View Full Version : Which Fosters character had it the "worst?"

Mr. Marshmallow
06-13-2008, 09:29 AM
We all have our least and most favorite episodes on Fosters and one thing I've been noticing is most of the least favorite episodes are episodes that have certain characters getting the crap either verbally, emotionally, or physically kicked out of them. So I was wondering in your guys opinion, who got it the worst?

Do you think someone got a more humiliating or painful episode then the other? And if so why? Bare in mind I tried VERY hard to pick episodes that I felt really gave characters a hard time, and it was VERY hard to pick an episode for Bloo, just wanted to note that.....I also forgot to add him DOH! Sorry if anyone can help me fix adding Bloo to the poll that'd be great.

My choice actually doesn't go to Frankie (shocking isn't it Cass :cheesegrin:) but actually it goes to Mac in "I have only Surprise for you". The reason is because unlike with Frankie, Mac actually developed a psychological phobia of his own birthday and to add insult to injury, it it "thanks" to his "best friend" Bloo. Bloo totally ruined Mac's birthday year after year with little cause or care.

I felt the damage done to Mac was inexcusable and utterly unforgivable by Bloo and it made me feel worse seeing the whole house join in on it. As much as I love Frankie and loathed Goofball's jack ass treatment of her, at least she felt better about it in the end where as Mac got no closure in the episode at all, only humiliation. Well that's my 2 cents.

06-13-2008, 09:50 AM
You already know my first choice. And, having finished off Frankie's antagonist once and for all early this morning, I'm done with him.

As for my second choice, it would have to be I Only Have Surprise For You. "Inexcusable and utterly unforgivable" describes Bloo's behaviour perfectly. Some best friend; if I were Mac I would have put him up for adoption right then and there. No one should have to put up with crap like that.

06-13-2008, 10:20 AM
Out of the options given, I voted for Imposters, since it was the worst out there. I personally think that Frankie had it worse in The Big Cheese, but I realise you were restricted to one episode per character, even though Frankie seems to get a raw deal most often.

My motto about these kinds of episodes is generally: "If you could live through The Big Cheese, you can live through this one."

Mr. Marshmallow
06-13-2008, 10:56 AM
Out of the options given, I voted for Imposters, since it was the worst out there. I personally think that Frankie had it worse in The Big Cheese, but I realise you were restricted to one episode per character, even though Frankie seems to get a raw deal most often.

My motto about these kinds of episodes is generally: "If you could live through The Big Cheese, you can live through this one."

I regret to admit that I actually had quite a few episodes of Frankie to pick through. She got shafted in "Cheese a go-go", "Blooooo" (but everyone kind of got shafted there), "Store wars", "The Big Cheese". Imposters however easily had the most painful moments for Frankie in one episode.

06-13-2008, 02:23 PM
To make things more interesting, I'm gonna say Bloo in "Crime after Crime". Everything he tried doing backfired, and he was forced to eat his own weight of "It." Of course he deserved "it", but adding that to the mental torture of having Herriman, of all things, praise and thank him for his misdeeds was too much for poor Bloo. :bloosad:

06-13-2008, 04:42 PM
I think that Frankie had it the worst in "IHFMEMP's", by far. She was subject not only to aggravation, but such intense humiliation, in that episode, and was denied a well-deserved and rare night off to do something she'd been looking forward to for so long, all because of you-know-who. She was made to look like a fool, which we all know she's not, and to make matters worse, two of the people she can usually count on the most to "have her back"-Mac and Wilt-totally ditched HER to go to the concert she so badly wanted to attend, with the individual responsible for her not being able to go in the first place! As much as I myself depend on a job and live literally from paycheck to paycheck, if I'd been in Frankie's position, when Herriman told her she had to stay home and clean while the others went to the concert, I'd have had to tell him to kiss my you-know-what, and went anyway! What's he gonna do, fire her? Fine, let him(IF he can, that is), and that way she can collect unemployment benefits. There's no way she should have had to put up with that. No other resident, Imaginary or otherwise, can get by with what that little dipstick from Canada did, or get such preferential treatment and behave with such insolence, so I don't understand why HE was designated such "royalty".


