View Full Version : It's Canada Day, Peeps!

07-01-2009, 02:26 AM
Once again it's the anniversary of the founding of one of the greatest nations on the face of the planet.

So wear a Hockey Jersey, fry up some back bacon, drench your pancake/waffles in maple syrup, put on (Insert name of famous Canadian band here.) and crack open some beer (Provided you're of age and actually like the stuff, because it is after all an acquired taste and not everyone is going to like it and might prefer something else to wet their whistle, like a nice chardonnay or maybe a Merlot and then again there are those who prefer to not drink alcohol all together which is also totally cool I mean...What's That?, oh sorry I seem to have gotten off track.)

Anyways happy Canada Day everyone!

Imaginary Light
07-01-2009, 06:45 AM
Hey, why not? I live like 20 minutes from Canada, so I guess I can celebrate it too, right?:P Happy Canada day!

07-01-2009, 07:58 AM
Yay Canada Day!! :teef:

07-01-2009, 09:47 AM
Happy Canada Day! :bloogrin:

07-01-2009, 09:50 AM
Once again it's the anniversary of the founding of one of the greatest nations on the face of the planet.

So wear a Hockey Jersey, fry up some back bacon, drench your pancake/waffles in maple syrup, put on (Insert name of famous Canadian band here.) and crack open some beer (Provided you're of age and actually like the stuff, because it is after all an acquired taste and not everyone is going to like it and might prefer something else to wet their whistle, like a nice chardonnay or maybe a Merlot and then again there are those who prefer to not drink alcohol all together which is also totally cool I mean...What's That?, oh sorry I seem to have gotten off track.)

Anyways happy Canada Day everyone!

I'll celebrate anything that includes bacon. :bloocross:

Happy Canada Day to all! ;D

07-01-2009, 05:02 PM
Whoo hoo, happy Canada Day, Canada! Including Claire, who no doubt is enjoying the day from camp. :)

I'm part Canadian, both my dad's parents came from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and their families had been there for centuries. So yes, I'm part Canadian, and proud of it. :smed:

One Radical Dude
07-04-2009, 10:54 PM
I hope everyone up north of the US border had a great Canada Day. Wooo!!!