorry for being so graphic, but I've done volunteer work at a vet's, so I'm pretty familiar with how such injuries progress.


Okay... since I won't see this movie for ages, I have read the spoilers.
FINALLY! Though I have written a fanfic about this as well, I'm happy they have proved all those violent, angsty or worse ones wrong! :)

Well, what happened to Wilt WAS violent; I mean, when Larry(who has to weigh close to half a ton)falls on Wilt's arm, you can literally hear the bones snapping and crunching and see the look of agony and shock on Wilt's face. It's not gory and bloody, but it was pretty rough to watch, especially knowing that Larry INTENDED to hurt Wilt in one way or another, to keep him and his boy from winning, and felt no remorse about it, either. It may not have been the result of abuse by his creator(furtherest thing from it, thankfully), but you cannot get any more angsty that Wilt running off, badly injured, but thinking nothing of his own safety and well-being, only that he'd let down the most important person in the world to him, and was too ashamed to face him, and that little boy blaming himself for what happened to Wilt, making HIM too ashamed to go and look for him.

I still am reeling from this movie-could barely sleep last night at all! It did prove one of my far-out theories correct though, and that was the father-son relationship between Wilt and his creator. As someone pointed out, Wilt does not even speak of Jordan as his "creator", but refers to him as "my boy" and "my kid", in the exact same way a father would refer to his son. Jordan never talks down to Wilt as though he's inferior in any way, but jokes around with him and treats him as a respectable adult, acknowledging Wilt's decisions. Although nothing was ever mentioned of Jordans' real father, it would not be surprising if he was absent, possibly deceased, and the kid subconciously created this wonderful being not only to show him how to play basketball, but to be that missing father-to show him how to be a better person, as he puts it, which is what fathers ought to do. That end credit scene, hilarious as it was, just reinforced that notion that even though Jordan is older by a few years, Wilt still thinks of him as his son(and still a little kid-parents and grandparents never can quite accept that their baby has grown up).

By the way, did anyone catch the voice credits? I swear that the long-haired guy in jail, the one in the middle, sounded an awful lot like Larry the Cable Guy.


11-24-2006, 07:26 AM
I din't like this movie very much. The beginning was good though.

11-24-2006, 07:34 AM
I din't like this movie very much. The beginning was good though.

Can you at least bother to EXPLAIN why you didn't like it?


Imaginary Light
11-24-2006, 07:47 AM
I thought that this was a really really really good movie. I only wish that it was longer than an hour.

I think GWH had a good balance of heartwarming scenes and humor. I gasped out loud when Wilt's arm was crushed. But I do have one question: how did Wilt get the scars on his face? They never really showed that.

Eduardo and Nina's relationship was sooo cute! It's so nice to see that his creator still cares for him, even though she had to give him up way back when.

I don't even have the time right now to talk about everything I wanted to from this movie. But I'm giving it an A, of course.

"C" the Dragon
11-24-2006, 07:58 AM
But I do have one question: how did Wilt get the scars on his face? They never really showed that.

My guess is that he tripped and fell onto some broken glass, but I could be wrong.;)

Invader Bloo
11-24-2006, 08:16 AM
Can you at least bother to EXPLAIN why you didn't like it?


Yes, explain please.:(

11-24-2006, 08:35 AM
Can you at least bother to EXPLAIN why you didn't like it?


I think that the "group" that was looking for Wilt was far to large in order for everyone to get their fair share of lines and such. It was very well written, but Bloo ruined the feeling that they were trying to convey. I was really looking foward to it and I don't hate it, but it fell a little short of what I though it would be like.

11-24-2006, 09:07 AM
Five words: "Too Good For A Review". But I'll try.

This movie proved to be the BEST movie in the history of the television...maybe even movie history as well! We find out what happened to Wilt, and now, I love him (AS FAMILY, DANGIT) even more than I had. Learning that Wilt's creator, Jordan Michaels, (is that how it's spelled?) wanted to become as good a player as his older brother, thus making Wilt real.

Wilt all tense and uncomfortable, not wanting to talk about his creator. Aww.

Jeez, if Wilt can wake up Bloo, then Wilt must've been LOUD. XD

Even on a journey, Wilt is always lending a helping hand (even if he's only got one), just look how he helped Floofy Woogums (the pink teddy-bear IF)! And being pulled into a group hug...aww.

"Cwissmith? I mean, Christmas? But that was months ago!" -Wilt

And helping out that farmer caused Wilt to miss his train. Oops.

Wilt, again, lending a helping hand. Mowing lawns. Geez, later on they stretched the truth. Golden lawnmover? PAH. The thing was rusted up. He remembers a little of his past, back when he was whole - and he didn't look a little, um, disturbing, because we're used to seeing him as he is today - and his creator, back then, had an AFRO. XDDD But aww, Wilt was no different than he is today - nice, encouraging, father-like, and then competitive around "The most important game of my boy's life". Which I'll talk about later on.

One time gets him into trouble with the police. XDD

"You're under arrest for assistance in burglery!" -Police

I loved how Wilt just let out a bit of his past to total strangers, to jailbirds, of all people.

Wilt: I crushed-
Jailer: His foot?
Wilt: No. I crushed his dreams.

Dun-dun-dun! The good part comes on, the rematch. Slow motion and in an angle as Wilt walks into the BBall court. SLOW MOTION. XDD

When Foul Larry was messing Wilt, Wilt did show a hint of sadness or hurt, yet kept a deturmined look, or a "stiff upper-lip".

"Why don't you PROVE it, if THAT'S ok?" -Wilt

Even if Wilt is supposed to be angry and deturmined, he still is polite about it, saying "Sorry, but I had to take care of things first,". Foul Larry is nasty, calling Wilt a shortie!

"You scared...shortie?" -Foul Larry

Wilt's face sure says "Bring it ON". And sure, Wilt is winning...at first. I think that Wilt did win, because Larry was cheating by throwing/tripping/just plain treating Wilt like a ragdoll. And cheaters NEVER win. As much as Wilt kept getting hurt, he never started fighting back like Larry was. Wilt just kept getting back up and following the rules. Though pausing a few times, he never gave up, he never backed out. He was no quiter.

Though, as he pauses one time, he remembers...when he lost his arm and eye. Even back then, he never gave up. Still being as good as he is now at BBall when he was whole. Then, risking his left arm to save his boy, and the BBall ruined his left eye...ow. But Wilt never paid any attention to the pain he must've felt, only thinking how he had let his boy down.


Stats: Larry's going for a slam!
Wilt: A slam! *gulp*
Stats: He's going to win!

Even knowing what could happen to him, Wilt had to try to block it. Before Wilt could "go SPLAT" against the wall, someone saves him - Jordan.

As it turns out, Wilt feels that his creator would never forgive him, because he had lost...again.

"I lost. I can't believe I lost again. Now he'll never forgive me." -Wilt

But the tables are turned (fortunately) and Jordan does still care about him, especially when he told what had happened when Wilt disappeared.

"It wasn't until Stats had told me, long afterward, 'bout your arm and eye...it was all my fault. I looked everywhere for you, but you had disappeared. Losing taught me an important thing, that winning wasn't everything. I had created you to make me a better player, but instead, made me a better person. Wilt, you're the best friend I ever had, you've got to stop saying you're sorry, it's not ok...ok?" -Jordan Michaels

Seriously, I loved that part. Especially when Wilt grinned, said "Ok!" and hugged his creator...cue the big fat "AWWW", people. Cue it, I demand you!

Back at Foster's, "the 'hood" IFs start living there. Even Larry. Though I'm not sure if Wilt and him are going to still treat each other as rivals, or if they had bonded a friendship. Who knows?

Before Jordan leaves, Wilt and him play basketball...aww. Old pals. Except when Wilt keeps scoring. I SWEAR, even if Wilt is apologising every time, he's doing it on purpose. I SWEAR it.

"Why'd I make you so tall?" -Jordan

LOL! Wilt the BBall dad! (pun of "Soccer moms")

"Oh, come on, that was a FOUL!"
"This isn't a contacting sport, people!"
"Come on, brake it up, brake it up." -Wilt

"C" the Dragon
11-24-2006, 09:24 AM
I took it that you enjoyed it almost as much as I enjoyed it!:D

11-24-2006, 09:40 AM
I think that the "group" that was looking for Wilt was far to large in order for everyone to get their fair share of lines and such. It was very well written, but Bloo ruined the feeling that they were trying to convey. I was really looking foward to it and I don't hate it, but it fell a little short of what I though it would be like.

For the record they were the right size to me. And Bloo was being Bloo. I certainly didn't go in thinking he'd be any less because of Wilt's dissapearance. This was Wilt's story through and through.

11-24-2006, 11:11 AM
YAYI'MBACKNOW!!!!! Man, I'ma have sooooooo much to catch up on...

But OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMG!!!!!!!!!!! Good Wilt Hunting was the BEST. THING. IN THE. UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!! *dies* And the squeal, aww and gasp factors were H00J. For me and my friend, anyways. x3 I was in shock for an hour and a half after it was over. My friend got mad at me 'cause I had that jaw-open-slightly-staring-off-into-the-distance-delayed-mumbled-answers thing going on. Seriously. It didn't go away until we watched again.

Me and my friend rated it at least PG13 for strong basketball violence, slight cleavage, extreme unfairness towards Wilt and the word 'nudist'. xD

Okay, intro to review over. Herewego!!

I LOVELOVELOVED seeing all the creators of the friends! DID YOU GUYS SEE KHAKI!?!? xD And "What else is on?" =3

Call me stupid, but I so didn't see Nina being Ed's creator coming! AND IT WAS SO CUTE!!! "Banditos es de muertos!! Muertos!!" 8D

As SOON as I saw Wilt, there was an immediate :wiltshock: Awww! *sniff* And, as it turns out, Mac was right and Bloo was wrong. As usual. xD

Adam and Douglas: OMGYAY. xD I luff dems.

When Wilt was on the phone, I thought it might be his creator he was talking to! Of course, I SOMEHOW managed not to spoil anything by watching previews, though my friend kept trying to tell me stuff. Dx

Then at the train station...THE LOST AND FOUND SCENE BROKE MY HEART!! I was on the verge of tears through most parts of the movie. Also, I can NOT go 5 minutes without saying "Cwithmith!" now. =3 My friend and I rewound the tape over and over watching that part! IT WAS TOO CUTE!!!

As for people saying crap about Frankie being the first to "give up" and saying they should probably just go home: Dudes, she was doing the sensible thing. She was in charge of everybody, and they had already spent a quite a bit of money and with no trail to follow, the only thing to do was go home and hope he would come home himself. Besides, it's not like she was HAPPY about going home.

And Mac being gone that long? We should ask Craig to give us an episode explaining just how he does that every time. Until then, GET OVER IT, IT'S TV. The magic of TV sometimes cannot be explained.

MORE WILT. The flashbacks were better than I had hoped for! I squeaked every time one happened. Plus, the very first one made me gasp because I knew the ball would roll...OVER TO HIS OTHER ARM!!! He looked so...WEIRD with two non-wonky eyes!

And hey, what review would be complete without mentioning the stuff that Bloo came up with. "HE MUST HAVE ROBBED THEM! HE'S GETTING DEPERATE!!" "He led a life of debauchery and crime!"(that was the best! xD) "AL CAPONE! No, ATTILLA THE HUN!" "WILT'S CREATOR IS GODZILLA!!!" "Don't worry, he doesn't know of your life of crime!" x3 Plus, Bloo going Goo at the end was awesome. :gooblab:

And then...There was Larry. *shudder* I still don't like that guy. He smacked Wilt around left and right! IT WAS NOT FAIR I TELL YOU! It was sooooo crazy to see Wilt looking so...Small. o.o I mean, he's small compared to the New Guy, and the Extremeosaur, but this...This was different.

Now for the sad, sad flashback. I cringed and gasped, even though I saw it coming too. As for the unrealisticness of the wonky-eye-deal, I'm guessing that's not EXACTLY how it happened...They just had to do it that way for the younger audiences.

And JORDAN MICHEALS!!! That was TOO. COOL. The whole Jordan coming back thing was INCREDIBLY aww-provoking.


"Why'd I make you so tall?" No comment nesscisary. :D

And I'm pretty sure Wilt was the coach in the credits! I mean, they were all on folding chairs on the court, not in the stands! Or was that just so you could see them better? In any case...That was the best credits sequence EVAR. :bloogrin

Now, for overall stuff:
1. I can't be the only one who saw the Jordan poster and magazine. Seriously.
2. The way that the story of his past slowly became revealed was GREAT. If they had just dumped it all on in the end, it wouldn't've been as awesome. The way they did it, it lasted the whole hour! MORE ENJOYMENT, SEZ I!
3. I crown the Foster's crew as totalmegagihugiclybrilliant and eversoawesomelygenius!

One last thing: Why did only a few of you type nice, long posts?! Come on, PBL, I expected at LEAST one full long post from you! Sheesh, get with it, people!!

End post.

11-24-2006, 11:19 AM

11-24-2006, 11:23 AM

Well, yah, I saw your nice long post. CG's too! xD

Invader Bloo
11-24-2006, 11:39 AM
Here'smy long post IF:
The poster was supposed to be a parody of "Space Jam"(which starred Michael Jordan) with that squirel guy from that new CN original movie. The magazine was also a parody of how many times Michael Jordan was on "Sports Illustrated". I'd like to see a return of the main IFs creators (& in Coco's case founders) in future episodes. It seems like Nina comes atleast twice a year, Douglas & Adam come often to study the friends & Jordan will come everychance he gets now. I still wanted to see Goo, for once. :cheese:
Now that Wilt has FINALLY have his starring role, I'd expect we'll see episodes based on him atleast every season like Eduardo (Eddie Monster, Land of the Flea) or Coco (CFCCC & MSCW).... Atleast I (& everyone who's a Wilt fan) hope. I think Bloo had a REALLY small role, only there to put outcrazy theories. Of course him mad at Mac was genius & Godzilla being Wilt's creator will always be funny. I have high hopes that Season 5 will be even better than S4. This was the best possible way to begin a season ever! Even better than Zim's "Backseat Drivers from Beyond the Stars". I'm hoping season 5 will have a couple references to the creator's & of course atleast 1 more Wilt episode, 2 Frankie epsiodes, 1 Eduardo episode, 3 Bloo based episodes, 2 Mac episodes, 1 Goo episodes & the rest of the episodes are based on the Foster's 8 (The 5 + Goo & Frankie & Cheese). I can understand why Floofy was put in the Lost & found she looked like a stuffed teddy bear, but didn't she have to eat? Floofy was cute anyway (I like cute stuff, sounds a little gay for a guy but I like cute stuff). Her family was funny, " I love guests". :P Poor Wilt missing his train.:(
PBL's theory of Wilt in a gang was half right, I mean the "hood" is full of "gangstas" isn't it? I still don't like Larry, he crushed Wilt's arm & basically destroyed Wilt's eye! Unless he somehow makes up to Wilt, he'sone character I never want to see again (*cough*Goofball*cough*). "Cwissmith?
Imean, Chirstmas?..." will always crack me up. The jailers were funny " I broke into a ladies house to steal her valubles...to get a soda pop""Oooooh", or something like that. Those jailers were wimpy.:P I was mad that Wiki thing about Mac's mom thing but you can never trust Wiki.:jk: I wonder if CN will release this on DVD by itself or when the Season 5 DVD set comes out. I'd prefer it on it'sown, but since the pilot will be on the season 1 DVD I guess we're going to have to wait.