06-14-2008, 09:10 AM
I think Mac had it the worst, though Frankie was pretty close.:P:frankiesmile:

06-14-2008, 08:16 PM
I feel Frankie had it worst in "Imposter's". She deserved that night off, and not only did Herriman take it away, she was mocked and made to work harder that night. No one understood the emotional turmoil she was going through, so she felt misunderstood and horribly taken advantage of and used (which she was). And the last straw was when everyone went to the very concert SHE had been so looking forward to without her. I guess I've also kind of been there. It's very depressing and discouraging, and sometimes the most you can do is have a good cry and muster up enough courage and strength to continue on. I really felt for her.

As much as I love Mac, I didn't dislike "I Only have Surprise for You" as much as it seems many others did. Mac is strong, and has a good sense of humor, and although clearly not wanting to be made a fool of again, he has no problem shrugging it off when it does. And I thought Bloo was pretty genius to think all that up himself and get the whole house (minus Ed) to join in, although I agree he definitely needed to be smacked for being so mean. :P But Mac made it through just fine. It just goes to show that Mac, too, can misconceive things.

Mr. Marshmallow
06-14-2008, 09:23 PM
But Mac made it through just fine. It just goes to show that Mac, too, can misconceive things.

Its very hard for me to say this being someone who gets "in deep" into a show so much that I forget or ignore concepts such as "the creators did this for that reason" or whatever. But truth be told, both Mac and Frankie seemed to be misconceived by the episodes, they almost seemed like redundant episodes.

Everything in both of those episodes was made exactly to make us think Goofball and Bloo were doing bad things, and like Frankie and Mac, we had no reason to think it was anything else. The episodes in that right are deceptive and kind of unfair to the characters because they did what anyone would normally do or think and screwed them over.

This is of course my opinion. I also disagree with you saying Mac made it through just fine because in truth, at the end he ended up with egg on his face (or cake in this instance) and he was left humiliated and mocked. Much as it pains me being a die hard Frankie fan, I can honestly sit down and watch "Imposters" but I cannot ever watch "Surprise".

Why you ask? For two reasons:

1. "Imposters" is one of the few Frankie centered episodes so good one or bad one for her, its one of the few times we get to see her take the center stage.

and most importantly

2. Frankie ends up being okay with this.....Mac didn't.

In the end, Frankie was able to bounce back from that UNFORGIVABLE Hell hole that goofy creep put her through. Frankie does all the work and gets all the stress instead of all the thanks, yet even through her most painful moments she still comes back winning with a smile by the end of the episode.

Just like in "Cheese a go-go", at the end she was fine, cleaned up, and felt okay about things, same as in "Imposters". But as for Mac, in the end he didn't end up okay, he was left totally brutalized by Bloo with Mac left as the butt of the joke, unable to feel better about it or come to terms with it.

This is the reason I voted for "Surprise" instead of "Imposters", you guys can disagree with me if you like but that's as clear as I can get for why I felt that episode was horrible and is STILL too horrible for me to watch ever again. The only upside was seeing Mac go commando and Eduardo being clueless as ever. Nothing else for me, at least "Imposters" gave Frankie plenty of air time.

06-14-2008, 09:53 PM
I understand what you're saying. :frankiesmile: But another thing that makes me think Mac was ok in the end (or at least would be ok), is although he was mocked and humiliated, it all happened in the presence of friends whom he loved and he knew loved him. If he were in the company of strangers, that would be unforgivable and I would see the episode in an entirely different light. I can picture Frankie and Wilt, maybe even Bloo, helping him clean up and finishing off the party with a grand ol' time after the cameras were turned off, so to say.

And another thing, even though "Imposters" ended with everyone somewhat happy, even Frankie, I didn't like the ending of it. I guess I found it too unrealistic. I mean, Goofball thanks her and says "You took real good care of me", is that suppose to make her feel better? Somehow she does, but it wouldn't have helped me. Maybe it's just a personality difference between Frankie and myself, but I would have felt like he was mocking me since for one thing, I would have felt like he was rubbing the guilt in even more after thinking he was a human kid all that time, and for another, he knew he was making my life miserable and then thanks me for letting him do it?? I know it's just my opinion, but Goofball's "niceness" at the end was just mocking, and added more insult to the injury. It just seemed off to me. As for Mac, sure he was incredibly annoyed, and he had every right to be, but like I said, he's strong and has a great sense of humor so I can easily see him getting over it rather quickly and enjoying the rest of the party.

