View Full Version : "Infernal Slumber"

09-29-2006, 07:45 PM
Hi, guys ... just caught this episode and found it totally funny. Everybody was in it, all the gang, and it was truly out there. My favorite part was when Terrance finally woke up and Mac and the guys managed to convince him he was dreaming (for a while, anyway)... :terrence: ... Wilt doing the worm across the floor was so silly, it was awesome. Even Cheese appeared in that episode and the second time Terrance emerged from his room (AHA!) Cheese adhered himself to Terrance's head and did one of those very intense and wierd "SSSSHHHH, Be Quiet!" things like he did when arguing over bunnies and hot rod flames in his first appearance "Mac Daddy" (Buuuunnnnneeeeze!) . I can appreciate the danger of over using a character like Cheese, but I truly cherish every appearance he makes.

Did you guys see this episode, too? Any comments?


P.S. Is there any chance, you guys will make a few Cheese and Goo icons? Pretty please?

09-29-2006, 08:17 PM
P.S. Is there any chance, you guys will make a few Cheese and Goo icons? Pretty please?

You posted this within the thread for a different episode so I moved it. Anyways, there *are* two Cheese smilies, and yes, I will attempt Goo when I get the time. :cheese: (Unless by "icon" you mean something else.)

Mr. Marshmallow
09-29-2006, 08:52 PM
I actually thought this was one of the more brilliant episodes of the show. It was funny, it was well scripted, well acted, and it was really nice to see where Mac lives inside and out and learn more about his mother (whom seems VERY nice to Mac and I liked that :bloogrin ).

I thought Cheese was well used here, I think his prescence made it even funnier and I think Mac's voice actor deserves an ovation or something because this was one of the best performances I have heard for Mac since "Squeeze the day".

My favorite part is easily when all the IFs started to dog pile Terrence and try to keep him quiet, because that to me showed ALOT of character. They made Mac's night a living hell and always caused problems no matter how many times he asked them to be quiet.

But to have Cheese, the weirdest char of all to be the FIRST to tell Terrence to be quiet and literally work so hard to keep him quiet after they put Mac through such misery, is simply amazing. It shows that while the Foster's gang knows they occasionally bug the crap out of Mac, he means the world to em.

I just felt that was a good scene that showed they knew how important this was to Mac. My only downside to this episode was the use of Goo and Coco, the whole "girls freedom right" thing just seemed too stupid enough even for Goo and seemed like a hollowed out attempt at dragging her into this.

09-30-2006, 06:59 AM
I dunno, it seems like Goo would go nuts over something like that, ESPECIALLY if it was delivered by Bloo, who isn't the most eleqouent character.

I like this episode too, partially becuase it was the first Foster's epssode i saw and partially becasue it was written so well!

It's a great episode to be the first-seen, though, since you get in how each character acts in all of them, and you get some background, when Mac's telling Bloo to go home.

09-30-2006, 09:12 AM
One of my favorites. It was the second episode I saw after not having watched Foster's for eight months.
I kind of agree with Mr. Marshmallow about Goo and Coco, but maybe that's only stemming from my dislike of Goo. I wouldn't have minded if it was just Coco, though.

09-30-2006, 09:18 AM
I loved this episode, this fourth season has had some realy great episodes. I love this episode, I mean I REALLY love this episode, but not quite as much as Bus the Two of us. But this was a really great episode.

09-30-2006, 11:56 AM
Hey, thanks, Sparky for moving this note. I hope I get the hang of putting my quotes in the right place soon.

I have to agree that we saw a whole lot of Mac's character in this episode, and I also enjoyed seeing where he lived. Not to mentioned that he did the entire thing is a strained stage whisper. Apparently, his mother doesn't have a face, but neither did the adults in "Peanuts". Must be one of those things, yes? She is a seriously sound sleeper, no doubt about it.

I felt that perhaps pulling the girls in on the "women's lib" thing was a tad contrived, as well, but thought that throwing Coco's eggs at the door was genius. I only wish that something popped out of them when they hit. Now, THAT would've been funny!

Thanks for the icons ... nope, didn't mean anything else. Looking forward to seeing one for Goo.

Take care.

Invader Bloo
10-01-2006, 07:32 AM
Loved this epsiode & it showed the smarter side of Cheese! I don't get why the don't show Mac's mom's face.

10-01-2006, 09:05 AM
I don't get why the don't show Mac's mom's face.

You'll have to ask Craig McCraken about that one, because as a lot people already know he also had a character whose face you never saw in his other show, The Powerpuff Girls (Ms. Bellum)

Invader Bloo
10-01-2006, 09:45 AM
Yeah, my sisters used to watch that show. What are they supposed to be hot or something?;)

10-01-2006, 10:09 AM
Yeah, my sisters used to watch that show. What are they supposed to be hot or something?;)

Maybe Mac's Mom and Ms. Bellum are releated or something, I keep on waiting for them toss in a throw away line from Mac's Mom, talking about how her cousin works as the Mayor's assistant in Townsville or something like that.

You never know.

10-01-2006, 10:20 AM
I think it's less "Hot" and more "Anonymous".