There's my...*count fingers*....3...no...2 cents!:D

11-24-2006, 12:16 PM
I've still been trying to compose something that was not a repeat of what everyone else has said, or didn't sound too stupid and over-the-top. I literally could not sleep last night after watching this movie-it left me THAT wired!

There's not a whole lot I can add, really, other than to say "I LOVED THIS MOVIEEEE! I felt that the flashback scene of how Wilt's arm was initially injured, along with his eye, was handled well for the younger members of the audience. It must have been quite challenging to show what happened without it being all bloody and gory. The older fans will figure out that Wilt had to have gotten medical help later, after leaving the scene, and that this was when his badly-fractured arm would have been amputated, something that the little ones really didn't need to be exposed to. They did show that Wilt DID come from what looked like a pretty rough neighborhood, and did reinforce my long-held belief that he was created as much to be a father figure for his creator as he was to play basketball. His referring to Jordan as "my boy" and "my kid", in the exact same manner that a proud father would refer to his son, is still quite touching, even now that his "boy" is a multi-millionaire with his own Lear jet. In the heart of his surrogate father/best friend, he will always and forever more be a little boy.

I was not disappointed by anyone else's roles, either. Ed's creator, Nina, was pivotal in helping find Wilt, due to her experitise in locating criminals on the lam and missing persons. The two nerds who found Coco added comic relief, along with Bloo's absurd theories(were they THAT absurd? I myself have speculated that Wilt might not have always been such a nice guy)as to who Wilt's creator was, but they also provided the necessary technology that eventually helped Mac and Nina correctly "profile" who Wilt's creator was. I thought it was a funny and ironic twist that Frankie had to play the part of an exasperated father on a family trip, with that joke about her not stopping for directions and threatening to turn the bus around if the others didn't stop bugging her, LOL! I can see her dilemma, though-she knows she has someone else's kid with her, probably unknown to his mom, she has a TON of chores and responsibilities waiting back home, but she is still clearly depressed about Wilt being gone and concerned with his safety. For those who wanted to see more Mac/Bloo interaction, I just have to say this: this was not THEIR movie. There have been plenty of opportunities to see Mac and Bloo interact; it's the main driving force behind many episodes, including the pilot, but Wilt really needed to have his day in the spotlight for once, and this was it.

I DO have to wonder, though, if this pilgrimage of his, his reconnecting with his creator(whom he HAD to have known about all these years, with Jordan being a celebrity), and coming to terms with his unpleasant past will change Wilt any, if he will stop saying "I'm sorry" all the time, as Jordan suggested.


Invader Bloo
11-24-2006, 12:27 PM
I really don't think Wilt will stop saying "I'm sorry" it's his catchphrase like Cheese's "I like *insert some food or thing here*".

11-24-2006, 12:53 PM
GASP! I forgot to mention the jail scene! A POX UPON MYSELF!!!

The whole puppy story is one of the funniest part in the whole movie! Along with "Chwithmith?", of course, almost anything Bloo said, the "Lawn Ranger" and "BANDITOS ES DE MUERTOS! MUERTOS!!" ^^ Wait, allow me to brick myself, because I know I'm leaving stuff out.

11-24-2006, 12:58 PM
I don't AT ALL think that Frankie had "lost the heart" to find Wilt. I think she threatened to turn around and go home only out of extreme anger at the obnoxious singing that further aggravated the massive amount of responsabilities on her plate. After that scene, we get to see many moments showing Frankie's genuine concern and worry about Wilt missing, which made me happy.

And I think the episode had just the right amount of Mac and Bloo, since this was supposed to be Wilt's time to shine. I nearly died laughing when Bloo said that Wilt was created by Al Capone and Godzilla.

11-24-2006, 01:04 PM
OMGYES. xD The best line has to be "HE LED A LIFE OF DEBAUCHERY AND CRIME!", simply because I love the word 'debauchery'. xD

11-24-2006, 01:16 PM
I thought I'd be the only one getting the "Space Jam" reference! LOL. I loved that movie as a kid even if it's a little embarrassing to admit it now. I don't think that Wilt will change his ways as far as constantly apologizing is concerned (hey, it's his thing), but at least he now knows exactly why he is at Foster's and doesn't want to leave. That was incredibly self-less and sweet. I felt an overwhelming urge to want to hug and kiss the guy after the movie was over.

Has anyone even used the chat to discuss the movie?

11-24-2006, 01:18 PM
Dude, I still love Space Jam! :D I still have it...I should watch it again.

11-24-2006, 01:24 PM
I don't AT ALL think that Frankie had "lost the heart" to find Wilt. I think she threatened to turn around and go home only out of extreme anger at the obnoxious singing that further aggravated the massive amount of responsabilities on her plate.

You don't have to tell me how that feels, particularly when you're driving around with a bunch of hyperactive, annoying minors in the back with incessant chattering, yelling, squealing, whining. UGHH! There were several times when I wanted to turn around and strangle one of the little jerks or throw him out of the moving car. But that's just me, and I can be a little aggressive sometimes. I actually thought Frankie's reaction hit the nail on the head. "Now let's try SHUT UP!!" Tee-hee!

EDIT: Yes. Space Jam is teh r0x.

Chaos Wielder
11-24-2006, 01:33 PM
But OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMG!!!!!!!!!!! Good Wilt Hunting was the BEST. THING. IN THE. UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!! *dies* And the squeal, aww and gasp factors were H00J. For me and my friend, anyways. x3 I was in shock for an hour and a half after it was over. My friend got mad at me 'cause I had that jaw-open-slightly-staring-off-into-the-distance-delayed-mumbled-answers thing going on. Seriously. It didn't go away until we watched again.

Welcome back, Insanefan! XD Anyway, I watched the movie with my mom (yes, she, too, is a Foster's fan! XD) and we both liked it a lot (I think I loved it more than she did, though for some reason). I was very pleased with it-there were very many sweet moments that were found throughout it, as I said before. :)

Me and my friend rated it at least PG13 for strong basketball violence, slight cleavage, extreme unfairness towards Wilt and the word 'nudist'. xD

PG13, huh? I'd actually rate it PG for those elements-I didn't think they were necessarily that bad, but that's just me (although the scene where Wilt got his eye and arm damaged MIGHT disturb some very small children). :P

I LOVELOVELOVED seeing all the creators of the friends! DID YOU GUYS SEE KHAKI!?!? xD And "What else is on?" =3

Call me stupid, but I so didn't see Nina being Ed's creator coming! AND IT WAS SO CUTE!!! "Banditos es de muertos!! Muertos!!" 8D

Yes, Nina and Ed were so adorable together! I'd personally love to see them together again sometime...maybe have Nina visit Foster's to see Eduardo in one of the later episodes? That would be sweet. 8-)

Adam and Douglas: OMGYAY. xD I luff dems.

Yeah, they were pretty amusing at times, especially when it came to their love for Frankie. :P

When Wilt was on the phone, I thought it might be his creator he was talking to! Of course, I SOMEHOW managed not to spoil anything by watching previews, though my friend kept trying to tell me stuff. Dx

Yeah, for some reason I thought the very same thing at first.

Then at the train station...THE LOST AND FOUND SCENE BROKE MY HEART!! I was on the verge of tears through most parts of the movie. Also, I can NOT go 5 minutes without saying "Cwithmith!" now. =3 My friend and I rewound the tape over and over watching that part! IT WAS TOO CUTE!!!

Yeah, that was one of the most touching moments in the whole movie-That little friend was one of the cutest ones I've ever seen! Aww!

As for people saying crap about Frankie being the first to "give up" and saying they should probably just go home: Dudes, she was doing the sensible thing. She was in charge of everybody, and they had already spent a quite a bit of money and with no trail to follow, the only thing to do was go home and hope he would come home himself. Besides, it's not like she was HAPPY about going home.

I agree with you. I'm sure she wouldn't have left because she was giving up. It's not in her nature to do that, simple as that. After all, she WAS the one in charge, just as you said-she had to do the most sensible thing for everyone considering she was the "leader" of this search. ;)

MORE WILT. The flashbacks were better than I had hoped for! I squeaked every time one happened. Plus, the very first one made me gasp because I knew the ball would roll...OVER TO HIS OTHER ARM!!! He looked so...WEIRD with two non-wonky eyes!

Yeah, I know! I guess it's because we're so used to seeing him with one arm and one good eye, though, so of course it'd seem a bit weird to see him with two arms and two good eyes. ;)

And hey, what review would be complete without mentioning the stuff that Bloo came up with. "HE MUST HAVE ROBBED THEM! HE'S GETTING DEPERATE!!" "He led a life of debauchery and crime!"(that was the best! xD) "AL CAPONE! No, ATTILLA THE HUN!" "WILT'S CREATOR IS GODZILLA!!!" "Don't worry, he doesn't know of your life of crime!" x3 Plus, Bloo going Goo at the end was awesome. :gooblab:

Yeah, I couldn't help but giggle at Bloo at times. His insane ideas were so hilarious, especially the Godzilla one! :D

And then...There was Larry. *shudder* I still don't like that guy. He smacked Wilt around left and right! IT WAS NOT FAIR I TELL YOU! It was sooooo crazy to see Wilt looking so...Small. o.o I mean, he's small compared to the New Guy, and the Extremeosaur, but this...This was different.

Yup, I don't like Larry all that much, either. He's a cheater and a jerk, 'nuff said.


Yeah, that scene truly touched me, especially since Wilt knew his purpose in life was to be a good friend and a hero to other little children, so he decided to stay at Foster's for that very reason. It was easily the most touching part in the whole movie for me. :)

And I'm pretty sure Wilt was the coach in the credits! I mean, they were all on folding chairs on the court, not in the stands! Or was that just so you could see them better? In any case...That was the best credits sequence EVAR. :bloogrin

They were the best credits to me, too, for the same reasons. :bloogrin

I really loved this movie, though, just as I said earlier. I will even go as far as saying that it's possibly (for me) the best episode of Foster's I've ever seen (yeah, it was technically a movie, but I'm just comparing it to some of the other episodes, namely House of Bloo's, the other Foster's TV movie and the pilot episode. :))

11-24-2006, 02:05 PM
Okay slight disappointment with Wilt's wonky eye being explained as it was.....that was kinda like, "Yeah right." But....it is a cartoon and so in that sense it was a good way to get around anything too graphic.

OW. WILT'S ARM WAS CRUSHED. OW. ::winces thinking about it:: I think that's worse then having an arm just clean cut off by a blade or something. I mean his arm looked like an accordian.
Poor Wiltie. :(
I rather liked the basketball-headed dude up until I actually saw this movie and saw him tossing Wilt around like a ragdoll. I mean cheating doesn't even come CLOSE to describing Larry. (Is that a pun on Larry Bird? FOUL Larry=FOWL=BIRD? lol) He has no natural talent against Wilt (who is clearly far superior in the game) and uses every dirty means possible to win. But then again, he WAS created that way! So I can't hate him completely. He seemed nice enough in the end, as if when you take him out of the court he's really not so bad. And I loved his voice. :P

Hey anybody notice all bad guys seem to have crooked teeth? Terrence, Mac's bullies at school...now Larry...coincedence? Hm, think not.

Well this movie was wonderful. It was done in a very expertly crafted way and I thought the only thing it lacked was a little more about Coco's past, though for all we know it could show up in another special or even a regular episode.
Ed sure got a lot of screen-time, it was like a 2nd story going on.^_^ His creator Nina was great and they explained every aspect of Ed, even down to why he acts a little girly sometimes. It all makes sense now! He IS a fierce protector, but also has a soft side so he could toughen up Nina, causing her to try and protect HIM. That was a very well done concept, I loved it.

Watching Wilt be so selfless like that and help the cute IF find her home, as well as help the old farmer who could barely move, and then lawn EVERYONE'S yard (causing him good standing with the local judge! LOL That was another golden scene) was really funny and heartwarming at the same time. I kept thinking of scary_dream's avatar and it just made me laugh harder! 8D

Frankie got some good screen time, and I admire her for her patience! Poor Bloo gets whacked around by that woman often, doesn't he? "GET IN THE BACK!" ::WHAM:: Then again, he puts it on himself, but at the same time, he never learns from it either. :jk:

I have to say that as far as I can tell (unless I didnt' catch it on here) nobody mentioned the fact of Jordan being rich. Obviously, Wilt didn't fail even MORE because Jordan's success shows how much Wilt helped him reach his dreams after all! I hope Wilt does get to see Jordan's mansion and maybe even visit with him for periods at a time. Well one thing is for sure, we know Jordan will be coming to the next Creator Picnic. :)

Great movie. I only watched it once, I'm off to see it again while eating my Japanese bento box for dinner. (California rolls, chicken teriyaki...YUM!)

And so my expected long post is done. :P

11-24-2006, 02:12 PM
Larry was genuinely apologetic and sorry at the end DESPITE the fact he beat Wilt in the rematch and didn't suffer any consequences from his blatant cheating. Give him credit for that, at least. I went "awww!" when Frankie comforted him at the end.

11-24-2006, 02:16 PM
I rather liked the basketball-headed dude up until I actually saw this movie and saw him tossing Wilt around like a ragdoll.

That's what I've been saying!

11-24-2006, 02:25 PM
A B for this one. It was awesome as an episode, Ed and Nina were adorable, the whole story was amazing... really, I can't explain! It just feels like a B, though it's gonna be my favourite now. It's a werid feeling this one gives me...
Probably you're gonna kill me. I feel... sad... I wanna cry... cry myself to sleep... I can't say more now.

11-24-2006, 02:46 PM
I don't AT ALL think that Frankie had "lost the heart" to find Wilt. I think she threatened to turn around and go home only out of extreme anger at the obnoxious singing that further aggravated the massive amount of responsabilities on her plate. After that scene, we get to see many moments showing Frankie's genuine concern and worry about Wilt missing, which made me happy.

Oh yeah, Frankie's actions were totally understandable. I used to work with children, and would frequently have to drive a van around in 90 degree heat filled with a dozen kids (none of whom smelled very nice, if you know what I mean) who were all singing at the top of their surprisingly powerful little lungs. At least Frankie got to yell at everyone to shut up. I couldn't even do that...against regulations and all. :scaryberry:

11-24-2006, 03:54 PM
"Suction-cuppy fingers, and he is also a practicing nudist."


6. Bloo, where are yoooouuuu?! He didn't do much here in general, much less with Mac. Darn.

Oh YEAH? Well I died a million times INFINITY... :P
(Okay that was lame, sorry...)

Bloo might not have had a lot of scenes, but he did have some of the greatest moments when he was in the spotlight....like....

blabbing on like Goo (as was already pointed out) and slowing down long enough only to say, "PRIVATE LEAR JET!!!"