One Radical Dude
06-14-2008, 10:09 PM
It's only fair to have Bloo included in the poll, and in my opinion, it was a choice between Bloo's encounter with IT or Bloo for the episode "Bloo Tube".

06-14-2008, 10:15 PM
I'll give Goofball credit for thanking her at all; none of the other characters ever has. The lot of them turned their backs on her that night and left her behind while they went to see a concert she'd really been looking forward to. Yeah, whole lotta love, there. The rest of the episode was undoubtably aggravating beyond belief for Frankie but that moment in particular must have really hurt, and you could tell by the look in her eyes just how badly it hurt. And then the source of her misery ultimately gets away with it. Any wonder I didn't sleep well that night.

Mr. Marshmallow
06-14-2008, 10:24 PM
The rest of the episode was undoubtably aggravating beyond belief for Frankie but that moment in particular must have really hurt, and you could tell by the look in her eyes just how badly it hurt. And then the source of her misery ultimately gets away with it.

Very, very true. That one moment alone hurt more then I even thought possible for Frankie. And by the way thanks for adding Bloo to the poll Radical. I had every intention of doing so but forgot to add him and didn't realize until after I posted it that I made the mistake.

I didn't see the "Blootube" episode so I didn't think to add it, and now I am quite curious to see it then before. Otherwise I was thinking of using the "Pranks" episode, "Schlock star" or "Sweet stench of success".

Truth be told, I'm actually kind of surprised no one voted for Wilt since I know so many people were angry over that episode and Wilt is quite popular. Not a bad thing I was just surprised was all.

06-14-2008, 10:36 PM
BlooTube was a good one. 8D

One other note. If we limit ourselves to the episodes cited in the poll (as we should) it is indeed a pretty close call between Imposter's and Surprise, and the results thus far reflect this. But if one looks at the series as a whole, I don't think there's any question as to which character gets the lion's share of headaches and aggravation. :frankiemad:

Mr. Marshmallow
06-14-2008, 11:06 PM
But if one looks at the series as a whole, I don't think there's any question as to which character gets the lion's share of headaches and aggravation. :frankiemad:

Believe me I know what you mean. That's why I said earlier in the beginning, as much as I hate to say it, I had a rather large number of episodes to pick from for Frankie. Even in episodes that were not focused on her or meant to torture her like "Imposters", Frankie still got crapped on by many on a daily basis.

It was hard finding other characters for the other options and determining which episodes felt "mean enough" for Eduardo, Goo, and Herriman yet unfortunately I had a lot to work with concerning Frankie. Even "Bus the two of us" put her through a lot of misery. Like I said before, I'm thankful she's so positive and strong willed, other wise I think she'd end up a manic depressive or something.

06-14-2008, 11:07 PM
Bloo for the episode "Bloo Tube".

Actually, I think he brought it onto himself...8D

I know so many people were angry over that episode and Wilt is quite popular.

Wow, really? But I think I can see why...he was getting himself frustrated over the fact he couldn't utter that two letter word. But when he finally says it, he admits that he felt better...until he forgot to use the word again and got the door slammed in his face. :wiltshock:

Even then, despite being a Wilt fan, it leaves me laughing when that happens...Sorry, is that okay? :D

I voted for Mac. Poor Mac. :(

06-14-2008, 11:24 PM
Believe me I know what you mean. That's why I said earlier in the beginning, as much as I hate to say it, I had a rather large number of episodes to pick from for Frankie. Even in episodes that were not focused on her or meant to torture her like "Imposters", Frankie still got crapped on by many on a daily basis.

Too many to bother listing. :frankiemad:

It was hard finding other characters for the other options and determining which episodes felt "mean enough" for Eduardo, Goo, and Herriman yet unfortunately I had a lot to work with concerning Frankie. Even "Bus the two of us" put her through a lot of misery. Like I said before, I'm thankful she's so positive and strong willed, other wise I think she'd end up a manic depressive or something.