Invader Bloo
10-01-2006, 10:23 AM
I wish we'd see more of Mac's "Flanders" like neighbors.
Maybe the dad can say "Hey!Diddly-doodly-daddly!"8D

10-01-2006, 01:18 PM
No, that'd amke them too obvious. The insomnia thing was great, though.

10-01-2006, 01:57 PM
What is it with nice people and mustaches? I have a theory that a person's goodwill is directly proportionate to the amount of hair above ones lip. Look at Tom Selleck.

Mr. Marshmallow
10-01-2006, 05:51 PM
But then again look at Snidely Whiplash, Fat Cat, Android 20/Dr. Gero. All pretty big meanies with big staches. But enough facial hair talk anyway.

One of my favorite parts is definitely when Mac and Bloo have that little "whisper war" and Mac swears at Bloo and he's totally shocked.

Okay, I don't know he swore exactly but I think that's the joke vibe there trying to imply. Or at least that's how I saw it.

10-01-2006, 05:54 PM
Mac swears at Bloo? I figued he just said somehting mean, but not actually swearing. Remeber how he reacted to Bloo in Dinner is Swereved?

Mr. Marshmallow
10-01-2006, 07:19 PM
Never saw that episode. But I just figured that would have made more sense for the joke, considering we never hear what Mac said and that Bloo was horrified more so then simply surprised to what Mac said.

I also assumed he swore because Mac was in such a agitated and pissed off state, he'd snap. But of course this just my assumption and the fact we'll never know what he said leaves the door open for many possibilities.

10-01-2006, 07:20 PM
I tried to listen to the whisper war, but I can't understand what Mac's saying when Bloo's jaw drops. I'm guessing it's something like, "I'll never go back to Foster's"?

10-02-2006, 02:42 PM
yeah, that's probably closer. Someone ask craig!

10-02-2006, 04:58 PM
This episode was awesome. I liked that Mac seems to have a really nice, if busy/stressed, mom, but don't like how mean Goo was to Eduardo. I mean, usually meanness is funny, but c'mon. It's Eduardo, man.

10-04-2006, 08:03 PM
I propose placing all Eduardo harmers in a steel cage -- never to see the light of day again (unless they're Bloo or Terrence...because I'm a biased jerk and I like them :D).

10-05-2006, 02:02 AM
I think I can live with that idea. :)

10-13-2006, 07:52 AM
This is the funniest episode to date! Goo is going on with "Truth or dare" and then her "seance." And just when you thought i couldn't get funnier. "I like cereal."

Goo: This ghost is stupid. I'm getting a new one! Whoaoaoooaoooaoao!!!


10-15-2006, 06:52 PM
Best scene of the episode

"Brain Freeze"

10-24-2006, 08:16 PM
One thing worth questioning is why Goo got involved. Coco I can understand. I can picture the scenario about an hour before the episode began.

(Bloo walks into the room with Ed, Wilt, and Coco.)

Bloo: Hey guys, slumber party at Mac's!

Wilt: I'm sorry Bloo, but do you think it's a good idea.

Bloo: Yeah sure, don't worry.

Ed: How do we get there? I don't know if we should wake senor Frankie.

Bloo: We walk there, DUUUHH!

Ed: Walk? In the scary dark?

Bloo: Yes-

Coco: Cococo

Bloo: No, you're not invited, guys only!


I can imagine that Coco got Goo involved. This is what happened.

(The phone in Goo's house rings).

Goo: Hello? You're calling late unless you're in China, or England, or Tibet, or...

Coco: Cococo!

Goo: Oh, hi Coco.

Coco: Cococococococococococo!

Goo: Mac's having a slumber party? He's not inviting the girls?!? That is so unfair! Well, we'll go down and make him invite us!

10-26-2006, 03:23 PM
Senor frankie? Since when is Frankie a guy?

Invader Bloo
10-26-2006, 03:48 PM
This episode make's me feel that Goo & Coco are best friends.

10-26-2006, 04:41 PM
Well, they are.
Like in "Bus the Two of Us", who did Coco call for help?

Mr. Marshmallow
10-26-2006, 05:29 PM
It's not surprising really. Goo seems to be making friends with all the nutcases of Foster's, and while Coco is no where near the picture of straight jacket mentality as Cheese and Goo is, Coco is pretty batty all by herself.

The fact she's made up of so many different things, only speaks one word, and can make virutally almost anything come out of her ass, I'd say she's one crazy imaginary friend indeed. Plus Goo seems able to speak "Cheese"ese.

Invader Bloo
10-26-2006, 05:34 PM
LOL, "Cheese-ese".
Yeah I think those two are "girls" to each other. By girls I mean buds, that's how I think alot of girls call their best friends. :P

10-29-2006, 01:59 PM
can make virutally almost anything come out of her ass

I HAVE NEVER found a better description of Coco. I LOVE it!