I wuff Bwoo. I wanna cwuddle him to itsy bitsy pieces cause he's jwust to dwarn cuuuuuuuuteeeee...

Invader Bloo
11-24-2006, 04:04 PM
Goo is the best teacher ever...at teaching to talk five times fast. :P
I just watched it again & are Douglas/Aam brothers they were talking weird. I'm glad Wilt's creator wasn't dead & was rich & missed Wilt,he also said Wilt was his best friend. This was the most heart-warming episode ever!

11-24-2006, 04:04 PM
"We heard they were shooting comertials in Japan so we went there and you weren't there, so we asked Jordan and he was all "no" and we were like "yes" and he was all "No he hates me. He got hurt and I looked for him everywhere but he ran away" and then we were all "aww" and then we got all the way over here in his PRIVATE LEAR JET! Reeeeaaaar, reeeaaar, wooooooop!"

I think he said this, REALLY fast, but I'm not exactly sure if this is exact wording. I know CG'll correct me. XDD

11-24-2006, 04:04 PM
This movie proved to be the BEST movie in the history of the television...maybe even movie history as well!

LMAO! Sorry, that distinction goes to 2001: A Space Odyssey. ;D

11-24-2006, 04:04 PM
I DO have to wonder, though, if this pilgrimage of his, his reconnecting with his creator(whom he HAD to have known about all these years, with Jordan being a celebrity), and coming to terms with his unpleasant past will change Wilt any, if he will stop saying "I'm sorry" all the time, as Jordan suggested.


Probably not. But at least he doesn't have to feel guilty about losing his Creator's game anymore.

Wilt will still be Wilt as all the others will still be who they are.

Invader Bloo
11-24-2006, 04:16 PM
Five words: "Too Good For A Review". But I'll try.

This movie proved to be the BEST movie in the history of the television...maybe even movie history as well!

On TV only yes, out of all movies no.There's about 14 ones better IMHO.

11-24-2006, 05:22 PM
Don't be a killjoy. :3 Let the kid have her fun. Besides, as far as television movies go, this was one of the best I've seen out there.

11-24-2006, 05:36 PM
Yah! It's my favorite too! Sure, there are ones with better plot, better graphics/effects, all that stuff...But THIS is the only movie that I have ever REALLY obsessed over seeing. I STARTED AN HOUR COUNTDOWN AT 48 HOURS. xD I totally bugged my friends and family. Some took it in good nature and let me indulge. "Hey Shell, how much longer now?" Others...I recieved a roll of the eyes and a sigh...Mostly from my Mom. x3 She said nothing for the first two days, but after I started running around the house screaming, "7 MORE HOURS AND ALL IS WEEEEELLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!" She said things like, "You're setting yourself up for disappointment. What if it's not as good as you're hoping?" Yeah, but only I had no expectations! Not seeing previews, now talking about theories, it made the last few weeks a lot more tolerable, AND I even told myself that we may not even see what happens to Wilt, we may never know...So after I saw it, I WAS BLOWN OFF MY SEAT.

Invader Bloo
11-24-2006, 05:43 PM
I said it was the best TV movie.:cheese:

11-24-2006, 05:47 PM
I said it was the best TV movie.:cheese:

Well, yeah, that's fairly obvious...=P

11-24-2006, 05:54 PM
Bloo might not have had a lot of scenes, but he did have some of the greatest moments when he was in the spotlight....like....

blabbing on like Goo (as was already pointed out) and slowing down long enough only to say, "PRIVATE LEAR JET!!!"


I wuff Bwoo. I wanna cwuddle him to itsy bitsy pieces cause he's jwust to dwarn cuuuuuuuuteeeee...

Plus the scene near the beginning where he wakes up and is all groggy and his face just makes me lol. I'm kinda surprised he didn't just go back to sleep, but hey, they needed him for the plot.

11-24-2006, 05:56 PM
And did ya'll notice the faces he was making in the bus when Mac and Frankie are talking to Sarah's Mom? xD I didnt notice until the second or third time I watched it. =P *has watched it 4 times*

Invader Bloo
11-24-2006, 06:02 PM
Edited post, 'cause I'm sorry just incase I was wrong.

11-24-2006, 06:09 PM
If you don't think it's the best TV only movie ever & your'e a memeber here well there's some weird things going on in your head. :P

*waits for...CERTAIN...people to begin having a serious discussion with you*

Invader Bloo
11-24-2006, 06:12 PM
Eh, it was a joke. But still who dosen't think this was the best TV movie here? ???
No one probally, I could be wrong & if so sorry....it was a joke.

11-24-2006, 06:36 PM
Eh, it was a joke. But still who dosen't think this was the best TV movie here? ???

I don't. I gave it a B. Had it lived up to all the hype it received and been better than House Of Bloo's I'd have given it an A. From my point of view GWH did neither, though in all fairness those were two extremely difficult goals to reach. Don't get me wrong here; I enjoyed the movie immensely and got a lot out of it. But for me, it was not the movie event of the year.

Invader Bloo
11-24-2006, 06:49 PM
Why I changed my first post. *acts nervously*
House of Bloo's is a little boring now, I've seen it to many times now. Sorta sad.

11-24-2006, 06:49 PM
Did anyone notice http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/Synduo/bscap0158.jpg


I just found that ODD :D isnt that the re-animated bear(?) ?

11-24-2006, 07:08 PM
Did anyone notice http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/Synduo/bscap0158.jpg


I just found that ODD :D isnt that the re-animated bear(?) ?

Don't know 'bout the bear, as I haven't seen Re-Animated, but that IS Jordan, and this is an obvious reference to Space Jam. Love those in-jokes-Craig and Co. really are in the same league with the folks at Pixar when it comes to those!

Can you imagine what a torment it's been all these years for Wilt, being literally bombarded with images of his now-grownup boy, KNOWING that's who it is, yet unable to bring himself to even TELL anyone?


11-24-2006, 07:13 PM
Great movie. It was great to see Wilt's past. But I always got annoyed whenthe nerds flirted with Frankie. But I find Adam cool.

B from me.

LMAO at the Space Jam thing. I need to watch that movie more often....oh, and the the animal is a gopher, not a bear.

11-24-2006, 07:27 PM
When a friend wants to show another friend how much they care, they might send them a present or a card. When the creators of a popular animated series want to show their fanbase how much they care...they send them a movie just like this.

After all the hype and speculation after all the things that have already been said about this movie for lord knows how many pages. I give my thoughts about Good Wilt Hunting in a very simple statement....

GWH perfectly sums up everything I like about this show. A potent mixture of laugh out loud comedy and heartwarming tug at your heart strings scenes.

A all the Way!

One Radical Dude
11-24-2006, 08:39 PM
Did anyone notice http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/Synduo/bscap0158.jpg


I just found that ODD :D isnt that the re-animated bear(?) ?

That IS the Re-Animated bear, I believe.

Invader Bloo
11-24-2006, 08:48 PM
It is but it looks like a chipmunk than a bear.

11-24-2006, 09:40 PM
That IS the Re-Animated bear, I believe.

The bear didn't have buck teeth at all. Gophers do.

11-24-2006, 10:50 PM
Scary Dream, I love your avatar! LOL!

I just have to say that I adore this movie! I loved Ed and Nina! They were just so CUTE!
Yeah, I'm wondering too, how on earth is Mac so slick to leave the house for days (only a weekend? yeah right) and go all over the world without his mom and Terrance knowing? Mabe his mom works weekends?? Mmmmm....
Has anyone ever thought that the name Jordan Micheals is kinda a spoof off of the name Micheal Jordan, only backwards adding an s?
There are so many things I'd love to say about the movie but I'm too lazy to do it. But I give an an A and a thousand plusses!

And I have to say, Craig and Lauren have outdone themselves, including the crew and ect. Thank you to Craig and co. for making us a beautiful film.

EDIT: Oh and I forgot to add, I too noticed that Peach spoof of Apple sign on that back of that guy's notebook. I thought that was a computer? Eh well.

11-24-2006, 10:57 PM
Has anyone ever thought that the name Jordan Micheals is kinda a spoof off of the name Micheal Jordan, only backwards adding an s?

I thought that too.

This is the best tv movie I have seen yet.

11-25-2006, 04:41 AM
Okay I might be stupid, but how is Wilt so cheerful after having lived with all that guilt for 30 years?

11-25-2006, 05:06 AM
That movie was awesome! I loved Wilt in it *huggles*

11-25-2006, 06:31 AM
I'm so glad they showed this two days after they showed it in America!!! I never thought it would be in the UK so soon. I found out a couple of days ago and all I could think about at school was GWH, GWH, GWH... and now I've seen it!:D

I gave it an A grade. It was wonderfully written, the perfect balance of funny moments and touching moments and it was great to finally find out so much about Wilt's background. In fact I was so touched by it all that I almost cried, but that might just be because I'm an emotional person lol.^^; Even my mum felt incredibly touched by Wilt's story and I would hardly call her a massive Foster's fan. I think she's fallen in love with Wilt now to be honest!

It also touched something inside of me, because it might not be in the same context and I certainly didn't get physically injured by it, but I too felt like I had let down a good friend a few years back when she most needed me and I still feel a little guilty even today. Still, I can't imagine how Wilt has been coping for such a long time with such a heavy burden on him!:wiltshock:

The relationship between Eduardo and Nina was adorable too! It was great to see the friends with their creators.^^

11-25-2006, 06:33 AM
Yay! We got to see it this morning. Very impressed obviously, what more is there to say? Lots of humour and brilliant new characters. Wilt was waiting a long time for this in all respects and he came out of it an even bigger character. Speaking as one who mows stripes on big lawns , I tell you he did us proud on that ride-on mower. Varying the angles too - nice touch!

Obviously a bit thin on Madam Foster and Mr. Harriman but us old folks need a rest now and again. The Coco moments raised way more questions than they answered; I'm sure there's all sorts of Science Fiction possibilities there.

What occurred to me 5 minutes after it finished was that there's been these questions in the back of my mind for over a year now I guess and now that's over it kind of feels like the end of something which is a bit sad but also means something else is beginning.

"C" the Dragon
11-25-2006, 07:04 AM
Did anyone notice http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/Synduo/bscap0158.jpg


I just found that ODD :D isnt that the re-animated bear(?) ?

I didn't notice at the first couple of times, but later on, now I did!:D

I really like "Space Jam"! A mix of basketball, aliens, and the Looney Toons!:D You gotta admit, though, it's the weirdest plot that I know that I like! Very comeic, as usual.;)

11-25-2006, 07:28 AM
Oh and I forgot to add, I too noticed that Peach spoof of Apple sign on that back of that guy's notebook. I thought that was a computer? Eh well.

I remember in Jimmy/Timmy 3, Jimmy Neutron had a Peach laptop too...

11-25-2006, 08:01 AM
Lots of cartoons have spoofed Mac computers with different fruits, and pears are the most common. I remember the peach in Jimmy Neutron, but my favorite was a banana. I forget what cartoon that was though.

11-25-2006, 08:55 AM
Lots of cartoons have spoofed Mac computers with different fruits, and pears are the most common. I remember the peach in Jimmy Neutron, but my favorite was a banana. I forget what cartoon that was though.

Then, of course there was the pineapple one on Digimon. That one had me on the floor...8D

11-25-2006, 09:00 AM
Can you imagine what a torment it's been all these years for Wilt, being literally bombarded with images of his now-grownup boy, KNOWING that's who it is, yet unable to bring himself to even TELL anyone?



And what about now that Foul Larry is living at the house? It can't be totally comfortable living in the same house as the guy who REALLY messed you up!

Should I give on using spoilers? xD

11-25-2006, 09:52 AM
Sorry if I'm going off topic here, guys, but it got me thinking, what exactly did happen in the "8-year-gap" that CG mentioned?

I assume he probably did as much help as he could to other people before coming to Foster's, much like he did in the film on the way back to meet Larry for his rematch. And during that time, he would probably have been cemented as a sort of legend, like that judge mentioned.

This idea of Wilt becoming a sort of urban legend during that time reminds me of a book I once read called "Maniac Magee". It was about a boy called Jeffrey Magee, who, after his parents die in a trestle accident, is sent to his loathsome aunt and uncle who, because they are Catholic, can't divorce, and try to split the house in two (two toasters, two TV's, etc.) and try to have Jeffrey for themselves. During a school play eight years later, he runs away (after which we are told that noone knows what happened to him during a year-long gap).

After this period, he arrives in the town of Two Mills, a town so racially segrigated that one side of the town, called the West Side, is reserved entirly for White people and the opposite side, the East Side, reserved for Black people. He meets up with a black family, and moves in with them, much to their supprise. During their time with them, he performs amazing feats such as running on a rail and untieing a knot that noone else in the town could untie, causing him to become an urban legend and be known as "Maniac Magee".

I'll continue the story if you guys want, but what I'm saying is that during the time after he left Jordan and before the time he came to Foster's, maybe he helped out people so much that too became an urban legend?

11-25-2006, 11:17 AM

I missed the movie this morning!!!!!


11-25-2006, 11:34 AM
Sorry if I'm going off topic here, guys, but it got me thinking, what exactly did happen in the "8-year-gap" that CG mentioned?

I assume he probably did as much help as he could to other people before coming to Foster's, much like he did in the film on the way back to meet Larry for his rematch. And during that time, he would probably have been cemented as a sort of legend, like that judge mentioned.

This idea of Wilt becoming a sort of urban legend during that time reminds me of a book I once read called "Maniac Magee". It was about a boy called Jeffrey Magee, who, after his parents die in a trestle accident, is sent to his loathsome aunt and uncle who, because they are Catholic, can't divorce, and try to split the house in two (two toasters, two TV's, etc.) and try to have Jeffrey for themselves. During a school play eight years later, he runs away (after which we are told that noone knows what happened to him during a year-long gap).

After this period, he arrives in the town of Two Mills, a town so racially segrigated that one side of the town, called the West Side, is reserved entirly for White people and the opposite side, the East Side, reserved for Black people. He meets up with a black family, and moves in with them, much to their supprise. During their time with them, he performs amazing feats such as running on a rail and untieing a knot that noone else in the town could untie, causing him to become an urban legend and be known as "Maniac Magee".

I'll continue the story if you guys want, but what I'm saying is that during the time after he left Jordan and before the time he came to Foster's, maybe he helped out people so much that too became an urban legend?

If you go by the photo album of Annual Foster's Photos from "The Big Picture", Wilt showed up at Foster's 22 years ago, two years after Madame Foster opened her home to unwanted/lost Imaginary Friends. HOWEVER, we learn that the incident in which Wilt was injured by Larry, and separated from Jordan, took place 30 years ago, according to Larry, anyway. This leaves a period of eight years in between, so the question is, what happened to Wilt during that time. Obviously, he would have spent some of it in a hospital, after having his left arm amputated, and perhaps some sort of rehab facility, where he would have learned how to cope with just one arm and one functioning eye, but no rehab center is going to keep someone for eight years, so he had to have done something to survive during that time. We don't know if he made his own way out West to where Foster's is located and found the place on his own, or if someone eventually took him there, or paid his way to get there.