Thank the stars for her attitude. :-*

I think everyone has gotten dumped on during the series, at least to some extent. Madame Foster, however, may be an exception. I'm sitting here wracking my brains on this but except for some fairly minor incidents she seems to have come out of the series rather unscathed.

06-15-2008, 12:59 AM
There is an extent to which character hardships are to be somewhat expected - conflict and tension are pretty staple elements in the creation of drama, after all, and I guess it's all a matter of how the episode uses it and how the injured party is shown to come through it in the end. A lot of those episodes I can't say that I have any real problem with - Mr. Herriman was publicly humiliated in "World Wide Wabbit", but found a way of using it to his advantage and thus was ultimately able to deal with it successfully. I was a bit galled by Bloo's insensitivity toward Coco in "Cuckoo for Coco Cards", but that was clearly the intended effect, and we did get emotional satisfaction and closure at the end when Bloo is brought back down to earth and apologises. In these episodes, and countless others, there was a kind of balance and dramatic or narrative purpose to the suffering which was definitely lacking in the two current (and, I suspect, perpetual) front-runners to this poll, "Imposters" and "Surprise".

Of the two, I voted for Mac in "Surprise", for reasons which Mr. M has pretty much already covered. At the end of "Imposters", there is some slight consolation in that Frankie does at least receive a little emotional closure, if not compensation. "Surprise", meanwhile, ends very abruptly with Mac's humiliation, along with the knowledge that all his friends, 'cept Eduardo, have willingly conspired against him (wow, what did Mac ever do to them?), and that left one heck of a bad taste in my mouth. We're talking about his birthday, after all - this should be the one day of year that a kid should always look forward to, not be made to live in total terror of.

Keep in mind that I've still yet to see "Bloo Tube", so I have no idea if Bloo's suffering therein comes up to that.

One Radical Dude
06-15-2008, 02:00 PM
Actually, I think he brought it onto himself...8D

That's true, but still, he got it really good there.

If this poll asked which character overall has gotten it worst? I'd probably say Bloo. I think he's been beaten up the worst physically, and has had a few moments where he's got beaten up emotionally. He'd got IT good (he'd probably have to use a whole bottle of mouthwash and brush his teeth many times to get all that bad taste out of his mouth 8D), he's been pranked before, been injured, he's cried a few times. But this isn't what the poll asks.

Here's my take on the choices.

"Land of the Flea", I really didn't think Ed got it that bad there, though he did have to say goodbye to those flea friends.

"Where There's a Wilt, There's a Way" -- During this episode, we saw a side of Wilt we really didn't see much of prior to the airing of this episode. I thought it was pretty good episode. Poor Wilt, though. He did a lot there, and he had to miss the ballgame. :P

"Imposter's Home For Um...Make 'Em Up Pals" -- While I'm in agreement that she didn't deserve the fate that she received with IHFUMEUP, and I'll agree that Goofball McGee was a bit of a jerk, I disagree that he's as bad as some folks say he is. I like him a lot more than I liked Peas (he just seemed like a bland character), or someone like Berry (I'm sorry, but I cannot stand her, though I think she's a great villain). I don't believe Goofball is entirely responsible for what happened to Frankie in that episode. Frankie could have handled things better in that episode, especially with her "Goof Goof McGoof" disguise (though I loved that part in the episode). Just my few cents. Don't get me wrong; I think she suffered a lot in that episode and did not deserve it, I just think that she could've avoided being forced to stay at the mansion and do chores there.

"I Only Have Surprise for You" -- I loved the episode, but I didn't like the ending. Honestly, I think Mac being blamed for what happened in "Foster's Goes to Europe" had to have been more difficult to swallow than what happened with him there. I agree that he received quite a humiliation in the episode, and I didn't think the ending was satisfying. The reason I think FGTE was worse is that more time was spent on the trip, and it never happened.

"Make Believe It Or Not" -- I would've chosen "Go Goo Go", but that's all right. I thought Mac hurting Goo's feelings was more powerful than what happened with Goo in MBION. :gooblab:

"World Wide Wabbit" -- I'd say it's about the same level as with what happened with Mac on IOHSFY, but more folks witnessed Funny Bunny than Mac's humiliation on the latter episode. I do agree that Herriman handled it well, though.