The bloo
11-30-2006, 11:26 AM
Best episode yet

05-02-2007, 12:47 AM
Well, first of all, Mr Marshmallow? You made me LOL and that ain't easy. And, not to sound too much like Adam, but


Maaaan! They just pulled everything together just right on this one. No, not just right, much more right than that. It all falls together PERFECTLY, and I can't find a single fault. I thought Goo was well used. Bloo was well used. It was, by far, Cheese's best episode yet, his exact words were "Quiet, duckie!" Hilarious! :gooblab: I especially liked the way they made Wilt disobey Mac's wishes for silence, while remaining in character. And how he tried to vacumn the floor by hand. Well written, well acted, well played.

My congratulations on the best Fosters episode ever.
:) ;) :bloogrin: :-/ :D
:terrsmile: :cheese: :goo: ;D

05-02-2007, 06:44 AM
I love this episode. Goo is hilarious when she think Cheese is a ghost so she tries to get a new one 8D

Lots of funny moments in this episode like at the end when Bloo tells the gang that Mac said they could invite the whole house 8D

06-03-2007, 05:35 AM
This is my fav foster's of all time! Cheese is super funny, espicially when everybody is on the bike and he screams, "WHEEEEEE!!! I LIKE CHOCOLATE MILK!!!" Plus, its funny when he sucks his head in when terrecne wakes up.

07-29-2007, 10:34 AM
I love when Cheese, having just spat out the chocolate milk Wilt gave him, babbles "Noooooooooooooo! Chocolate milk!", then having spotted Coco's smoohie, "CHOCOLATE MILK!!!" I also loved when he jumped Terrence and kind of threateningly uttered "Quiet, ducky!" Just the right amount of Cheese in that episode.

Practically all his friends there, for the most part, had no attention span regarding Mac's mom and Terrence being asleep and Mac ordering them not to wake them up. Of course, until Terrence woke up.

05-13-2008, 07:54 PM
Awakening the thread to point something out I just now noticed while watching the eppie this evening.

Right after the scene where Goo and Coco are finally let into the apartment, I always thought Goo says "So, what kind of boy stuff have you been doing? Fighting, playing with dirt, or eating snakes?" I thought it was a funny play on words, like she was suppose to say "eating dirt or playing with snakes". I always found that amusing. But now at watching it with the closed captioning, I learn that she's actually saying "Fighting, playing with dirt, or eating steaks?" 8D I had been thinking the prior since the beginning, and now that I learn the truth, I'm amused that that's not what she says at all. I still think what I always thought she was saying was funnier though (the play on words, not the actual snake eating- poor snakes!).

05-19-2008, 04:59 PM
I think it's much more in character for Goo to suggest they eat snakes. Just sounds like something she'd come up with.:goo:

07-29-2009, 09:11 PM
I was in a Foster's kind of mood so I just re watched this season four episode, and yes it still holds up just as well today as it did when it debuted over three years ago. I mean any episode with a Twin Peaks reference totally puts it into Instant Classic territory.

Another Castle
02-15-2010, 10:43 AM

This episode is now on youtube (divided into four parts), and today, I watched it for the first time. Now, I know this is a popular episode and well-liked, I couldn't stand the first three parts.
For me, it was just noisy and rather irritating. Ed and (a pretty annoying)Bloo seemed one dimensional, and the appearance of Goo was just grating and not very bearable. (She is good in most other episodes, but she was certainly overused in Season 4- in nearly every episode!)

However, part 4 was near-excellent! A vast improvement (for me), I loved the bit where they make Terrance think he is dreaming! A Tandem bike?! A worm dance? Cheese's disappearing head? And it was nice to see Ed stic up for himself after all that crying, thumping :terrconf: on the head!

As for the last joke- the way I see it, Ed forgot he had all his photos in his belt- I think the ones remaining on the table (and the hole in the roof) were both hallucinations from Mac, who is prone to paranoia and a result of little sleep!

Overall, I didn't like the first three parts, but loved the last one, and I must also praise the performance of Mac's voice actor, certainly when he tells Bloo off for trying to wake his Mum8D! It's nice to see other opinions on this episode BTW. Maybe I'll enjoy it more the next time I watch it (which I will leave for quite a while)

02-17-2010, 02:48 PM
As for the last joke- the way I see it, Ed forgot he had all his photos in his belt- I think the ones remaining on the table (and the hole in the roof) were both hallucinations from Mac, who is prone to paranoia and a result of little sleep!

Nice theroy, but actually all of that craziness really did happen, as the stinger that played during the end credits showed Terrence trying to rat out Mac to Mom about everything that happened the previous night, (Hole in the roof included.) but Mom didn't buy it and Terrence ended up grounded.

I guess whoever put that episode on youtube must have posted a version without that end credit skit.

Another Castle
02-25-2010, 09:31 AM
I guess whoever put that episode on youtube must have posted a version without that end credit skit.

That's indeed the case. Still, I like my theory and I can interpret the episodes however I want.

Poor Mac, I just remembered there was school in the morning!

12-04-2016, 02:24 PM
LOVED this episode. Mac's face when he says "we are never doing this again" makes me laugh everytime. Been a while since I've seen it though. It's only on Boomerang at 3-4 AM so there's a low chance I'll catch this episode.