Wilt's "legend" status took place during the movie, as he made his way cross-country on that rusty old lawnmower, NOT during that eight-year-period between him being injured and arriving at Foster's. It was a joke, really, him being considered a "legend" by the people of the small town(where obviously there were no lawnmowers or lawn-care specialists)because he, being Wilt, felt he needed to help out by annonymously cutting the grass for everyone, a good deed that the judge felt needed rewarding by releasing Wilt and dropping the charges against him. His status as a "legend" was in that little town only, and due solely to that one incident. There's nothing in the judge's speech to indicate he'd heard of Wilt except because of that. He even refers to Wilt as "The Lawn Ranger"!


11-25-2006, 02:57 PM
Obviously, he would have spent some of it in a hospital, after having his left arm amputated, and perhaps some sort of rehab facility, where he would have learned how to cope with just one arm and one functioning eye, but no rehab center is going to keep someone for eight years, so he had to have done something to survive during that time.

As much as I'd like to believe that, I don't really think he would have been in a rehab centre. It appears, to me at least, Imaginaries aren't exactly looked upon like living beings with feelings, emotions or anything like that. Just look at how they kept poor Floofy Woogums in the 'Lost and Found' section. AND how in Emancipation Complication both Lil' Lincoln and Moose were confiscated from their children as if they were yoyos or dirty magazines never to be returned to them again. Maybe he would have been lucky to get into a hospital to get it removed, sure; but I don't think they'd allow him into a rehabilitation centre. I'm sure you have a strong case arguing against what I just said, but that's what it's appeared to me through my viewings of Foster's. Imaginaries just don't seem to have the same 'rights' as humans do. Kind of like second-class citizens. No matter how great and wonderful Wilt is, I'm not saying he isn't, he is still an Imaginary and I don't see people going to pay how much it cost for not only to have your arm amputated but also a rehab stay. If he did find someone who'd pay for all of that, why wouldn't that person let him stay with him or her? That's pretty much like taking him in as your own Imaginary. But still, Wilt appears in Foster's 8 years after his incident arm free; at least from the photo. I know you brought up in the chat that with an arm that injured infection would have set in years before he arrived in Foster's; but what if he just out right refused help all through those years? He might have been in excruciating pain but just never wanted someone to take pity on such a loser as he is (at least that's how he felt). For all we know he could have lived with that arm for years, and when Madame Foster either found him, or he wound up on the doorstep of Foster's, she's the one who had the arm finally removed. Despite his probable arguments that no, he doesn't deserve it.

But that's just me.

11-25-2006, 03:25 PM
As much as I'd like to believe that, I don't really think he would have been in a rehab centre. It appears, to me at least, Imaginaries aren't exactly looked upon like living beings with feelings, emotions or anything like that. Just look at how they kept poor Floofy Woogums in the 'Lost and Found' section. AND how in Emancipation Complication both Lil' Lincoln and Moose were confiscated from their children as if they were yoyos or dirty magazines never to be returned to them again. Maybe he would have been lucky to get into a hospital to get it removed, sure; but I don't think they'd allow him into a rehabilitation centre. I'm sure you have a strong case arguing against what I just said, but that's what it's appeared to me through my viewings of Foster's. Imaginaries just don't seem to have the same 'rights' as humans do. Kind of like second-class citizens. No matter how great and wonderful Wilt is, I'm not saying he isn't, he is still an Imaginary and I don't see people going to pay how much it cost for not only to have your arm amputated but also a rehab stay. If he did find someone who'd pay for all of that, why wouldn't that person let him stay with him or her? That's pretty much like taking him in as your own Imaginary. But still, Wilt appears in Foster's 8 years after his incident arm free; at least from the photo. I know you brought up in the chat that with an arm that injured infection would have set in years before he arrived in Foster's; but what if he just out right refused help all through those years? He might have been in excruciating pain but just never wanted someone to take pity on such a loser as he is (at least that's how he felt). For all we know he could have lived with that arm for years, and when Madame Foster either found him, or he wound up on the doorstep of Foster's, she's the one who had the arm finally removed. Despite his probable arguments that no, he doesn't deserve it.

But that's just me.

I know that Imaginaries aren't thought of in the same way as humans, but this is one of the inconsistencies of the show. Wilt has been arrested, and in the movie, he was actually brought to trial(or at least, a preliminary hearing), which seems to indicate that somebody, at least, in some places, acknowledges some sort of rights for Imaginaries. If he was fortunate enough to wind up in what we call a "welfare clinic", operated by the government, he might have at least been there long enough to recover.

As for the time-frame of the arm having to be removed, it would be very likely that infection/ necrosis(gangrene) would have set in fairly quickly, which is why crushing injuries are so serious. Injuries like that not only can break bones and disrupt blood flow, but also rupture individual cells, releasing their toxins into surrounding healthy tissues, poisoning it, since the blood supply is unable to carry it away. Most crush injuries to limbs result in amputation, even if the bone isn't broken, for that reason. Doctors are afraid to take a chance of the person dying just to try and save an arm or leg. Swelling in the non-elastic fascia, or connective tissue between muscles and bones, also further compromises blood flow. There's no way that Wilt would have survived for eight years with a necrotic limb. It probably wasn't too long after he received the injury, and left the scene that he would have started to become severely ill, not just from pain. He might have had to go it without any sort of rehab(and Wilt is just the sort to succede by sheer willpower alone), but he wouldn't have lasted long without some heavy-duty medical treatment and surgury following that incident.


Ms. Kinnikufan
11-25-2006, 05:25 PM
Has anyone heard of the movie titled "The Straight Story"? It was a movie about an old man who rides a lawnmower (Like Wilt does) cross-country to vist his terminially ill brother.
Unlike Wilt he gets much further.
The old man also performs some good deeds like Wilt and helps people learn stuff about themselves.

11-25-2006, 07:10 PM
I finally got to watch this! VERY cute movie! It's not the best in the world, no, but then again no TV movie ever is, so it's pretty close. ;P

I felt the conflict between Wilt and Larry could have gone longer. Not the game itself, but more of the dynamics between the two of them and their creators. Larry was created out of jealousy and the burning desire to win (thus his actions on the court and thus why I don't hate him at all), and seeing what HIS creator looked like made me curious about...well, a lot of things. :nyah: Floofy and her family annoyed the heck out of me (I do not like cutesy Elmer-Fudd-With-a-Baby-Voice talk, period), so I do think that could have been replaced with something else.

Aww, Eduardo and Nina! Every scene with them interacting made me smile. Loved Coco and her nerds as well. Since she seems to know exactly what to expect from them, I can't help but think she studied them more than they studied her. *laughs*

With his theories on Wilt and his past, Bloo would fit right in with us. XD

The movie definately left some open-ended questions here too (Coco, bent arm vs. missing arm), but I'm actually okay with that. In my view it's a thinking man's show under the guise of a children's comedy, and that's one of the things that makes Fosters as good a show as it is.

11-25-2006, 11:31 PM


Blah blah blah gosh I really have nothing to say that someone hasn't already said in the past seventeen pages of this thread. ;)

Well, I loved the movie. Fairly Bloo-less :(, but whatever, it's not his movie. Wilt is adorable. He looks freakishly like a snail with two good eyes though. Maybe that's why the one got killed so easily? Snail eyes aren't that strong, you can poke a stalk out. I'm assuming.

Nina and her compulsive ticket-dispensing was awesome too. Blah blah blah spanglish. The whole Floofy thing could have been done without though. A random interlude of operatic narration by Sherrod Brown would've been better. A clip of Sweating to the Oldies. Anything but the goofiewoofie baby talk.

So basically the whole movie is great except for the stupid teddy bear.

11-25-2006, 11:39 PM
Wilt's "legend" status took place during the movie, as he made his way cross-country on that rusty old lawnmower, NOT during that eight-year-period between him being injured and arriving at Foster's. It was a joke, really, him being considered a "legend" by the people of the small town(where obviously there were no lawnmowers or lawn-care specialists)because he, being Wilt, felt he needed to help out by annonymously cutting the grass for everyone, a good deed that the judge felt needed rewarding by releasing Wilt and dropping the charges against him. His status as a "legend" was in that little town only, and due solely to that one incident. There's nothing in the judge's speech to indicate he'd heard of Wilt except because of that. He even refers to Wilt as "The Lawn Ranger"!


But see, the thing is, we don't know what happened to Wilt during that 8 year period, and what TheLH suggested is actually a pretty good speculation. I've read the book and I agree. Just as Wilt became "The Lawn Ranger" in that small town, he might have also acquired different names in different places and became an urban legend for his good deeds among the locals during those eight years. He may not be known accross the country as a humanitarian phenomenon, but I'm not inclined to brush off the idea that Wilt might have already gathered a reputation for helping out random folks all over the place, even if they don't know him by name or even interacted with him directly, much like the judge mentioned. Who's to confirm that Wilt only established a reputation after the movie and only in that town? We don't know every single place he's been to or what he's done, but he obviously has had deep-seated feelings for years to want to help as many people as possible in a self-less manner to compensate for his "failure". I would NOT put it past Wilt to have actually spent those years moving from place to place, lending a hand and impressing several people for whom altruism is an alien concept, and eventually finding Foster's.

Mr. Marshmallow
11-25-2006, 11:55 PM
I'm late giving my 2 cents on this thing and those who visited the "way off topic" forum section will know why. But anyways, I just got done watching the timer recorded Foster's movie and while a scratched the surface of the ass load of posts to this thread, I didn't really have the energy to go through all of em.

Anyways I gave this movie an A, although an A- would be more accurate but regardless, this was a fantastic and very likeable movie. It had MINOR and I mean MINOR problems outside of an overall wonderful first venture into films for the Foster's gang. There were so many well thought out things used here.

Wilt actually taking the initiative and guts to leave Foster's in order to settle things with Fowl Larry, while at the same time still being "Wilt", was an excellent touch. I thought it was great Wilt remained in character while at the same time showing growth and evolution in his personality as he continued his journey.

The lawnmower idea was great in the beginning, I didn't see that coming. The Foster's gang got an equal amount of air time which I LOVED, no offense to Wilt fans, but I think the movie would have sucked if it was JUST Wilt all the time and had no one else to play off of.

I was so estactic to see Frankie getting a long awaited air time increase, as I said before, the geeks drooling over her was a hilarious idea. I totally felt that was a poke at me and the other Frankie fans on the board (I could be wrong but hey, it was a gag I loved nonetheless). Eduardo and Nina stole the show.

It was really interesting to see how Eduardo was created and how he ended up switching roles with Nina in terms of scary person to scared person etc. The fact a cop created such a scary looking yet pillowy IF who acts like a kitten to Nina's baby jibberish and cat purrs was just adorable.

Also, Wilt actually admitting to not only wanting to stay at Foster's for his friends sake but to help out future kids was a very moving idea. It shows Wilt is thinking about more then himself and Jordan and that he wants to help everyone, even if it slows his own goals down (like all those jobs he did).

Now for the "Negative" which is why I wanted an A- instead of a straight up A. Wilt and Eduardo both got pretty detailed character creator looks into their lives, yet were represented with only the people who FOUND Coco, not who made her. It just seemed out of context to leave Coco out this way.

To me, it would have made more sense to reveal Coco's creator in this same movie since they went to the trouble of doing Wilt and Eduardo's in the same one. Second, the Judge with the whole "lawnmower legend" crap was kinda stupid. It just seemed like too far'fetchd to swallow to be funny to me.

Like your pushing the ignorance is bliss joke here with a cartoon. Thirdly, while I understand how Wilt lost his arm, I found the basketball crushing his eye to be weak....literally. It just seemed rather flimsy that something as mundane and hardly that heavy could crush Wilt's eye permanently like that.

This also brings up my confusion as to where those stitches came up on his "whiskers" or cheeks if you will. Unless he scraped his face on the fall (which they didn't really show), I still don't know how they got there. Finally, my last complaint comes with the rapid conclusion of Fowl Ball Larry.

While i loved seeing another new IF villain like Little Lincoln and the SpaceNut Boogies (not to mention being voiced by the very talented Kevin Michael Richardson), I thought his reformation was WAYYY to freaking soon. He was bad for 30 years and then suddenly becomes good after one single game?

It seemed way too Disney that he would suddenly become good and be all right with coming to Foster's after taking so much glee, and joy in knowing he destroyed Wilt's creator relationship and mashed up his body like a pretzel. Unless they plan on using him later on, there didn't seem to be a point to it.

Overrall, I was more satisfied with this then the very annoyingly concocted and hollowly hyped "Make believe it or not". I thought this was while not as well rounded and a great a story teller as "House of Bloo's". There was so much to enjoy here, and such a great balance between all the characters.

Its finally nice to see Wilt and Eduardo's backgrounds and to see how much the Fosters gang needs Wilt and vice versa. And aside from those occasional irks that I said before, I really enjoyed this movie and eagerly look forward to hopefully many more future Foster films.

11-26-2006, 08:14 AM
I'm late giving my 2 cents on this thing and those who visited the "way off topic" forum section will know why. But anyways, I just got done watching the timer recorded Foster's movie and while a scratched the surface of the ass load of posts to this thread, I didn't really have the energy to go through all of em.

Anyways I gave this movie an A, although an A- would be more accurate but regardless, this was a fantastic and very likeable movie. It had MINOR and I mean MINOR problems outside of an overall wonderful first venture into films for the Foster's gang. There were so many well thought out things used here.

Wilt actually taking the initiative and guts to leave Foster's in order to settle things with Fowl Larry, while at the same time still being "Wilt", was an excellent touch. I thought it was great Wilt remained in character while at the same time showing growth and evolution in his personality as he continued his journey.

The lawnmower idea was great in the beginning, I didn't see that coming. The Foster's gang got an equal amount of air time which I LOVED, no offense to Wilt fans, but I think the movie would have sucked if it was JUST Wilt all the time and had no one else to play off of.

I was so estactic to see Frankie getting a long awaited air time increase, as I said before, the geeks drooling over her was a hilarious idea. I totally felt that was a poke at me and the other Frankie fans on the board (I could be wrong but hey, it was a gag I loved nonetheless). Eduardo and Nina stole the show.

It was really interesting to see how Eduardo was created and how he ended up switching roles with Nina in terms of scary person to scared person etc. The fact a cop created such a scary looking yet pillowy IF who acts like a kitten to Nina's baby jibberish and cat purrs was just adorable.

Also, Wilt actually admitting to not only wanting to stay at Foster's for his friends sake but to help out future kids was a very moving idea. It shows Wilt is thinking about more then himself and Jordan and that he wants to help everyone, even if it slows his own goals down (like all those jobs he did).

Now for the "Negative" which is why I wanted an A- instead of a straight up A. Wilt and Eduardo both got pretty detailed character creator looks into their lives, yet were represented with only the people who FOUND Coco, not who made her. It just seemed out of context to leave Coco out this way.

To me, it would have made more sense to reveal Coco's creator in this same movie since they went to the trouble of doing Wilt and Eduardo's in the same one. Second, the Judge with the whole "lawnmower legend" crap was kinda stupid. It just seemed like too far'fetchd to swallow to be funny to me.