"Bloo Tube" -- I must do this, since some folks still haven't seen it, yet...

Even though I agree with ant that he brought much of the suffering to himself, he "suffered" by complaining about not going to the water park, and he got it good when he injured himself near the end; which resulted in him staying home, instead of going with the gang to Monsoon Lagoon (which he could have done, if it weren't for his shenanigans).

Phew, I'm done. I just wanted to give you folks my take on the poll choices. :bloogrin: This is the longest response I've posted in a long time! :P

06-15-2008, 02:45 PM
In "Bloo Tube", a lot of Bloo's misfortune came about as a result of him intentionally trying to spoil the others' fun at making videos, because he couldn't stand to see anyone else having fun unless it involved doing what HE wanted to do-go to Monsoon Lagoon Water Park. Bloo basically took the position of "If I can't have fun, NOBODY can have fun", and he wound up paying for it. Even his building his own "water park" was more or less in retribution for the others having fun doing something different instead of patronizing him and his misery at not being able to go to Monsoon Lagoon. The only episode in which I've really sympathized with Bloo, with his misfortune not having been a direct result of his own actions in doing something that was wrong or intended to cause trouble for someone else, was "Blooooooo". Yeah, he played around in the mud and rain with Mac, but that was an innocent childhood thing(could've been much worse-he could have been struck by lightning), rather than deliberate flaunting of some rule or deliberate attempt to cause someone else trouble. I really did feel for him, with his stuffed-up head, knowing just how miserable a bad cold can be, and Bloo certainly did nothing to warrant being chased all over the house by a gung-ho trio of vacuum cleaner-toting would-be Ghost Busters!

With regards to "WTAWTAW", yeah, it was pretty bad what Wilt went through, but to a certain extent, THAT was all HIS fault, too, for not sticking up for himself and just saying that one little word. He actually did benefit from it all, in a sense, because he was able to release some pent-up anger and tension, even if it was only temporary. What Wilt went through, both physically and emotionally, in GWH, was much worse, but even that too, served a purpose-to finally help him cleanse himself of 30-years' worth of guilt, and begin the healing path of finally becoming the Wilt that Jordan would have known as a child, rather than this emotional train wreck he'd gradually let himself become. The one episode, which no one mentioned, in which Wilt went through Hell for no apparent reason, was "The Buck Swaps Here". Madame Foster more or less treats him like her personal "pack mule", or a slave, ignoring the hot temperatures all the while. Wilt gets overheated and dehydrated, yet is repeatedly denied even a small sip of something to drink, and then is dragged all over the place in that chase sequence, his condition and plight now ignored even by his friend who'd at first tried to help him. Such extreme thirst that goes unquenched is nothing short of torture, and is a very dangerous thing, as we even saw in "Race For Your Life, Mac and Bloo", when THEY wound up in the hospital as a result. There was no benefit at all to Wilt being treated like that, not for him nor anyone else, and unlike some of the ridiculous situations he found himself in in "WTAWTAW", it wasn't funny at all, except to someone who, to paraphrase Mr. Herriman, "dislikes Wilt with great intensity".


06-15-2008, 04:16 PM
I suppose you could use Say It Isn't Sew for Madame Foster? Though it was Bloo being tortured throughout, this episode is the only one I can think of where Madame Foster is worse off by the end.

06-15-2008, 04:22 PM
Yeah, that's the only one I can think of for Madame Foster as well. Given that she's been dealing with Mr. Herriman for 80 years or so, maybe the writers felt that she's already put up with enough. 8D

Mr. Marshmallow
06-15-2008, 04:44 PM
Yeah, that's the only one I can think of for Madame Foster as well. Given that she's been dealing with Mr. Herriman for 80 years or so, maybe the writers felt that she's already put up with enough. 8D

Actually the one I was thinking of for Madame Foster was "Cheese A go-go". She got screwed in court by Jones and the judge, and she got arrested. Of course this was all still humorous but that was the only time I ever thought she had it bad.