Like your pushing the ignorance is bliss joke here with a cartoon. Thirdly, while I understand how Wilt lost his arm, I found the basketball crushing his eye to be weak....literally. It just seemed rather flimsy that something as mundane and hardly that heavy could crush Wilt's eye permanently like that.

This also brings up my confusion as to where those stitches came up on his "whiskers" or cheeks if you will. Unless he scraped his face on the fall (which they didn't really show), I still don't know how they got there. Finally, my last complaint comes with the rapid conclusion of Fowl Ball Larry.

While i loved seeing another new IF villain like Little Lincoln and the SpaceNut Boogies (not to mention being voiced by the very talented Kevin Michael Richardson), I thought his reformation was WAYYY to freaking soon. He was bad for 30 years and then suddenly becomes good after one single game?

It seemed way too Disney that he would suddenly become good and be all right with coming to Foster's after taking so much glee, and joy in knowing he destroyed Wilt's creator relationship and mashed up his body like a pretzel. Unless they plan on using him later on, there didn't seem to be a point to it.

Overrall, I was more satisfied with this then the very annoyingly concocted and hollowly hyped "Make believe it or not". I thought this was while not as well rounded and a great a story teller as "House of Bloo's". There was so much to enjoy here, and such a great balance between all the characters.

Its finally nice to see Wilt and Eduardo's backgrounds and to see how much the Fosters gang needs Wilt and vice versa. And aside from those occasional irks that I said before, I really enjoyed this movie and eagerly look forward to hopefully many more future Foster films.

Gotta agree with you on pretty much everything there. I guess that the reason we have not learned more in the movie about Coco's creator is that Craig has actually told us, in great detail, on his blog about who created her, so it's really no mystery to those who have actually read it, although we still don't know what happened to that little girl. Perhaps this is Craig's way of letting us know that Coco's creator is deceased, without actually bringing up the topic of her death on the show. And, it's also possible that a movie/special about Coco is in the works, and they just don't want to give away too much, too soon.

I'm also bothered by the whole deal with the eye. While a basketball falling from a great height COULD have injured the eye and eye stalk, it would not seem to be a permament thing, nor would it account for why the eye now seems to be fake and plastic-y and is much smaller, Injuriess create swelling, initially. Again, since eye injuries can be very nasty to look at, though, I guess that they had to go with a more cartoonish approach to avoid the gross-out factor. As for the stitches appearing on Wilt's cheek, if you look closely, they are not there when he's lying injured on the court, thinking of Jordan. Then, they appear when you see him peering around the corner of a building at Jordan through the rain, and when you see him leave, they're gone again. We've pretty much chalked that up to an animation mistake, like the deal with Eduardo's here-again/gone-again pants in "The Big Cheese", or Mr. Herriman's monocle switching sides of his face in more than one episode, or Blake Superior's face being gray(as opposed to the usual striped tiger face)and looking like one of the "Berenstein Bears" of the popular children's books for a brief moment in "Hiccy Burp".

There are actually several probably spoofs of fans in this movie, besides the two nerds drooling over Frankie. I'm sure that Bloo's out-there theories as to who created Wilt, along with him assuming that Wilt was a bad guy and had returned to his "life of crime", are a good-natured dig at those of us, myself included, who've had some really out-there theories ourselves as to Wilt's past!



11-26-2006, 08:50 AM
Hah, yes, I figured Bloo's crazy ideas were some sorta joke directed at us fans. Not just 'us' meaning Never Forgotten, but like, ALL of us fans...Wilt fans anyways...:gooblab: Will stop repeating people now.

11-26-2006, 10:02 AM
Okay I might be stupid, but how is Wilt so cheerful after having lived with all that guilt for 30 years?

Because he never gives up hope or on life either.

It doesn't take that much to be mean or nasty in this life. But hope is there when you really want it.

McGee's Jabberwock
11-26-2006, 12:04 PM
Aw, geez, what can I say that hasn't been said earlier in this topic? It was a good film, great character development for Wilt, allowing us to see more sides of him we don't see in the show. The relationship between Eduardo and Nina was cute, and Douglas and Adam were humourous. But, for some reason, it wasn't as poignant as I had hoped. Don't know why.

BTW, wasn't Looney Tunes Back in Acton called 'The Anti-Space Jam?'

Invader Bloo
11-26-2006, 12:14 PM
No, it wasn't. It was just called "Back in Action".
Space Jam was a LT movie released in the mid-90's.

Mr. Marshmallow
11-26-2006, 01:12 PM
"Back in action" was designed as a sort of "insult" to Space Jam. For some reason which to this day I cannot for the life of me understand, Space Jam was slammed by Looney fans because they said it did a crappy job representing the Toon characters and made them act differently and out of character.

Back in action was more hardlined into improving on Space Jam's mistakes by making the actors more interactive with the toons, which Michael Jordan did very LITTLE of. The problem was Back in action was similar to a fart in the wind in theaters, it came and went with very few people noticing it sadly.

I actually enjoyed both films equally. I don't really know how Space Jam worked into this movie aside from the whole basketball fight finish thing, even tho Space Jam did do it alot better. But again I loved this movie, the only thing that bothered me was how quick Fowl Larry just turned good and was all "sorry".

Holding a grudge for 30 years and waiting his whole life for a rematch with Wilt seems like a villainious thing to do, not something you brush off your shoulder and act like everything peachy keen again. I also agree with Pitbull, I find the fact that Wilt's eye was so fragile to be kind of cheap and tacky.

Unless that basketball was loaded with bricks, his eye shouldn't have been totally crushed and squeezed out like that for the rest of his life.

11-26-2006, 01:21 PM
I was thinking about the eye thing too. Eyes aren't that strong though, and Wilt's have no skull for protection. They're just squishy balls of eye on stalks. Basketballs can be pretty hard, and I bet if Larry through one at your face you'd get some whiplash. At a bare eye? It's not so crazy.

Mr. Marshmallow
11-26-2006, 01:24 PM
Eyes on a human and an imaginary friend can be very different. And besides, doesn't this mean that in the show at anytime someone hits or lets something fall on Wilt's head could also crush and permanently blind Wilt's other eye?

He bashed his head through the roof in "Blooooo", had the door slammed on his face in "Where there's a wilt there's a way", and had his head repeatively slammed into the ground by Goo in "Neighbor Pains". All could have crushed his eye.

If his eyes are that sensitive, then everyone had better watch what lands on Wilt's head or he'll go blind.

11-26-2006, 01:28 PM
Well they do sort of look like snail eyes. Mind you my idea of a snail is Gary from Spongebob.

Maybe the other eye is... stronger? I'll think of something. XD They couldn't make it too gross though. Chances are if his eye had like, gotton squished by Larry too, there would be eye all over the basketball court.

Mr. Marshmallow
11-26-2006, 01:31 PM
Yeah but there are ways to work around that. Like if you say he got hit by a car, you wouldn't need to show Wilt actually getting struck just the sound and just show him coming out of surgery or something like that. There are ways to work around it.

Or if Larry had landed completely on Wilt, like all over him, that would have made more sense because we know Larry is big and heavy enough to do that kind of damage on a fall. You could have just shown Wilt getting up after Larry got off of him and had Wilt with all the scars and damages.

I doubt their worried about it being too violent because technically, it still was violent. I mean Wilt's arm was screwed up but he has a nub now which means at some point he either tor it off or it fell off. That's pretty gross too.

11-26-2006, 01:39 PM
Yeah, but squiggly lines aren't disgusting, even if they're an arm, and we don't know what happened to it. If he fell completely on Wilt he'd probably be dead.

I keep thinking about that one scene in Kill Bill 2. Ahhh eyeballs.

Whatever, cartoon logic. If you can poke an eye out with a stick, you can poke one out with a basketball probably thrown with the force of a cannon. It's not that important anyway.

11-26-2006, 01:41 PM
I was thinking about the eye thing too. Eyes aren't that strong though, and Wilt's have no skull for protection. They're just squishy balls of eye on stalks. Basketballs can be pretty hard, and I bet if Larry through one at your face you'd get some whiplash. At a bare eye? It's not so crazy.

It's not the matter or whether or not a basketball COULD have caused SOME sort of injurty to Wilt's eye, but after being hit, it was like the eye just suddenly shrank down to half the size it was, and became hard and plastic-like, with the pupil rolling around inside like those little plastic "googly" eyes on dolls. A pupil is a HOLE, not a solid object that can rattle around and make noise. Immediately after an eye is subjected to injury, from either a puncture or a blunt-force blow(as would be the case of being hit with a basketball), the eye swell, not shrinks. If left untreated, eventually the swelling can actually cause the eyeball to rupture, due to pressure from secondary glaucoma(non-disease-related, non-genetic). After the pressure is released, if normal blood flow is not restored, the fluids in the eye will dry up and the eye will atrophy, or shrink, and of course be totally blind. It WON'T rattle or turn to plastic, though. I still think that this is just the way that the creative team decided to handle that situation, knowing that there really was no other way to show an eye injury that wouldn't put people off their lunches for the next couple of days, and sort of say to the smarter ones in the audience, "OK, we know that the eye injury would have looked a LOT worse, so you can just figure that part out-meanwhile, we have to think of the little kids and try not to give them nightmares."

I have some problems buying into Larry's sudden transformation, too, unless he and HIS creator were just as close as Wilt and Jordan. Apparently, Larry has long since been abandoned, himself, and seeing the reunion between Wilt and Jordan sparked enough fond memories of the good old days when he was still with his creator to open his heart. I kinda do like that, because people can and do change-it just seems to me like that should have taken longer. It's even more odd, though, that everyone else seems to have forgiven Foul Larry just as quickly as he changed from evil to good. I know, as bad as it is, that I, along with most of us, are not that forgiving, and it takes time to come to terms with someone who's done you a great wrong, or hurt someone you really care for. I was a bit bothered by Frankie being so nonchalant with Larry there at the end, KNOWING that he had severely injured Wilt, someone she should care about as a good friend at least, and she SAW him try to crush Wilt against the wall herself. I know I'd have trouble being civilized to someone I'd just seen try to hurt, let alone KILL, someone I cared about, no matter how they were acting towards me.

And, one more question about Larry...if Larry has long-since been abandoned, and more or less living on the streets, as it appeared, HOW did Wilt manage to call him on the phone before leaving? Wouldn't Larry have to at least have a cell phone, and if so, how would he pay for the thing, and how would Wilt have known the number, since cell phone numbers aren't public information. For Wilt to know the number, would imply that Larry still lived at the same address, and had the same phone number, that he had thirty years ago-and that Wilt has even more awesome memory of number sequences than Cheese does!


11-26-2006, 01:48 PM
Ohh, I see. Well, it's cute. I wouldn't want them to do it any other way, his rattling crazy eye is awesome. Imaginary anatomy can be different from regular anatomy anyway. It's silly to try and analyze his injuries with normal logic; the iris could've turned into a potato chip and it'd be okay cause he's imaginary.

I agree about the Larry thing though. That was just weird.

11-26-2006, 03:44 PM
Yeah I try not to be TOO realistic. It is a cartoon after all. I'm not condensending it; just stating facts. Foster's goes against alot of laws physically and everything else. Not everything has to be 100% correct to the letter.

Besides, here's something I thought of. Given we've finally seen what the information on the Foster's website looks like from the movie; it clearly states where the friend was created, what year, and who by. Don't you think that once the information becomes available on Wilt that he was created by Jordan Michael he just might be adopted sooner then later? I mean, little kids who idolise their sports stars like to get any if everything they do. But imagine actually being a little kid who likes playing basketball and wanting to improve their game, learning that the imaginary friend of THE Jordan Michael is up for adoption? It's just an idea.

Mr. Marshmallow
11-26-2006, 03:56 PM
I always thought it would be wise of Foster's to avoid the fact that more then half of the Fosters 5 is up for adoption. We all know Coco, Eduardo, and Wilt are up for adoption as opposed to Bloo's reason for being there, but in reality, they can't really ever get adopted. Not unless the show's about to end.

Let's face it, we really never want them to get adopted because if they did it would be really sad knowing there gonna leave Fosters for good. Wilt needs to remain there and the whole adoption thing should remain just a side story in regards to the Fosters 5 guys.

The adoption thing really is only ever used in the story when they want to create a new IF to become the star of the episode and either get adopted or booted out (like Berry and Little Lincoln) at the end. Or to make way for some new IF they want to bring in to join the background IFs.

some guy you dont know
11-26-2006, 03:59 PM
ok, well i thought it was pretty good, had enough funny scenes in it, both sides got equal air time, and they let wilt keep character while trying to find his opponet.

what i didnt like, though, was not only that they didnt show who created coco, but that they had her "discovered" by some nerds. and what i dont get is, if they are studying her, why is she in fosters and not with them at the lab or whatever? maybe she ran away or something.

i also dont like the ending much, because i dont like seeing someone thats been evil for somewhere around 30 years just turning good in 5 minuites. and now that they are there, id better see more of larry and stats and those other basketball guys. thats what im looking forward to.

btw, i wanted to comment on one of my favorite sceenes, the part at the bus stop. i thought it had some great parts to it, along with a few quotes that stick to my head. "everything wants to belong to something, right?"

i like how coco was like the mother to those nerds. probably my favorite thing in the movie. i gave it an A

11-26-2006, 06:09 PM
ok, well i thought it was pretty good, had enough funny scenes in it, both sides got equal air time, and they let wilt keep character while trying to find his opponet.

what i didnt like, though, was not only that they didnt show who created coco, but that they had her "discovered" by some nerds. and what i dont get is, if they are studying her, why is she in fosters and not with them at the lab or whatever? maybe she ran away or something.

i also dont like the ending much, because i dont like seeing someone thats been evil for somewhere around 30 years just turning good in 5 minuites. and now that they are there, id better see more of larry and stats and those other basketball guys. thats what im looking forward to.

btw, i wanted to comment on one of my favorite sceenes, the part at the bus stop. i thought it had some great parts to it, along with a few quotes that stick to my head. "everything wants to belong to something, right?"

i like how coco was like the mother to those nerds. probably my favorite thing in the movie. i gave it an A

Apparently, even though Imaginary Friends do not have the same rights that we humans do, they cannot be used as "lab rats", either. If Coco did not want to remain with Douglas and Adam, she didn't have to. They probably realized after awhile that she WAS an IF, and realized that the best place for her would be with a family that has kids, and barring that situation, an adoption home where she could be cared for and given a chance to find a family. They could still study her and follow her progress, regardless of where she was. They may be nerds/geeks, but they are not insensitive or ignorant when it comes to Coco. Besides, Adam probably got tired of having this odd-looking second "mother" around all the time, telling him what to wear, etc.

I personally would hope that Larry gets adopted ASAP, as Frankie thought he would. I don't hate him, but I find it very hard to believe that all his animosity towards Wilt, and vice versa, is just gonna disappear, just like that. Wilt may act more civilized of the two, but it has GOT to be painful to have to look at the one who left him in that physical condition and tried to kill both him AND his kid, every morning at the breakfast table. As good-natured and forgiving as Wilt is, he still would have difficulty dealing with THAT. Plus, both of them are highly competitive, and they take competition far more seriously than most, for whom it's just fun. It would be kinda tense, to say the least-like having two big male Pit Bulls running loose in the house, who've already gotten in a couple of bad "scraps". Sooner or later, one is gonna say the wrong thing or do something the other finds objectionable, and it's gonna be on...and I DON'T mean on the basketball court!


Yeah I try not to be TOO realistic. It is a cartoon after all. I'm not condensending it; just stating facts. Foster's goes against alot of laws physically and everything else. Not everything has to be 100% correct to the letter.

Besides, here's something I thought of. Given we've finally seen what the information on the Foster's website looks like from the movie; it clearly states where the friend was created, what year, and who by. Don't you think that once the information becomes available on Wilt that he was created by Jordan Michael he just might be adopted sooner then later? I mean, little kids who idolise their sports stars like to get any if everything they do. But imagine actually being a little kid who likes playing basketball and wanting to improve their game, learning that the imaginary friend of THE Jordan Michael is up for adoption? It's just an idea.

I thought about that, too. I mean, Wilt WAS created by a celebrity, and as such, he basically is genetically related to that person(as if their behavior and speech patterns doesn't bear that out, in spite of having been separated for 30 years). That would seem to make him a hot commodity among kids and even celebrity groupie types who would go so far as to pretend to have kids just to adopt him(hey...that's a thought...). It would be like owning a car that once belonged to a movie star or something. I guess as long as Wilt has been there, though, he must have SOME say-so in who adopts him, and I guess if it just doesn't "feel" right, he has the right to decline. It's not like he is a lot of trouble(unlike certain other IF's)-far from it. Frankie would have to hire somebody from the outside and pay them to do as much for her as Wilt does around the house. Wilt, I guess, would know better than anyone if the kid wanting to adopt him is sincere, and really NEEDS him, as opposed to just wanting him because he was created by a big-time celebrity. They may go with a different thing altogether, like having him volunteer to coach basketball for at-risk kids(who will probably think they're at boot camp, if his coaching is anything like that performance in the end credits, lol). That way, he can still find his niche helping kids that really do need someone like him, and be able to stay at Foster's at the same time.


11-26-2006, 06:29 PM
Wilt, I guess, would know better than anyone if the kid wanting to adopt him is sincere, and really NEEDS him, as opposed to just wanting him because he was created by a big-time celebrity. They may go with a different thing altogether, like having him volunteer to coach basketball for at-risk kids(who will probably think they're at boot camp, if his coaching is anything like that performance in the end credits, lol). That way, he can still find his niche helping kids that really do need someone like him, and be able to stay at Foster's at the same time.

That's a nice thought, but Wilt seems pretty intent on the idea of getting just one child to look after and that's it. Don't get me wrong, he might like coaching some kids but I think his heart is really set on being adopted and going home with a kid. He said so himself, it's what he wants. He even turned down going back with Jordan, who he obviously missed a lot.

11-26-2006, 07:16 PM
I was out of town for thanksgiving and was not able to see Good Wilt Hunting until just a few hours ago (of course I taped it).

I gave it a "B". Now, that's not to say I didn't really enjoy it, I thouroughly enjoyed it. Foster's is a show that sets a high bar in entertainment value. I rate only a few episodes as "A"s (four off the top of my head). Good Wilt Hunting is easily one of the top ten episodes I've seen. So that "B" is a very high one.
Eh, now that I think about it, maybe I ought to give it an "A", because I love basketball. Can't change my vote in the poll, but consider me an honorary "A" giver if you will. Please?

That said, I'll give my thoughts...

- I appreciated all of the references, whether they were simple, stupid, or not-too-obvious. Hitchhiker's Guide, Khaki Jones, Larry...
- The story was nice and not too predictable. Wilt's backstory was pretty interesting.
- Basketball, there was lots of it and I loved that. I wish there was more, but I'll take what I can get. Bonus! the ABA ball makes an appearance...
- Wilt's creator dissapointed me a little, simply because of his name. Surely the writers could have done better than "Jordan Michaels". Yes, I know kids will get the reference more easily than "Gilmore Artis" or something, but still. Perhaps Wilt's namesake's greatest rival would have been a better inspiration for his creator's name, something like "Russell Williams".
- Best moment for me may have been when Wilt opened his bundle to reveal a red, white, and blue ABA basketball.
- Lots of Frankie, which was nice. I liked the running gags with the parking tickets, the noise, and the urgency. All classic Frankie moments.

So, one complaint?

Great episode, glad my VCR worked.

11-27-2006, 03:50 PM
This is pretty much all a spoiler, haha.

I really loved this movie. I didn't get to see it until Sunday morning, so I was nearly going crazy by then. And Saturday morning, I went with my grandparents (and other people) to go out for breakfast, and this movie was playing at the cafe's tv! I was just dying in my seat, knowing that the movie was only ten feet from me and I still couldn't watch it, haha. But anyway, I was pretty satisfied. We finally know what happened to Wilt's arm and eye, and we know of his creator's whereabouts!

So I'll just jump right in to what I liked and what I didn't like. I really did like Eduardo's creator, and I'm glad she had a flashback to when she created him. I just thought they were both so cute! And Nina Barbarosa is just the coolest name ever. She and Eduardo:-/ were a really great pair! Oh, and I just loved the pink family, the mom, dad, and daughter. They really cracked me up, how they were just crying about everything. Like Frankie answers the door, and the lady is crying because she just "loves getting visitors!" That was the best. And the little girl and her pink bear's reunion was just so adorable. And each time Wilt missed his bus I would be writhing around in my seat... I was just saying "Darn you! Think about yourself for once!" lol. That old man with the farm was pretty funny though. I felt sorry for Wilt having to process all that hay! :D Well at least he got that groovy lawn mower! 8D

I was really disappointed at the length of the movie. Didin't KND get an hour and a half? FHFIF really need some more time. The plot was great, and an hour long was definately not enough to squeeze it all in. It just seemed really rushed near the end. When Bllo and Mac have thier epiphany in knowing where Wilt is, all I heard was "Blahblahblah JAPAN!" I was like "What?" And near the end where Wilt's creator is there, Bloo and Mac explain it so fast I couldn't really understand them. It was easier to understand in my second viewing. Now don't get me wrong man, I really loved this movie, but I feel that Foster's needed more time for the movie than just an hour. It jumped around alot and skipped as well. But other than this, the movie was really enjoyable. I was just a little mad at Wilt for leaving his boy like that, without even knowing if he was unwanted or not. Darn you! :( Dawwwww but I love him. :D

And Coco's nerdy profeser people were funny. The large one reminded me of the comic book guy on The Simpson's. And the skinny one was exactly like Mandark from Dexter's Laboratory. Thier vision of Franky cracks me up. Oh, and Jackie Khones is wonderful by the way. Even though he got like one line. :jk:

So ANYWAY, Good Wilt Hunting really was worth the wait and excitement. We love you wilt! :D

11-27-2006, 04:06 PM
This is pretty much all a spoiler, haha.

I really loved this movie. I didn't get to see it until Sunday morning, so I was nearly going crazy by then. And Saturday morning, I went with my grandparents (and other people) to go out for breakfast, and this movie was playing at the cafe's tv! I was just dying in my seat, knowing that the movie was only ten feet from me and I still couldn't watch it, haha. But anyway, I was pretty satisfied. We finally know what happened to Wilt's arm and eye, and we know of his creator's whereabouts!

So I'll just jump right in to what I liked and what I didn't like. I really did like Eduardo's creator, and I'm glad she had a flashback to when she created him. I just thought they were both so cute! And Nina Barbarosa is just the coolest name ever. She and Eduardo:-/ were a really great pair! Oh, and I just loved the pink family, the mom, dad, and daughter. They really cracked me up, how they were just crying about everything. Like Frankie answers the door, and the lady is crying because she just "loves getting visitors!" That was the best. And the little girl and her pink bear's reunion was just so adorable. And each time Wilt missed his bus I would be writhing around in my seat... I was just saying "Darn you! Think about yourself for once!" lol. That old man with the farm was pretty funny though. I felt sorry for Wilt having to process all that hay! :D Well at least he got that groovy lawn mower! 8D

I was really disappointed at the length of the movie. Didin't KND get an hour and a half? FHFIF really need some more time. The plot was great, and an hour long was definately not enough to squeeze it all in. It just seemed really rushed near the end. When Bllo and Mac have thier epiphany in knowing where Wilt is, all I heard was "Blahblahblah JAPAN!" I was like "What?" And near the end where Wilt's creator is there, Bloo and Mac explain it so fast I couldn't really understand them. It was easier to understand in my second viewing. Now don't get me wrong man, I really loved this movie, but I feel that Foster's needed more time for the movie than just an hour. It jumped around alot and skipped as well. But other than this, the movie was really enjoyable. I was just a little mad at Wilt for leaving his boy like that, without even knowing if he was unwanted or not. Darn you! :( Dawwwww but I love him. :D

And Coco's nerdy profeser people were funny. The large one reminded me of the comic book guy on The Simpson's. And the skinny one was exactly like Mandark from Dexter's Laboratory. Thier vision of Franky cracks me up. Oh, and Jackie Khones is wonderful by the way. Even though he got like one line. :jk:

So ANYWAY, Good Wilt Hunting really was worth the wait and excitement. We love you wilt! :D

I really wish it were longer, too-the more Wilt, the happier I am. Still, you can't be mad at Wilt for leaving Jordan. It's not like he did it to hurt the kid; in fact, HE was seriously injured, physically and emotionally. He knew how much winning that game meant to Jordan, or at least, he THOUGHT he did. It was a far greater hurt for him to believe that he'd let Jordan down, and he was too ashamed to face him after that. He naturally assumed that Jordan would hate him and want nothing to do with him, and that's why he left. Jordan, meanwhile, unknown to Wilt, blamed HIMSELF for Wilt getting hurt and running away, not knowing the real reason why Wilt left. Most likely, he assumed that Wilt simply went off somewhere and died, like an old or badly injured animal. As it turned out, having Wilt as a friend and mentor meant more to Jordan than beating "Foul Larry" and his creator.


11-27-2006, 04:15 PM
I really wish it were longer, too-the more Wilt, the happier I am. Still, you can't be mad at Wilt for leaving Jordan. It's not like he did it to hurt the kid; in fact, HE was seriously injured, physically and emotionally. He knew how much winning that game meant to Jordan, or at least, he THOUGHT he did. It was a far greater hurt for him to believe that he'd let Jordan down, and he was too ashamed to face him after that. He naturally assumed that Jordan would hate him and want nothing to do with him, and that's why he left. Jordan, meanwhile, unknown to Wilt, blamed HIMSELF for Wilt getting hurt and running away, not knowing the real reason why Wilt left. Most likely, he assumed that Wilt simply went off somewhere and died, like an old or badly injured animal. As it turned out, having Wilt as a friend and mentor meant more to Jordan than beating "Foul Larry" and his creator.


Well it makes much more sense when you say it, :bloogrin . I guess I just have to look into things like this a litte more...if that makes any sense.

11-27-2006, 05:23 PM
basil,the reason you were reminded of Mandark is because it was the same voice actor.

11-27-2006, 05:36 PM
Haha, so that's why! I'm so glad he's still in the voiuce acting biz then. I love that guy. Mandark is grreat.:D

11-27-2006, 05:57 PM
Wait a minute,I didn't see Dutchess's creator at the reunion,I wonder what happened to him/her.

11-27-2006, 05:59 PM
Wait a minute,I didn't see Dutchess's creator at the reunion,I wonder what happened to him/her.

That's one creator I really wanted to meet. He/she's got some explainin' to do... ;)

11-27-2006, 06:21 PM
I think it'd be best not to....XD

11-27-2006, 06:44 PM
Yeah, what was with the Japan thing? Nothing ever came of it. Weird.

11-27-2006, 07:02 PM
Yeah, what was with the Japan thing? Nothing ever came of it. Weird.

Yeah it did. Mac worked out Jordan was Wilt's creator; and thanks to Douglas 'n Adams internet access they worked out just where he was; in Japan making a commercial. So that's why the gang flew SUPER SUPER fast to Japan to find Jordan and to their knowledge, Wilt. But that's when they discovered Wilt wasn't there, but they happened to run into Jordan and they explained what was going on with Wilt THEN they flew allll the way back to America in the Private Lear Jet to find Wilt.

I suddenly felt like I was channelling Bloo. :wiltshock:

11-27-2006, 07:19 PM
Yeah it did. Mac worked out Jordan was Wilt's creator; and thanks to Douglas 'n Adams internet access they worked out just where he was; in Japan making a commercial. So that's why the gang flew SUPER SUPER fast to Japan to find Jordan and to their knowledge, Wilt. But that's when they discovered Wilt wasn't there, but they happened to run into Jordan and they explained what was going on with Wilt THEN they flew allll the way back to America in the Private Lear Jet to find Wilt.

I suddenly felt like I was channelling Bloo. :wiltshock:

Did they really? I didn't get that part. Shame on me.

....heck, if it were realistic they would have spent the equivalent of a weekend on airplanes alone.

11-27-2006, 07:35 PM
Did they really? I didn't get that part. Shame on me.

....heck, if it were realistic they would have spent the equivalent of a weekend on airplanes alone.

Yeah that's what Bloo was going on about to Jordan.

And that my friends is the power of cartoons! 8D

11-29-2006, 04:47 AM
I just thought of something...when the folks at Foster's are searching Wilt's room for clues of why he left and trying to assess whether or not he actually DID leave, as Bloo said, Mac points out that Wilt's locker is empty, and Bloo notices that Wilt's toothbrush is gone. However, when Wilt arrives at his destination, all he has with him in that little hobo bundle is that basketball. What happened to his stuff that he removed from his room, his personal belongings, if he didn't take them with him? I have to wonder if that was just a contiuation error on the part of the writers and animators, or if it was meant for viewers to get the impression that *I* got, which was that Wilt KNEW he was probably not going to be coming home to Foster's; he KNEW that, win or lose the game, he was going to die. Larry was either going to kill him during one of those slams by trapping him against the wall, or kill him afterwards if Wilt happened to beat HIM at the game. Did he discard his personal effects, perhaps his way of telling the others that he would not be coming back, as if he were "erasing" all traces of him having been there at all?


11-29-2006, 05:36 AM
I just thought of something...when the folks at Foster's are searching Wilt's room for clues of why he left and trying to assess whether or not he actually DID leave, as Bloo said, Mac points out that Wilt's locker is empty, and Bloo notices that Wilt's toothbrush is gone. However, when Wilt arrives at his destination, all he has with him in that little hobo bundle is that basketball. What happened to his stuff that he removed from his room, his personal belongings, if he didn't take them with him? I have to wonder if that was just a contiuation error on the part of the writers and animators, or if it was meant for viewers to get the impression that *I* got, which was that Wilt KNEW he was probably not going to be coming home to Foster's; he KNEW that, win or lose the game, he was going to die. Larry was either going to kill him during one of those slams by trapping him against the wall, or kill him afterwards if Wilt happened to beat HIM at the game. Did he discard his personal effects, perhaps his way of telling the others that he would not be coming back, as if he were "erasing" all traces of him having been there at all?