06-15-2008, 04:51 PM
She was more angry than hurt, though. Character anger can be amusing (up to a point, anyway), but hurt rarely is.

Heh, Cheese A Go-Go. That one makes me roll my eyes for a lot of reasons. :P

06-15-2008, 04:57 PM
Since we're talking about other characters, it's interesting to note that absolutely NOTHING can faze Cheese. Sure, he didn't get his candy in Big Cheese, but 3 mins later he was laughing and singing again. Good old Cheese :cheesegrin:

06-15-2008, 08:09 PM
I am kind of surprised that with all the mentions of Bloo having it rough (almost) no one has brought up the most obvious example of all, Sweet Stench Of Success. Yeah it was another Bloo kind of brought on him self deals (Lying to the public and all.) But forced starvation, being worked to exhaustion and sleeping in filth is hardly worth the 15 seconds of fame he earned being a deodorant spokesperson. Heck it even almost destroyed Mac and Bloo's friendship so the situation stung just as emotionally as it did physically. And that kind of anguish IMHO, was a lot worse then being forced to miss a concert or private humiliation at the hands of your friends any day of the week.

Granted in the end everything was made right and Kip did get his much deserved comeuppance. But come on, logic dictates that would have been the only true satisfying way to end that particular story. So happy ending it is.

And that's my two cents.

06-15-2008, 08:40 PM
I can't help but think that Eduardo had it the worst in "Eddie Monster", after all, Bloo wasn't much of help teasing him like that, and Eduardo being scared multiple times, though he gets scared a lot anyway. :-[

Mr. Marshmallow
06-15-2008, 08:47 PM
I am kind of surprised that with all the mentions of Bloo having it rough no one has brought up the most obvious example of all, Sweet Stench Of Success.

Actually I did, back on page 2, post number #13.

06-15-2008, 09:17 PM
Ah so you did. (And that's why you read "every" post. :p )

Aw well, my point still remains the same. Forced into captivity is a much greater form of suffering then most other things mentioned on the list.

One Radical Dude
06-15-2008, 09:23 PM
I am kind of surprised that with all the mentions of Bloo having it rough (almost) no one has brought up the most obvious example of all, Sweet Stench Of Success. Yeah it was another Bloo kind of brought on him self deals (Lying to the public and all.) But forced starvation, being worked to exhaustion and sleeping in filth is hardly worth the 15 seconds of fame he earned being a deodorant spokesperson. Heck it even almost destroyed Mac and Bloo's friendship so the situation stung just as emotionally as it did physically. And that kind of anguish IMHO, was a lot worse then being forced to miss a concert or private humiliation at the hands of your friends any day of the week.

Granted in the end everything was made right and Kip did get his much deserved comeuppance. But come on, logic dictates that would have been the only true satisfying way to end that particular story. So happy ending it is.

And that's my two cents.

That's definitely torture right there.

06-16-2008, 07:20 AM
Actually, I think everyone got it really bad in those episodes, so I voted other :P

06-20-2008, 08:17 AM
Before I say this, I want to assure you all that it is not because I have a Bloo bias, or because I watched that Oprah special about puppy mills the other day. Well, maybe a little bit.

When I really think about it, I can't say there's many things worse than Bloo's imprisonment in The Sweet Stench of Success. I'll be the first to admit Bloo can be a buttface and he did pretend to be an ill impoverished IF, but that kind of payback is approaching Well Bendy Took A Cookie in proportional ridiculousness.

Like taranchula said -- he was forced to live in a dingy cage, never saw the light of day, and was worked half to death, isolated from the rest of the world except when he was doing a publicity appearance. And on top of it all, he was the meekest Bloo we've ever seen throughout. He's like one of those characters where when they don't have a snarky one-liner for a grave situation, you know it's really really bad.

Doesn't mean the "THAT WAS WEIRD" stars don't still make me giggle, though.

Mr. Marshmallow
06-20-2008, 10:09 AM
Wow, this poll is getting interesting. I was actually going to put Bloo and the Stench of success up there but....I forgot :-[ my bad. Either way, I am really glad to see quite a bit of activity on this poll. I'm not too surprised though at which episodes are among the highest voted bad ones.