Yes, I noticed that too! But another thing...How could've Mac opened it in the first place, when in "Squeeze the Day" he couldn't when even he and Bloo were stacked up together?

Wilt could've DIED right then if it wasn't for Jordan saving him. Yay Jordan! :D

11-29-2006, 06:35 AM
Yes, I noticed that too! But another thing...How could've Mac opened it in the first place, when in "Squeeze the Day" he couldn't when even he and Bloo were stacked up together?

Wilt could've DIED right then if it wasn't for Jordan saving him. Yay Jordan! :D

Wilt must have left the locker door ajar when he cleaned out the locker, so it would have been easy to open, even if they could not reach the handle. If he knew he wouldn't be coming back, and he left in a hurry, he would not have bothered closing it.


11-29-2006, 07:40 AM
If I had to venture a guess, he could have pawned all his stuff (Yes even his toothbrush, it might have been a brand new brush fresh out the package) in order to pay for bus and train fare and other travel expenses.

One Radical Dude
11-29-2006, 12:40 PM
If I had to venture a guess, he could have pawned all his stuff (Yes even his toothbrush, it might have been a brand new brush fresh out the package) in order to pay for bus and train fare and other travel expenses.

Yeah, that's a very good possibility. Ya never know.

11-29-2006, 01:12 PM
If I had to venture a guess, he could have pawned all his stuff (Yes even his toothbrush, it might have been a brand new brush fresh out the package) in order to pay for bus and train fare and other travel expenses.

Well, now, the socks and shoes I can understand him selling or pawning, or donating to charity. Still, though, he DID need the money, since train and/or bus fares are not cheap(especially with today's gasoline and diesel prices), so unless Wilt had some money saved up somewhere, he'd need to sell something of value to raise the cash. He HAS mentioned having money, or rather, buying stuff for others, so either he gets some sort of government assistance(unlikely)or he actually does get some sort of allowance for the work he does around the house.

But the toothbrush? Uh, no...no one but the most rabid Wilt fangirl is gonna shell out money for a possibly-used toothbrush! You cannot sell a toothbrush if the package has even been opened a bit, let alone if the brush has been completely taken out of the original packaging. You cannot take someone's word that they've never used it, not with all the sickos we have in our society. I would have to assume that Wilt discarded it, figuring he'd never be returning to use it again. The brush WAS in the toothbrush stand, so it had been taken out of the package.


11-29-2006, 03:08 PM
Okay maybe the selling the toothbrush thing was stretching it just a little...unless it turned out it was some kind of rare limited eddition collectible brush, that Wilt sold to the towns Dental museum in order to be put on display in their "brushes of the world" exhibit. :gooblab:

some guy you dont know
11-29-2006, 03:52 PM
Wilt could've DIED right then if it wasn't for Jordan saving him. Yay Jordan! :D

that reminds me, did anyone else notice that jordan pulled wilt out of the way, but then, when the game was over, he was lying on the ground?

11-29-2006, 05:11 PM
That's because Wilt fell down.

11-29-2006, 05:23 PM
I think he may have stumbled over as he was being pulled by Jordan.

12-06-2006, 02:36 AM
Man, WHY didn't I notice THIS? Along with that if-you-blinked-you-missed-it cameo by Brad Bird, there was another celeb cameo, more obvious this time, and I totally let it slip past me until someone on another forum pointed it out! The burly biker dude who created Fluffer Nutters(pink squirrel)is none other than Paul Touttle, the dad on "American Chopper", who runs Orange County Choppers!


12-06-2006, 09:11 AM
You're not alone, I totally caught that one too, when I saw that brief scene, I too was saying to myself hey it's the dude from American Chopper.

12-06-2006, 04:12 PM
So that WAS the dad from American Chopper? Good, now I know I'm not seeing things.8D
I really enjoyed this movie and I am VERY pleased to see that Frankie had such a large role in it. It was geniouse to have her fighting frustration on three fronts. And Edwardo's creator, Nina, was a great character in her own right. Great job Craig and Lauren!

Chaos Wielder
12-06-2006, 06:31 PM
The burly biker dude who created Fluffer Nutters(pink squirrel)is none other than Paul Touttle, the dad on "American Chopper", who runs Orange County Choppers!


8D You know what? That's who I thought it was, but I had kind of forgotten about it until you brought it up! That's just hilarious! XD

12-24-2006, 07:53 PM
A copy of the disk, identical to the ones CG and I bought, just popped up on eBay:

http://cgi.ebay.com/FOSTERS-HOME-FOR-IMAGINARY-FRIENDS-Good-Will-Hunting_W0QQitemZ250065730360QQihZ015QQcategoryZ18 838QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

This one doesn't appear to include the poster or Bloo plush, so it may end up being less expensive than the earlier disks.

"C" the Dragon
12-25-2006, 04:49 AM
A copy of the disk, identical to the ones CG and I bought, just popped up on eBay:

http://cgi.ebay.com/FOSTERS-HOME-FOR-IMAGINARY-FRIENDS-Good-Will-Hunting_W0QQitemZ250065730360QQihZ015QQcategoryZ18 838QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

This one doesn't appear to include the poster or Bloo plush, so it may end up being less expensive than the earlier disks.

Which reminds me: It's Christmas and I opened my presents and I haven't gotten the "Good Wilt Hunting" Poster!:( Oh, well. Merry Christmas everybody!:D

And wait a minute! HOW did you get a DVD of GWH?!:wiltshock:

12-25-2006, 09:14 AM
Which reminds me: It's Christmas and I opened my presents and I haven't gotten the "Good Wilt Hunting" Poster!:( Oh, well. Merry Christmas everybody!:D

Did you put it on your list? Maybe the 'rents had trouble finding it.

"C" the Dragon
12-25-2006, 10:21 AM
Did you put it on your list? Maybe the 'rents had trouble finding it.

Yeah, I did.

12-25-2006, 01:13 PM
Just thought of something-remember back when we've had a couple of conversations about how misleading some of the CN synopses for episodes are? "Emancipation Complication" comes readily to mind, but anyway, the CN synopsis for GWH says that Wilt sets off on a cross-country trek to find his creator, and that the group from Foster's who are trying to find him are hampered by his "overly good nature" and Bloo's "outlandish theories". All of that turned out to be false! While Bloo DID have some pretty wild theories as to who CREATED Wilt, no one paid him much attention, let alone allowed his ideas to sidetrack them, and Wilt's helpfulness to others proved more useful in helping them get closer to him, always just missing him. The biggest error, though, was that Wilt was NOT trying to reunite with or find his creator at all. Wilt KNEW all along who his creator was, and to find WHERE he was, all he had to do was read the NBA game schedule, since a famous sports celebrity is pretty easy to track down, even in the off-season(and I assume it WAS off-season, for Jordan to be filming a commercial in Japan). He could have also contacted Jordan's publicist, which is how Mac found out where Jordan was at the time, by going to his website. Wilt had no intentions of reuniting with Jordan, whom he assumed hated him and never wanted to see him again, but of resolving his own guilt over losing once and for all, even though he knew that doing this probably meant losing his life. He knew that Larry was either gonna kill him to stop him from winning, or kill him if he DID win, but either way, the last thing he ever expected was to be reunited with Jordan.

Still though, I have to wonder this: Jordan's dream, as a child, was to become a great basketball player, right? How could Wilt NOT see that this dream HAD, in fact, come true? Therefore, you have to wonder how and WHY he still blamed himself for destroying that dream.


12-25-2006, 01:45 PM
Still though, I have to wonder this: Jordan's dream, as a child, was to become a great basketball player, right? How could Wilt NOT see that this dream HAD, in fact, come true? Therefore, you have to wonder how and WHY he still blamed himself for destroying that dream.


It was considered the most important game in Jordan's life, and losing, for Wilt, would be like, crushing everything Jordan and he had been working on. To Wilt, he had really "let down" his creator, who "counted on him" for that game.

But, as we all know, Jordan's dream did come true, but not in the way that "winning is everything" kind of ordeal. Wilt probably does see that the dream HAD come true, but like his past, hid it from us. :D

"C" the Dragon
01-12-2007, 11:44 AM
Something has occured to me. Have you notice that all through the movie, Wilt doesn't cry one bit? Not even a tear? He's been away from his creator for 30 years, not knowing that his creator is looking for him and he now realizes the truth and he *still* didn't cry?!:wiltshock: Man, he's tough!

01-12-2007, 04:58 PM
Something has occured to me. Have you notice that all through the movie, Wilt doesn't cry one bit? Not even a tear? He's been away from his creator for 30 years, not knowing that his creator is looking for him and he now realizes the truth and he *still* didn't cry?!:wiltshock: Man, he's tough!

Wilt's toughness is nothing short of phenomenal, and it's one of the aspects of his personality that I've commented on many times. Superficially, I guess Wilt gives the impression of being a softie, a push-over. I've even seen some viewers on other boards use the term "spineless" to describe him. Nothing could be further from the truth. That's why I have compared him to a Pit Bull Terrier on more than one occasion; Wilt isn't just tough, he's game. Look at how many times he got hurt, once very badly, in that movie, and never once did he cry out, let alone scream, in spite of what had to be overwhelming physical pain for most people. It's clear that Wilt IS capable of feeling pain, since his face registers it, but he remains silent. He gets back up time and time again, in spite of the abuse he's taking from Larry. Even more indicative of Wilt's strength and resolve than his high pain threshold is his determination to face his enemy and prove to HIMSELF, once and for all, that he's no loser; Wilt knew even as he left Foster's that he would most likely be traveling to his ultimate demise, that Larry would either kill him to keep him from winning, using that body-into-wall slam, or Larry would kill him afterwards in anger if Wilt won. Yet even that threat of imminent doom did not deter him from making that journey, nor did it stop him from going to block Larry's slam-dunk, even though he knew how it was going to end. Wilt had no fear of Larry, someone who'd maimed him for life 30 years earlier and was many times his size.

At the same time, though, Wilt's abilty and tendency to hold back on his emotions is a tad troubling. I know that in our society it's considered manly for a guy not to cry, and a sign of weakness if he does, but Wilt does kinda take that to the extreme! I mean, being reunited with a family member you haven't seen for 30 years, who you thought hated you, and finding out that this person not only forgave you, but still loved you and considered you his hero, and the closest you get to breaking down in tears of absolute joy is a little quiver of the mouth and a twitch to the eyelid-now, that IS tough! Maybe he finally let go later on, on the plane ride home, once the reality finally sank in, since he doesn't strike me as being the cold, emotionless, "Mr. Spock" sort, but he's sure got that "never let 'em see you cry" thing down to an art form!


01-12-2007, 06:52 PM
The movie is very awesome. I like Wilt's creator, Jordan Michaels, he is very cool and a good basketball player. Wilt did help Jordan fulfill his dream after all. This episode is a lot better then "When There's A Wilt, There's A Way". Wilt has always been a lot of help to everyone around him. It's cool to see Stats and Foul Larry. There are a lot of things I like about this movie: The reunion, the search for Wilt, Frankie's road rage, Wilt's past, Jackie Khones and his creator(likely Khaki Jones), and Wilt being reunited with Jordan.

I gave this movie an A.

02-10-2007, 01:46 AM
I saw a different credit sequence on CN Nordic today! They showed only "Part One". The credits had Wilt riding the lawnmower and it kept changing from day to night. :D I guess they'll show the familiar credit sequence for "Part Two".

02-10-2007, 05:31 PM
I saw a different credit sequence on CN Nordic today! They showed only "Part One". The credits had Wilt riding the lawnmower and it kept changing from day to night. :D I guess they'll show the familiar credit sequence for "Part Two".

Huh! That's interesting, thanks for telling us! :terrsmile:

Chaos Wielder
02-13-2007, 04:37 PM
Hmm...I didn't even know there were different credit sequences! Yes, thanks for the info! :)

02-24-2007, 08:24 AM
I really loved that they were able to incorporate the lawnmower into Wilt’s journey (well, I loved everything in this wonderful, wonderful movie, the stuff which every Wilt fan’s sweet dreams are made of). It was very clearly a reference to David Lynch’s the Straight Story, concerning a man who travels across the US on the back of a lawnmower to be reunited with an estranged brother who’s dying of cancer (I’m sorry if someone has already pointed this out, but I read most of the posts in this thread and couldn’t see any previous references to it…lots to Space Jam, though:jk: ).

And Fluffer-Nutter's creator? Sure didn't see that one coming.:D

02-24-2007, 08:42 AM
I really loved that they were able to incorporate the lawnmower into Wilt?s journey (well, I loved everything in this wonderful, wonderful movie, the stuff which every Wilt fan?s sweet dreams are made of). It was very clearly a reference to David Lynch?s the Straight Story, concerning a man who travels across the US on the back of a lawnmower to be reunited with an estranged brother who?s dying of cancer (I?m sorry if someone has already pointed this out, but I read most of the posts in this thread and couldn?t see any previous references to it?lots to Space Jam, though:jk: ).

And Flutter-Nutter's creator? Sure didn't see that one coming.:D

I wonder if Papa Toutle has ever told Mikey and Paul, Jr. about Fluffer Nutter?

I really, really want a shirt with that silouette of Wilt on the lawnmower-that would make for one great parody of "West Coast Choppers" right there! There's a big company called "Dixie Choppers", based here in SC, I think(or maybe GA), that makes high-dollar lawnmowers(in spite of the name); wouldn't it be great if they could get Wilt as their spokesperson?


"C" the Dragon
02-24-2007, 10:10 AM
I wonder if Papa Toutle has ever told Mikey and Paul, Jr. about Fluffer Nutter?

I really, really want a shirt with that silouette of Wilt on the lawnmower-that would make for one great parody of "West Coast Choppers" right there! There's a big company called "Dixie Choppers", based here in SC, I think(or maybe GA), that makes high-dollar lawnmowers(in spite of the name); wouldn't it be great if they could get Wilt as their spokesperson?


Oh, man! If there were such a shirt, I would SO buy it!:D

02-25-2007, 06:09 PM
There was a GWH studio-exclusive shirt on eBay once or twice a while back, and I'm pretty sure it was of Wilt on the lawnmower. Can't remember if it was a silhouette though.

One Radical Dude
02-25-2007, 06:15 PM
There was a GWH studio-exclusive shirt on eBay once or twice a while back, and I'm pretty sure it was of Wilt on the lawnmower. Can't remember if it was a silhouette though.

I might have seen that exact same shirt.

02-25-2007, 08:27 PM
Yeah the image was a silhouette of Wilt riding the mower in front of the sun. I think the shirt was deep red/brown colour with orange writing/imagery. It was very nice.

"C" the Dragon
02-26-2007, 11:32 AM
It's on EBAY?! Man, when is it ever gonna come out on "Shop on Cartoon Network"?:(

One Radical Dude
02-26-2007, 04:52 PM
More than likely, it will never become available to all. I believe it was one of those limited edition shirts.

02-26-2007, 05:29 PM
More than likely, it will never become available to all. I believe it was one of those limited edition shirts.

Yes, it was given to people who reviewed the movie on DVD, before it even came out on television, so it was another studio exclusive.


02-27-2007, 01:47 AM
Just as a heads up for Aussie Foster's fans, Good Wilt Hunting will be shown on a Friday in March on Cartoon Network. (don't know exactly when yet)

03-17-2007, 01:23 PM
I really liked the movie. It was both one of the saddest and happiest things to come out of the series.

One Radical Dude
03-17-2007, 09:57 PM
I agree. So many emotions in that great movie. There were many laughs, and many sad moments.

03-18-2007, 12:58 PM
Yes, and many fuzzy moments, as well.

8D This movie makes me want to just hug everyone.

03-20-2007, 07:32 AM
I thought it was terribly sweet and revelatory. What a great character study for Wilt; it's already been touched upon in "Where there's a Wilt...", but I love seeing how he's often the victim of his own niceness.

Also, I'd kill to have one of those paintings from the lawnmower sequence.

03-20-2007, 10:47 AM
I thought it was terribly sweet and revelatory. What a great character study for Wilt; it's already been touched upon in "Where there's a Wilt...", but I love seeing how he's often the victim of his own niceness.

Also, I'd kill to have one of those paintings from the lawnmower sequence.

Those would probably sell really well as prints, wouldn't they? I know I'd love to have one, signed by the show's creators. I thought that it would also make a nice little parody of the "West Coast Choppers" logo, only with something like "Midwest Lawnmowers", lol!

This past Saturday, I actually saw a riding lawn mower for sale outside the highway, that was painted in custom hod rod flames! Bet Wilt would have gotten a kick out of that, although Mac and Bloo might have had some bad memories of a certain soapbox car ride down that big hill! Nope, the mower didn't have any bunnies, just hot rod flames!


03-20-2007, 11:48 AM
:cheese: :cheese: When I saw the movie I cried very much for everything it's tender, sweet, sad and happy. excellent movie, I am useful of appearing =) I'm new:D

04-28-2007, 12:23 AM
Okay, loved D&A, Ed & Nina, etc, but there's two things I can actually ADD to this conversation, that I think hasn't been so far:

1: Mac and Bloo were used WELL. I know they're the main characters, but not every episode has focus intensely on them. They work well as background characters, too, especially Bloo. BTW, I loved the Coco scenes. I think they used her better here than in most episodes.

2: Foul Larry.

I wanna give an alternate perspective to just "he was a jerk". One which helps explain his sudden turnaround at the movie's end. Yes, he was made to beat Wilt. But after that? He was abandoned. He wa still living on the streets, proably for 30 YEARS when Wilt returned. Challenging Wilt was his way of reliving his glory days. During that time he was abandoned he probably softened up a bit, since he was treated badly by his creator, he may have seen something of that in himself and wanted to change. But Wilt is his rival, and he's gotta beat him.

Note, that during the match, even though he knocks Wilt down, he helps him up again at one point, because it's about beating him, not just pummelling him. Being the best is all Larry had left. Also, I saw a little attnetion seeking about him: "What'd I do? What'd I do?", showboating for the crowd.

Finally, seeing Wilt reunited with his creator was touching for him, since it was obvious he still missed his. And then he went to live at Fosters, cause, given the chance, wouldn't we all?

So, he wasn't all bad. He was cheating, selfish, and abusive, but I think he was mostly lonely and frustrated by being abandoned by his only friend. I hope they show Foul Larry in future episodes, cause he'd be an interesting and drama-conductive character, and I kinda hope things turn out for him. He kinda reminds me of a real freind of mine.

Yes, I have freinds. What are you implying?

11-25-2007, 08:59 PM
Well, guys, since I've finally seen GWH (this Thanksgiving RULED!), I can finally put my opinion out there: I liked GWH. It was an extremely well-written, well-acted and well-executed episode.

The whole plotline worked very well for me. In case you can't tell * points to username... * I'm a huge Wilt fan, so a major episode focusing on him was gonna be good for me. The idea here-- Wilt looking for his creator and trying to set some things from his past straight-- was brilliant. Nothing in the story really slowed it down-- everything did the two things Kurt Vonnegut suggested should do for a story: reveal character and/or advance plot. The plays on words (ahem, Lawn Ranger) were classic. Kudos to the episode writer here!

The acting was great. The emotion and humor were great, and every line was great. Now that I finally know what the heck the "Cwithmuth?" line is about, it's possibly the greatest line Phil LaMarr ever said for Wilt. Period-- adorable all the way around. (I write quotes on the SubWay cup I drink from at work, and "Cwithuth?" made the cup yesterday and today.) I'd also like to say that I really enjoyed Foul Larry's voice-- yeah, the character was a bit of a jerk, but I liked listening to his voice. Who played him? (Sounded familiar...) Everyone else here was great, too.

In all, the art, acting-- the whole 3.3 yards (ten feet-- Wilt's height! ;))-- was amazing and touching. Final thoughts: in then end, I was just a teeny bit let down, in part because it was over (:'() and in part because in my mind I was building GWH up to be a Shakesperian thing in one hour. But other than that:


11-26-2007, 02:15 AM
Well, guys, since I've finally seen GWH (this Thanksgiving RULED!), I can finally put my opinion out there: I liked GWH. It was an extremely well-written, well-acted and well-executed episode.

The whole plotline worked very well for me. In case you can't tell * points to username... * I'm a huge Wilt fan, so a major episode focusing on him was gonna be good for me. The idea here-- Wilt looking for his creator and trying to set some things from his past straight-- was brilliant. Nothing in the story really slowed it down-- everything did the two things Kurt Vonnegut suggested should do for a story: reveal character and/or advance plot. The plays on words (ahem, Lawn Ranger) were classic. Kudos to the episode writer here!

The acting was great. The emotion and humor were great, and every line was great. Now that I finally know what the heck the "Cwithmuth?" line is about, it's possibly the greatest line Phil LaMarr ever said for Wilt. Period-- adorable all the way around. (I write quotes on the SubWay cup I drink from at work, and "Cwithuth?" made the cup yesterday and today.) I'd also like to say that I really enjoyed Foul Larry's voice-- yeah, the character was a bit of a jerk, but I liked listening to his voice. Who played him? (Sounded familiar...) Everyone else here was great, too.

In all, the art, acting-- the whole 3.3 yards (ten feet-- Wilt's height! ;))-- was amazing and touching. Final thoughts: in then end, I was just a teeny bit let down, in part because it was over (:'() and in part because in my mind I was building GWH up to be a Shakesperian thing in one hour. But other than that:


Larry was voiced by Kevin Michael Richards, who also voiced that octopus dude that Goo dreamed up in "Make Believe It or Not", and is well-known for having voiced Capt. Gantu in both the "Lilo and Stitch" series on Disney Channel, and the wonderful movie which inspired it.

While it's true that the movie did reveal a lot about Wilt's character(now we know why he apologizes and is so obessed with upsetting others or letting them down), it also left enough doors still closed that there's still an aura of mystery surrounding him. We do not know when he finally got medical attention for that arm, or what surgeon eventually operated on it(and presumably his face, too), or how he survived during that eight-year period between him losing that game to Larry and winding up at Foster's(the photos in "The Big Picture" indicate he's been there for 22 years, and the game was 30 years ago).

One litttle nit-pick though-Wilt was NOT looking for his creator. He knew all along that his creator was Jordan Michaels; how could he NOT? He was bombarded with that name every time he looked in a sports magazine or turned on the tv, just as most of us are familiar with Jordan's namesake as a household name. He knew where he was, since all he had to do is check the internet like Mac did(and Wilt does seem to be quite computer literate). It wasn't Jordan he was going to find, but Larry, and not Jordan's forgiveness he was seeking so much, in spite of what he said near the end, but his OWN.


11-26-2007, 11:40 AM
Larry was voiced by Kevin Michael Richards, who also voiced that octopus dude that Goo dreamed up in "Make Believe It or Not", and is well-known for having voiced Capt. Gantu in both the "Lilo and Stitch" series on Disney Channel, and the wonderful movie which inspired it.

While it's true that the movie did reveal a lot about Wilt's character(now we know why he apologizes and is so obessed with upsetting others or letting them down), it also left enough doors still closed that there's still an aura of mystery surrounding him. We do not know when he finally got medical attention for that arm, or what surgeon eventually operated on it(and presumably his face, too), or how he survived during that eight-year period between him losing that game to Larry and winding up at Foster's(the photos in "The Big Picture" indicate he's been there for 22 years, and the game was 30 years ago).

One litttle nit-pick though-Wilt was NOT looking for his creator. He knew all along that his creator was Jordan Michaels; how could he NOT? He was bombarded with that name every time he looked in a sports magazine or turned on the tv, just as most of us are familiar with Jordan's namesake as a household name. He knew where he was, since all he had to do is check the internet like Mac did(and Wilt does seem to be quite computer literate). It wasn't Jordan he was going to find, but Larry, and not Jordan's forgiveness he was seeking so much, in spite of what he said near the end, but his OWN.


OK, Larry = Gantu. That explained why I kept thinking that Larry sounded like someone in another cartoon... Thanks.

There still were some closed doors at the end, yeah. Considering that there are eight years of Wilt's life unaccounted for, I'd like to see something building on that in the future.

Sorry about the little boo-boo about the plotline. Yeah, Wilt would definately know who his creator was, but he wasn't looking for him. If he was he'd have gone to Japan and there went half the ep out the window. I wholeheartedly agree that Wilt was looking more for his own forgiveness and some closure above all else.

(I think I may steal a couple of points here for a fic I'm working on. May I, pbl? Thanks!)

11-26-2007, 02:06 PM
Larry was voiced by Kevin Michael Richards, who also voiced that octopus dude that Goo dreamed up in "Make Believe It or Not", and is well-known for having voiced Capt. Gantu in both the "Lilo and Stitch" series on Disney Channel, and the wonderful movie which inspired it.

To me he will always be the evil Sarevok from the Baldur's Gate series. :) It's the first thing that pops in my mind.

11-26-2007, 04:28 PM
OK, Larry = Gantu. That explained why I kept thinking that Larry sounded like someone in another cartoon... Thanks.

There still were some closed doors at the end, yeah. Considering that there are eight years of Wilt's life unaccounted for, I'd like to see something building on that in the future.

Sorry about the little boo-boo about the plotline. Yeah, Wilt would definately know who his creator was, but he wasn't looking for him. If he was he'd have gone to Japan and there went half the ep out the window. I wholeheartedly agree that Wilt was looking more for his own forgiveness and some closure above all else.

(I think I may steal a couple of points here for a fic I'm working on. May I, pbl? Thanks!)

Go right ahead! I'm looking forward to another Wilt fic, anyway, since that's about the most I get of him this season, except for a shining moment in "Nightmare on Wilson Way" and in "Schlock Star", brief though they may be.

Still, for me, the thing about Wilt that stood out more than anything in this movie was his determination, and good old-fashioned TOUGHNESS. He's definately no wuss or crybaby, this guy, but sometimes, in spite of his friendly, helpful demeanor, Wilt almost takes that "man-up" thing a bit TOO far, almost seeming "cold", emotionally, at times, for fear of appearing weak, I suppose. I guess when someone has walked through that provervial Valley of the Shadow of Death, and managed to still make it through the other side, it's got to put a bit of a cold steel edge on 'em somewhere.


05-21-2008, 08:44 AM
Someone may have found this out already but, has anyone noticed the air date for Good Wilt Hunting is "11/23"?:wiltshock:
You know, like the address for the Fosters house? 1123 Wilson way?

05-21-2008, 11:07 AM
Someone may have found this out already but, has anyone noticed the air date for Good Wilt Hunting is "11/23"?:wiltshock:
You know, like the address for the Fosters house? 1123 Wilson way?

I never noticed that before. Man, that's good. <Bows in awe of superior observation skills>

05-21-2008, 06:34 PM
I never noticed that before. Man, that's good. <Bows in awe of superior observation skills>

Really? :o
Well, Thank you! :D

05-25-2008, 07:35 PM
I remember seeing this episode a week after it first aired. Coincidentally, one person from my lab downloaded Good Wilt Hunting on the main lab computer recently. The lab directors deleted it before I got a chance to watch it again, though. D:

Anyhow, I thought it was a pretty good episode/movie/you-name-it. Wilt has always been one of my favorite characters, and I became ecstatic when we finally learned of his backstory. I can't help but think they could've done more with his backstory, as well as add more things about Edwardo's and Coco's pasts. For the latter, maybe there's another skew of episodes for that?

I gave it an A anyhow. Besides the good animation and story, there were a handful of memorable scenes (like the basketball game near the end). I see no reason to score it any lower than that.

05-26-2008, 10:10 AM
I remember seeing this episode a week after it first aired. Coincidentally, one person from my lab downloaded Good Wilt Hunting on the main lab computer recently. The lab directors deleted it before I got a chance to watch it again, though. D:

Anyhow, I thought it was a pretty good episode/movie/you-name-it. Wilt has always been one of my favorite characters, and I became ecstatic when we finally learned of his backstory. I can't help but think they could've done more with his backstory, as well as add more things about Edwardo's and Coco's pasts. For the latter, maybe there's another skew of episodes for that?

I gave it an A anyhow. Besides the good animation and story, there were a handful of memorable scenes (like the basketball game near the end). I see no reason to score it any lower than that.

There's definitely a LOT of room to expand more on Wilt's past; we do not even know, for example, when or where he finally got medical treatment, or where or how, or whom with, he spent those eight "Lost Years" between his injuries and arriving at Foster's, or what efforts Jordan made to find him or how he coped with the loss of someone who had become a family member. That's one of the things I'd love to see-a DVD released, to the general public(as opposed to special give-aways to the folks who screened the movie), that includes more footage and goes into a bit more detail, and comes complete with an in-depth interview/commentary by the star himself, as well as other key players in the movie.


05-26-2008, 10:23 AM
Seriously, a commentary with at least Wilt would be cool, but as far as we know, it probably won't happen. The commentary will be, at least, forever attached to all Wilt fans as imagination...However, not just a Wilt commentary, but maybe another one with Wilt and some other characters too...Deleted scenes (What movie wouldn't have THOSE?)...Egad! It's so exciting, I nearly forgot it doesn't exist, and probably won't...

We can dream, though...

05-26-2008, 08:53 PM
There's definitely a LOT of room to expand more on Wilt's past; we do not even know, for example, when or where he finally got medical treatment, or where or how, or whom with, he spent those eight "Lost Years" between his injuries and arriving at Foster's, or what efforts Jordan made to find him or how he coped with the loss of someone who had become a family member. That's one of the things I'd love to see-a DVD released, to the general public(as opposed to special give-aways to the folks who screened the movie), that includes more footage and goes into a bit more detail, and comes complete with an in-depth interview/commentary by the star himself, as well as other key players in the movie.

Agreed. Although Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends is a show aimed at kids, there's nothing wrong with having a more vivid illustration of the imaginary friends' pasts (especially good old Wilt's). If the show can deal with a heavy topic like children abandoning their childhood imaginary friends as they grow up, they could definitely deal with more in-depth backstories.