I actually am all for episodes where characters get a little "roughed up". There was an Animaniacs episode with Rita and Runt, where Rita spent the whole episode being smashed, smushed, and crushed by a bred in captivity gorilla who thought she was her old kitty toy. I love Rita and Runt but still.....I found it funny.

I think the point of these episodes is to make suffering enjoyable and that it can be fun......but as I said with the 2 Fosters episodes that are the most voted upon, its those episodes I feel do NOTHING for the show but come off as heartless, cruel, and mean spirited kick in the Johnsons for those characters.

These are the kind of episodes you do NOT do. I seriously see nothing of positive value about spending all that time, money, and writing to make 30 minutes of torture for one character. I mean when you think about it, it sounds kind of cruel to go out of your way to make an episode that ends up repetitively screwing over one character.

Another Mac episode I felt truly bad for was "One false movie". Mac got really bashed by Bloo with selling all his childhood toys for a stupid movie Mac didn't even want and Bloo ended up guilt tripping him into making more and selling more.

06-21-2008, 07:14 PM
I voted for Frankie in "Imposter's" but I always felt that Mac got it pretty bad in "Foster's goes to Europe". Getting blamed for something that wasn't his fault by his friends was pretty rough, if you ask me.

06-24-2008, 03:49 AM
I voted for Mac in "I Only Have Surprise for You". It hurt me even more than Wilt in "Where There's a Wilt,m There's a Way".

it's hot in topeka
07-09-2009, 11:14 AM
I would choose frankie because at first nobody believed her and at last it turns out that goofball is an imaginary friend "how embarrasing"
:frankiemad: 8D

07-24-2009, 09:39 AM
I voted frankie in imposters home for make em up pals.

Also, frankie also had the worst in:

Nightmare on Wilson way. :blossom:

The Bloo Superdude and The Creator of Everything's Fun ceremony that hes not invited to. Frankensense.

Something old, something bloo. Performing in the retirement centre.

I have posted this already in the discussion thread for frankie but im just telling you what I voted for and some more frankie worst scenes. :eek:

Major Abbey
07-31-2009, 08:32 AM
I voted for Frankie in "Imposters".

Also, and I'm not sure if I'm alone in this, but I thought Mr Herriman had a worse time in "Who let the dogs in" than he did in "World Wide Wabbit". At least at the end of "World Wide Wabbit", he was okay with it; in "Who let the dogs in", he was terrified for his life to such an extent he became a nervous wreck, and this was for most of the episode.

Mr. Marshmallow
08-09-2009, 09:59 AM
Except Mr. Herriman has a phobia of dogs and being scared isn't as bad as being totally humiliated. Much like Frankie in "Imposters" which I STILL feel was the most painful of low blows to any character, though possible not as low as what Bloo barbarically did to Mac in "Surprise". Making a child terrified of his own birthday is pretty scummy.

But anyways, Herriman was totally embarrassed by that video because it not only disgraced him, but he also felt violated because it was a private moment between him and his creator. Plus Herriman is a very dignified person and unlike other inhabitants of Fosters, humiliation comes down much harder on him because of his pride upstanding nature. Least that's what I think anyway.

Major Abbey
09-09-2009, 01:12 PM
You make a good point; at least no one was laughing at him in "Who let the dogs in". But to be honest, I think it depends on what you mean by "had it worst". If we're going by how humiliated they were, then "World Wide Wabbit" would be worse. I guess watching Herriman in "Who let the dogs in" reminded me a lot of the way I am around dogs; and that isn't a nice experience, trust me. I think they're both bad experiences, just indifferent ways.

Still, neither is really as bad as what Frankie and Mac went through in the episodes you mentioned.

08-11-2010, 06:07 PM
Pinecone Cola from "Crime After Crime". I think this was the only episode of the entire series that he had lines, and he ran away crying after being harshly discriminated.

08-11-2010, 09:31 PM
I feel Mac really got Punked

10-28-2012, 10:31 PM
Definitely Frankie. :'(

No thanks to that little jerk wad Goofball! :edmad:

11-23-2016, 12:01 PM
Yeah, definitely Mac. Poor kid. :macwor: